Chapter 17 (b) - Side Story (YoonMin)

A Complicated Regard

The rain laden clouds rolled past the trees of the neighborhood. The green trees swayed in the icy wind and along with it, carried stray leaves and petals to mark the oncoming of the harsher rains. The young, baby faced, eye fat retaining male of nineteen years looked out the window as he put on a jacket over his shirt and got ready to visit his sick boyfriend. Yes, people. HIS sick BOYFRIEND!

Now if you’re still curious about what happened and how the sly Min Yoongi got ill, allow me to recap things. Kiss. In. The. Rain. Enough said.

It was somehow intriguing and surprising why Jimin didn’t get the same illness but then again, Yoongi had been in the rain longer so any further mystery to this fact is nullified.

Jimin picked up his vibrating cell phone and on seeing the caller id, he blushed furiously because it read “Min Stupid”. He gave a quick thought on whether to change the name or not but dismissed it as quickly as the thought entered his mind. Nah!

“What?” he spat out, trying his level best not to express his nervousness in his voice.

A small chuckle was the answer and this was enough to irk every nerve in the younger’s body. “Hey babe,” the voice then spoke and waited for a reply from Jimin. The voice seemed lazy as ever but it had a trail of coarseness in it to indicate the sore throat that the person at the end of the phone was suffering from. And it goes without saying that Jimin was a blushing mess by then. But then again, he would never admit to that. (Oh Jimin, you tsundere, you!)

“Didn’t I tell you to shut up?” Jimin scolded, partly in worry and partly in annoyance. It made his heart ache to hear that his boyfriend (Jimin again blushed at this fact but details, details…) was trying so hard to speak even though his voice was barely audible just the previous day.

“Thanks for worrying about me, sweetie,” Min Yoongi just teased and let out another slap deserving chuckle which made Jimin’s left eye twitch. “But seriously, Jiminnie,” he whined, his voice turning all low and sonorous. Damn that bloody cold! “When are you getting here? I’m getting bored!”

Jimin rolled his eyes and walked out of his room, carefully closing the door behind him. “I was just getting my jacket,” he said and walked down the stairs, heading out to the main door. Yoongi chose that exact sentence to use to his advantage yet again. “Why do you need a jacket, babe? You’re gonna take it off once you’re here.”

The younger stopped dead in his tracks and felt his face heat up abnormally quick.

Yoongi continued his monologue after a pause. He knew that the desired effect was attained. Nevertheless, he continued in a very monotonous and flat tone, “I mean mom left the heater on before she left and she told me not to turn it off lest I want to get worse. So my whole house is pretty hot right now.” It was times like these that Jimin wanted to use his pretty little hands to wrap around the elder’s neck and strangle the life out of him.

Jimin gritted his teeth, not in anger but in embarrassment. Let’s just say that the double meaning in Yoongi’s words made him come up with weird thoughts.

Understanding the silence and seizing the opportunity once again, Yoongi continued to attack him until he got a K.O. “Omo, Jiminnie. Don’t tell me that you were thinking about something else. You’re a little ert, aren’t you?”

Fighting down the obvious blush, Jimin answered. “Yah, Min Yoongi. If you don’t stop this nonsense, I won’t come over and I’m hanging up right this instant.”

A melodious laugh (followed by a serious of deadly, life threatening coughs) reverberated through the phone and the elder apologized. “Well played, Park Jimin. Now just get your here and give me company. I’m bored.” Jimin scoffed and hung up the phone. Why did he like this hat in the first place?



“Are you going out?” Jimin’s mother asked from the living room, on overhearing his son talk to someone on the phone. Jimin was about to answer a simple yes when he got to take a look at his mother’s face – her expression. She had this knowing smirk dancing upon the corners of her lips, her eyes glinted with dark mischief and her dark strands of hair fell to her face, covering her mischievously squinted eyes, making it look like she knew the deep dark secrets of the universe and she wasn’t sharing it with anyone under any condition.

Unsure anymore of how to even reply, Jimin stuttered out a nervous “Yes” with an audible gulp.

“Are you meeting Yoongi?” the mother asked. The button to unleash Jimin’s red face was pressed and thus, the reddening commenced. “Why do you ask?” Jimin asked, treading carefully about the question. He knew that mothers had this extraordinary sixth sense of knowing everything and right now, he was hoping that his mother would not use her strange spidey senses on him.

“Oh no particular reason, my beloved son,” she faked a bright smile. It was way too glimmering for anyone to not see the faux emotion. “I mean he is ill after that whole thing under the rain so yeah, you really should visit him. It was partly your fault, wasn’t it?”

Jimin’s eyes widened wider than an owl’s at the realization that his mother knew everything. How on earth did she know about that? Gosh, mothers and their ability to see through people like transparent glass.

“Just be careful, honey,” she said all of a sudden, derailing Jimin’s shocked train of thoughts. The surprise on his face slowly diminished. “You’re a responsible person. You know what I mean,” his mom advised with a loving gaze on her beautiful face. She walked over to her son and cupped his cheeks with both her hands. And even though Jimin wasn’t the tallest person in his age group, he was grateful that he was taller than his mother at least.

Jimin knew he had to say something after such a sweet advice by his mother. And he was just about to do so when his mother chose to open her loud snappy mouth again. “Also, I’d suggest you save the after the third date.”





Yoongi would never admit this but he spent the whole time counting the seconds until the door knocked. His mother’s specific orders were to “STAY IN THE ROOM” and not to dare take a step out of the protected haven but hey, Jimin was more important than his silly cold. Yoongi cringed out of habit out of the realization of his thoughts. When on earth did he become so sappy?

Oh yeah, when I realized I was in love with Park Jimin. Yup! Min Yoongi, the laziest person in the world, renowned for his lethargy and languid behavior would go to the ends of the world for this one person, unquestioning and obediently. Move over Bruno Mars…


So when he heard the door bell ring, he opened it to find Jimin just outside, holding his phone in his hand, looking a little dazed and nervous. And he thought the sight adorable. But of course, being the ‘swag master’ that he was, he managed to keep all those tingling feelings bottled up until he could ‘release the kraken’ later on through his endless teasing towards the younger.


“Hey babe,” Yoongi wished with a sneaky grin. Jimin only replied with an annoyed glare but the elder could see that he was having a hard time keeping up that façade. “So nice of you to come after seventeen minutes and forty six seconds,” Yoongi slipped out suddenly without deliberate intention.

The confusion on Jimin’s face was evident. “Huh?”

Quickly covering up his small slip, he said a “nothing babe. Don’t worry your small head too much”. Jimin’s glare returned and he was about to walk away from the front porch but Yoongi was quicker – he pulled him inside and closed the door with a click.

“You know, you should stop glaring at your boyfriend. You look better with that eye blinding eye smile of yours,” he tried to compliment the younger. Jimin blushed even more and continued with his hollow threats. But the one thing that Yoongi noticed was that the intensity of his glare was toned down by the smallest amount. Baby steps, Yoongi, Baby steps.

Jimin noticed by then that the entire house was quite toasty considering how cold the weather outside was. If this heat keeps up Yoongi would get healed in no time and Yoongi and he could finally go on that date that the elder had promised under the rain that fateful day.

“Have you eaten anything, sweetie?” Yoongi asked and led him to the kitchen, letting go of the warmth of Jimin’s hand just for a second. He didn’t want to piss off the younger anymore (as astonishing as that sounds). You couldn’t blame him though. He was home alone and unless he did some pleading to the extreme, his boyfriend wouldn’t even be there at that moment.

The younger decided to ignore his quickening beating of his blasted heart upon hearing that single sentence. Damn it! Why did Yoongi’s voice have to sound so good even when he was sick?

“Of course I ate, stupid,” Jimin spat out. “It’s one o’clock in the afternoon!”

Yoongi simply replied with a smile. Jimin was just too cute with all that sassy, hard-to-get attitude. And this made the cheeky male want to annoy him even more. Because if he kept annoying him, he would incessantly continue to probe the shorter male’s mind. And the thought of him being in the shorter male’s mind was more than enough for him. For now…


Jimin, being a busy body who couldn’t stand staying put for even a few seconds, decided to keep himself busy by reading something while his companion took some rest to recover. The teasings from Yoongi didn’t recede but the younger knew that it was best to give in because even though Yoongi was the older one, he was much, much more annoying than the younger. A hard proven fact this was to the world that needed no further explanation…

“Jiminnieeee,” Yoongi whined to signify his boredom. “Go to sleep, you idiot,” Jimin answered, not even sparing a glance at his bored boyfriend. The younger was trying his best to seem cool in front of this ert. He knew the consequence of expressing his nervousness. That blasted Min Yoongi would take the ultimate advantage of this fact.

“I’m so bored! Entertain me,” Yoongi smirked and rolled on his bed. Jimin didn’t remember how but the elder had sneakily maneuvered them into his room by pulling him by the hand, complaining about how the cold was biting his ‘little toes’ and how he was too ‘swag’ to freeze to death. To all these complaints, Jimin had just one answer (besides blushing to eternity). “It’s not that cold, you idiot.”


“Sleep your boredom away,” Jimin answered, distracted by the interesting book in his hand. Yoongi took a peek at the cover of the book. “Advanced algebra”. Was Jimin serious?

Of course, Yoongi didn’t fail to notice that the younger’s cheeks had returned to the normal tone by then, albeit it being a little pinker than usual. During this time, the elder scanned and analyzed everything about the baby faced male who had stolen his heart away. Yoongi’s daring eyes inspected right from the jet black silk of hair of the younger to his concentrating eyes (which was focused on the book by the way) to his dark eyelashes. His eyes roamed to the smooth and full cheeks then to his delectable lips which were so plump it shamed Beyonce’s .

Screw Beyonce! My Jimin is so much better.

The small frame of Jimin’s body made Yoongi recall the saying “best things come in small packages”. The elder smiled genuinely as he completed his daily scrutinizing session of his boyfriend. Not that he would say it out loud but Min Yoongi would always inspect and stare at Jimin even before they even realized their feelings for each other. And that was kind of cute; in a very creepy ‘stalker-y’ way.


“Jimin,” Yoongi called again, fully aware that the younger would do everything but ignore him. It was a given and Yoongi didn’t even mind one bit. Because if the denser one continued to ignore him, it made him vulnerable to the small surprises that Yoongi’s creative (manipulative or rather, ‘persuasive’) mind had in store.




The hard working perfectionist tried his level best to ignore his bored boyfriend for two sole reasons. One: he was too embarrassed to turn to him and pay him any attention even though he was indeed his boyfriend. And two: he sort of liked annoying the ‘snow white’ hyung and he was quite pleased to know that Min Yoongi was being a whiny about things. But his plans to remain calm and sassy vanished like naphthalene balls on being heated when he felt the warmth of another person right in front of him. Choosing and regretting his decision to look up and meet the eyes of the other occupant in the toasty room, Jimin’s whole respiratory system and other bodily functions decided to abandon him and lose all hope.



“Hi,” Yoongi smirked cheekily and pushed the book down to Jimin’s lap. He was aware of the younger's momentary freezing session right before him. Regardless of this fact, he continued to stare deep into his boyfriend’s chocolate eyes, unfailing in his resolve to tease the younger in such a way that the husky voiced male comprehended the depth of his fondness for him.

Still gazing into those heavenly orbs, Yoongi mentally coaxed his arms to rest on either side of the arms of the chair on which Jimin was sitting in, and leaned in, successfully trapping the younger from making any escape. Not that Jimin would. Scratch that, he probably would.

Jimin, unable to make any plausible reaction upon realizing that he was hopelessly trapped in Yoongi’s ‘clutches’, leaned back till his back pushed uncomfortably against the back rest of the chair. A loud gulp reverberated from the pinned male as the silent staring contest of utter intensity continued.

“Park Jimin,” Yoongi whispered, leaning in closer to Jimin’s face. It was no joke that the elder was suffering from fever. Jimin could feel the unanticipated warmth of Yoongi’s normally cool body.

“I don’t think I have ever told you this,” he whispered and placed his warm lips on Jimin’s plump ones, earning a small squeak from the receiver. Yoongi pulled away and returned to staring into Jimin’s wide unclosing eyes. “But I love you. I really do. I don’t know how but I do.” The elder bravely leaned in to steal another kiss from the younger’s pink lips which left Jimin flabbergasted.



OH MY GOD! His mind mentally screamed. HE LOVES ME! HE JUST SAID HE LOVES ME!

Truthfully speaking, Jimin’s heart did a little funny dance behind his chest. His stomach rolled as if there were elephants marching in his intestines and his lips, upon coming into contact with the easy going male tingled as little sparks of electricity zapped teasingly. But he couldn’t say that out. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to. He just couldn’t say it out. He was not as straight forward nor was he very fluent with speaking his mind like the elder male who was dominating him currently, showering with very tantalizing kisses.

Becoming bolder, Yoongi’s enticing kisses turned steamier and more intense by the second. It was no longer small pecks and teasing contacts. Rather, the hormones and emotions took over and Yoongi couldn’t help but lean in even deeper, pushing and coaxing Jimin’s hot cavern open. And Jimin, unable to react rationally but clearly enjoying every second of the contact that he was making with his hyung, consented to Yoongi’s silent but desperate pleas and opened his lips, making way for the elder to probe into his mouth. Relaxing a little after a momentary tongue battle, Yoongi nibbled on Jimin’s lower lip, which swelled even more from being kissed a little too passionately. Jimin’s breath hitched at the gnawing action but that was all the reaction that came from him. Heck, he didn’t even remember closing his eyes to take in the full pleasure.


Leaving Jimin’s delectable lips, Yoongi shifted his lips to the corner of the younger’s unhinged mouth and slowly towards his sharp jaw line, making the receiver of the kisses moan ever so meekly. The alluring association of Yoongi’s lips to Jimin’s skin trailed further towards the latter’s neck, which resulted in the latter letting out a husky whimper.


“Hyung,” Jimin finally whispered out, his lips dried out from the loss of contact and his voice raspy from all the and whimpering.

That hit the weak spot. Yoongi almost crumbled to hear the younger call him that. It was the first time that Jimin had called him “hyung”. In truth, he liked it when he was addressed as “Yoongi” by the younger. For heaven’s sake, even “idiot” and “stupid” was more than fine. But NOooo! The husky voiced cutie had to whisper out “hyung” so lovingly, and in a very desperate tone. That too, right in the middle of the make out session! And this made Yoongi want to do not very innocent things to Jimin.

However, deciding not to push his luck, Yoongi receded his dangerous kisses and resorted to resting on to Jimin’s exposed neck. It took all his strength not to pounce on the younger right then and there. He didn’t mean to sound like a ert. He just couldn’t seem to keep his emotions in check when he was with the baby faced male.

Breathing in the younger’s scent, Yoongi leaned his forehead on Jimin’s shoulder, finally loosening his tight grip on the arms of the chair from which he was taking support. He hummed out a low, resonant “hmm” and continued to listen to what the younger had to say. Judging by the unsteady and constant hitching in the breath, it was observable that the younger had lost himself in the kisses too.


But Jimin didn’t say anything. He was simply too surprised by his own reactions and too overwhelmed to continue his discourse.


Realizing that the younger wouldn’t take the first step, Yoongi wheedled him.

“I love you,” he repeated. He wasn’t aware of the consequence it had on the listener, the one who was too engulfed with his own emotions.


A sharp intake of breath was taken by Jimin and he finally forced himself to release the bottled words which he had been pushing down ever since that blasted mistaken kiss.

“I hate you!”

Yoongi closed his eyes. But a small smile ghosted on his lips, the enticing scent of Jimin still filling up his sense of smell.


Jimin’s mouth relentlessly spewed unintended crap, but he hoped desperately that the unnervingly warm Yoongi misunderstand.

“I hate the way you make me feel,” he heard himself say. No, I don’t.

“I hate the way my stupid little heart begins thundering whenever you are near me. I hate the way my stomach does unnecessary somersaults when you talk to me. The way you taint my very name whenever you call me irks every nerve in my living body and I most definitely loathe the way my body reacts when your lips come into contact with mine.”

Shut the up, Park Jimin, his consciousness yelled at him but it was too late. What was said couldn’t be revoked.


Jimin closed his eyes, anticipating and waiting for the elder to slowly back away from him – to slowly fade away from his life. But the scenario never took place because Yoongi never lifted his head from his shoulder.  Instead, the elder’s head shifted position and his breath ghosted on Jimin’s neck once again, making all hair on Jimin’s hands stand.

“I love you too,” Yoongi simply smiled.


Jimin bit his lips to muffle a choke and looked up at the ceiling. Yoongi was just so annoying at times because he always seemed to understand exactly what was on his mind. But he would suppose that was why he ‘hated’ him more. After all, ‘hate’ and ‘love’ were both four lettered words.




Author's Note:

Well, things got a little steamy... Muehehehehehe

I got kinda weirded out with myself for writing that make out session. I am innocent, I tell you! INNOCENT! (NOT)


YoonMin will be the death of me <3 I just love these dorks.


Also, a little note... I got word of a rumour about people bashing our dear Min Suga for some 'stuff'. Like seriously? And you call yourself 'fans'? These haters... I seriously am quite disappointed to the haters. We fans are supposed to support out idols no matter what. So whatever the case, I support BTS to the fullest. No matter what the odds are. Furthermore, please don't listen to uncomfirmed that any 'source' claims in the internet. You can't believe any news there is up there.


Anyhoo, thanks for reading. If you liked reading this as much as I loved writing it, please press that little upvote button. Leave a comment while you're at it (pretty please?) because it encourages us to write better...



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oh my lo... I... wow. This got featured. And I found out only today ^_^" This is late but thank you guys so much for everything...


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Chapter 21: love how the story turned out. love how you wrote the story. love the ending, love the characters, basically LOVE EVERYTHING♡♡
thank you for writing such a nice story for us, author-nim.
♡♡ V KOOK ♡♡
Jimin_Got_No_Jams #2
Chapter 22: :,) I love this fanfic so much faaaaaaaaaaam <3
Chapter 22: I'M CRYING WATERFALLS OF TEARS. The ending broke my heart but mended it at the same time. I want to hug the day out of you for making such ending, but also punch something very hard. It's crazy!
I find this story exceptionally beautiful. Every chapter made me go insane and I enjoyed every second of it. This is seriously great story, I'm glad I was able to experience such journey with Taehyung, Jungkook, Jimin, Yoongi, Seokjin, Namjoon, Hoseok, and Sangwon. Thank you. Thank you do much TT
Chapter 21: Oh look. I'm choking on my misery. How unusual of me to get such a reaction after reading any chapter of yours mentioning taekook! How nice! Haha
I feel emotional fatigue right now. This story has such an effect on me.
And I love it so much.
Chapter 20: Aww, what a lovely chapter! It almost made me forget about taekook's tragedy ^_^ Hoseok and Yano are like two small kids haha And it's very cute! Maybe if they were to fall for each other earlier, it would save Hoseok from being heartbroken. But maybe Hoseok had to experience it? Fate planned for Hoseok such road? Who knows~
Chapter 19: And I love them! So so much *_* Yoonmin was my first ship in BTS - I'm the longest with them and so I have the biggest sentiment for them. And I want only happiness for them. So: thank you. Thank you so so much for the fluff T^T
Chapter 18: Is this the same story? Jin and Namjoon's relationship seems to be happening in a super different world. And yet, they're just next to Taehyung and Jungkook's tragedy. Woah. The realisation made me speechless...
Chapter 17: I should have prepared some tissues in advance... What this fanfiction is doing with meh ;; But now, I'm full of hope. Everything can happen now. Jungkook can either die, or get healed. I hope that everything will be alright will him in the end. I hope that since 16 chapters tho XD And I won't stop!
Chapter 16: Namjoon makes my heart melt. He's just so obliviously adorable it's amazing. But I'm glad he asked Jin out. They look like such a perfect couple, don't they? <3
Thank you. Thank you author for letting Jimin act impulsive. Thank you Jimin for admitting your feelings. Thank you Yoongi for not pushing Chimchim away. From the bottom of my heart, thank you all TT
It's so good that Hoseok is feeling much better. It's mostly Yano's work, and God bless him for being the best friend of Hobi ever!
And please forgive me skipping vkook, but they still make me want to sob. :(((
Chapter 15: The happiness wasn't enough T^T I am crying and sobbing so much right now
I'M DYINGGGG Kookie died in a bus accident? And Tae was almost a part of it? My heart broke so much when Kookie noticed Tae, and then went into the bus. And few minutes later, he died. My, my hearteu is, oh my Gosh.
Now, I'm back with being scared of reading next chapters T^T