Chapter 14 - Regained Fragments

A Complicated Regard

Taehyung’s senses perked up alarmingly to hear Hoseok’s voice right along with the soft purring of the thunder. He controlled a surprised gasp and looked like a frightened deer in headlights. Jungkook quickly jumped away from in front of Taehyung and turned towards the low voice of the speaker.

“Hyung,” Taehyung said slowly, and tried to stand up. But the raven haired male stopped him and began to speak.

“You’re an ,” he said bluntly. And Taehyung would definitely be lying if he said that the name calling didn’t hurt him.

“You know how much I love you. And yet, you go off falling in love with another person when I have given you my whole heart. That was incredibly stupid and selfish and greedy of you, Taehyung.”

Taehyung listened quietly, his eyes never wavering from the speaker’s face. Only then did he truly notice Hoseok. How every little crinkle around his eyes scrunched up even more when he spoke. How the elder spoke with all his emotions (this was prevalent from his wiggling eyebrows) and how his lips parted all the way with expression. And Taehyung had to admit, it was charming. Not many people spoke so freely like that. Not many people were as expressive as Hoseok. And truth be told, not many people were as handsome as Hoseok.

Taehyung let out a small expression of realization, invisible to both Hoseok and the floating ghost beside them. He realized that Hoseok was indeed perfect.


But perfection was not cut out for him.


“I’m sorry,” Taehyung finally said after Hoseok completed the long speech which, honestly speaking, Taehyung didn’t want to listen because it was only mentally hurting him. Call him a weakling and a coward but that was what he was.


Hoseok knew he shouldn’t be feeling sorry for Taehyung but he couldn’t help it. What can he say? He still had a soft spot for that wonderfully adorable boy with the charming attitude and the fluorescent hair. So he spoke these next few words.

“I know you are, Taehyung,” he said, his features immediately softening to see Taehyung’s frown. “But you couldn’t help it, could you?” He recalled the exact same events which happened to him - of how he actually fell in love with Taehyung. It wasn’t voluntary. It just happened.

Taehyung looked at Hoseok and agreed that he couldn’t. And Jungkook had no idea why but he flushed right at the spot.


“You’re a jerk, Kim Taehyung. And I don’t want to talk to you again ever,” Hoseok said and decided to end his speech that way. Sangwon had actually instructed Hoseok to be extremely cruel hearted and even go to the extent of using profanities to let out his anger, or to punch his guts out but he couldn’t find himself to do it. Like mentioned before, he still had that damned soft spot for the male.  And it wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair at all.






“You little !” Jin hissed out and stomped up to where the honey blonde and the ivory haired were standing. And like Namjoon were a thin and lean bean bag, he yanked him right to his side and protectively wrapped his arms around his waist.

“What the is ing wrong with you?” Jin screeched out. But he wasn’t talking to Youngjae. He looked fiercely at his boyfriend, who in turn, currently, looked like a caveman lost in the current civilization. “You allowed the brat to kiss you? What the hell is wrong with you?”

Namjoon couldn’t even get the chance to answer because he was too dumbfounded at Jin’s fury. Also, he was scared to death at the moment. That, and well, Jin didn’t give him time. Because by the time Namjoon got the chance to even gulp, Jin began barking at Youngjae.

“And you little piece of !” his voice bubbled with anger. His face warped into a ferocious state which depicted no indication of the previously sweet and loving Seokjin that everyone knew. “Didn’t I precisely tell you to stay the hell away from him?”

Youngjae simply rolled his eyes, concealing very well the fact that he was a little bit intimidated by this side of Seokjin. Then he opened that annoyingly smug mouth of his. “He isn’t yours to claim.”

And that was it. Jin, being too hot headed to even consider what would happen to his reputation of being the ideal mother, threw a fist at Youngjae’s face, making the latter stumble back in utter surprise. Utter chaos followed after this and honestly speaking, not even Namjoon could comprehend what was going on.




The fight finally subsided after ten minutes after Namjoon managed to pull Jin away from it. Jin was practically lashing and flailing his arms around even after the president pulled him apart but that didn’t stop Namjoon from breaking up the fight. The younger of the two dragged Jin out of the student council room and made him sit down on the floor, leaning against the cold mahogany door.

“Hyung!” Namjoon called out and held him by his shoulders. But Jin wasn’t listening. He kept on swearing that he would kill Youngjae. And judging by the wild look in his eyes, and the way his hair stood up on its ends, as if wrecked by a tornado, and his busted lip and the scratches on his face, that declaration could very well become a reality.

“Kim Seokjin, that’s enough!” Namjoon finally shouted out in his booming voice and shook him twice. And that snapped him out of his warrior trance.

 Jin realized the gravity of his actions and his violent features immediately vanished from his pretty face. It was replaced by shock and shame.

“That’s enough,” Namjoon softened his grip on Jin’s shoulders and gave him a warm smile, assuring him that everything was fine. And if you looked carefully, that smile looked like that of a person who was proud.

The ivory haired president leaned in close to Jin’s face and placed a soft peck on his lips with his very own plump ones. Only then did Jin realize that his lips hurt on the contact; his whole face hurt, in fact. He made a little squeak when Namjoon pulled away; either because of the loss of contact or because of the pain, neither one knew.

“I’m sorry,” Jin whispered his apology and closed his eyes, ashamed of his actions.


But Namjoon said nothing on it. He simply smiled and allowed his hand to involuntarily fiddle with Jin’s maroon hair. He smoothed each and every strand slowly, with the utmost care, until they all fell back to its original place. After this, he caressed Jin’s baby smooth cheeks, his soft fingers tingling and sending flickers of delight to the elder’s body. And truth be told, the pain all but remained.


“You got into a fight for me,” Namjoon finally whispered and leaned in and placed his forehead on Jin’s. “You actually fought for me,” he repeated and chuckled lightly. His eyes remained closed but he could see how beautiful Jin looked; even though his right eye was slowly turning the color of iodine right then and there.

Jin flushed fitfully and refused to say anything. He pouted instead.

“I’m sorry I didn’t notice his advances earlier,” Namjoon continued and slowly opened his eyes. The two males’ gazes met but honestly speaking, they couldn’t see anything because everything seemed fuzzy and blurry because of the intimate closeness. But then again, that didn’t matter. “You’re so dense,” Jin said, halfway about to cry. He had no idea why though.

“I am. I know I am,” Namjoon said and his smile broke out once again. “But you are too. You shouldn’t have gotten into that fight. Because you know that my choice will always be you. I didn’t even notice him, you know that right?”


Jin’s blush and heating face could be felt by Namjoon too but they both said nothing. Instead, he just rolled his eyes and when he felt Namjoon leaned in again for another kiss, he allowed it. They didn’t have a clue on how they would be explaining to the other students on how Jin, the school’s most lovable person, got a black eye and a busted lip and bruises all over his body but that didn’t matter. Because Love was definitely stupid for the both of them; and honestly, they preferred it that way.







Yoongi stared at the black haired, slit eyed boy with the adorable eye smile from across the library. Yeah, he was definitely studying his brains out. For what, no one knew, but he was just studying.

Such a geek, Yoongi smiled as his gaze refused to break even when Jimin yawned out lazily. He watched Jimin’s every move, from his blinking his eyes to his stretching to drive away the exhaust and tiredness away. So adorable.


Jimin rubbed the back of his neck as he finally closed his last book. Ah, the fruits of studying. You could get the mental pleasure of… well, whatever you get by studying. He sighed out in contentment because of two reasons. One, he had completed a whole book on the history of Egypt (exactly why, Jimin?) and two, he didn’t see that annoying Yoongi today.

The small voice in his head suddenly spoke up. Why was Yoongi not around?

Jimin shook his head. No. He didn’t care and he wouldn’t.

But right at that time, his ever so sharp eyes had to catch sight of the very same fair skinned, brown haired, ever smirking faced male already making his way up towards his table.

Oh. God. No. Please, not at my table. Please, please, please. But, as obvious as it was, Fate/God/the gods/Buddha or whoever wasn’t listening.


“Hi kid,” Yoongi smirked and sat down right beside Jimin. And as if on cue, a rumble of thunder rolled past across the cloud laden sky from outside to signify Jimin’s dread. “Please go away,” Jimin growled. Yoongi obviously took no heed of the warning, and sat down right beside him, further provoking him. “What if I say no?”

Jimin groaned at the obnoxiousness of his not desired companion and stood up from his spot. Yoongi chuckled and pulled him down before he could even stand up straight.

“What the hell?” Jimin shouted out (in a whispered tone, because let’s all keep in mind that they’re in the library).

“Just stay here,” Yoongi said bluntly, turning to Jimin, his smirking and cocky features diminished completely. His hand still held the younger’s arm tightly and honestly speaking the grip was nowhere near loosening. “I need to speak to you.”

Jimin gulped nervously. Yoongi was serious. And it gave him a strange feeling.

The younger felt his heart rate go up as his gaze fixed on Yoongi’s dark eyes, which were, in turn, fixated on his. He wanted to say something, anything – even a small whimper would do – but he couldn’t even manage that. Why couldn’t he do that? Because Yoongi was staring at him so deeply, with all the seriousness anyone could muster up, as if he was judging Jimin’s soul like Simon Cowell would one of the contestants of the X Factor.

Oh, how he loathed this.


“Dude, I’m not going to kill you,” Yoongi said, suddenly breaking out of his daze from staring into Jimin’s addictively attractive and twinkling eyes. Also, the frightened expression made him look all the more cuter. He finally loosened his grip on Jimin and faced straight forward, trying his best to not show his emotions for the younger. At least, not yet.

Yoongi laid his head down on the desk and mumbled to himself, scolding himself every second. “You idiot! Don’t scare him off.”


“Look,” Jimin said, very conspicuously hiding the fact that the little stare down in the library, at desk number 36, section 24-A made him nervous. “I need to go now. So I don’t have time for your games, Min Yoongi.” He didn’t bother adding a hyung because he thought the elder didn’t deserve it.

He continued like a little spoiled brat with the constant rolling of the eyes but he made no signs of leaving. Honestly, didn’t Jimin know that actions speak louder than words?

“You really need to stop bothering me. Or else I’ll have you arrested for stalking,” Jimin said, having all the idea in the world that he made no sense at all. But he couldn’t help himself. He needed to keep the conversation (or more precise, the ranting) mobile or else something awkward and heart thumping, very much like the last, even would very much fill the atmosphere again.


Yoongi chuckled even as his gaze never left the obviously nervous male beside him, fuming his way to glory. The kid was just too adorable. So tsundere like.

“And you’re so annoying,” Jimin continued incessantly, “It’s a stated fact. But why must you enforce this fact on me so much? I mean I can clearly see how irritating without you coming up to me and forcing…”

Yoongi shook his head, still amused at Jimin’s reactions and speech. And it wasn’t that he had had enough of the younger male’s ramblings but he had had enough of abstaining himself from not tasting those incredibly sweet lips. I mean come on, it had been days since he last came this close to Jimin.


However, on carefully debating that he would not want Jimin to freak out (too much) he settled for something lesser than a sudden kiss on his lips (which he normally did). He settled for a tiny peck on the left cheek of Jimin.

Now Jimin was well known for having outbursts of reactions. But when he felt Yoongi’s quick soft lips on his cheek, he could do anything but that. His long rambling came to a sudden stop after a tiny, not so manly whimper escaped from his lips. His eyes opened wide in astonishment and shock, and all his movements deadpanned. He just stared off into space at that point of time.

Pleased with the reaction, Yoongi leaned into Jimin’s ear and spoke softly.

“Park Jimin.” This sent shivers down the mentioned male’s spine and all hairs stood on its ends; as straight as rulers. “Stop playing hard to get and go out with me already.”

However, the shock got the better of Jimin and he turned to Yoongi like a rusted tin man. “What?” he squeaked out meekly, trying to comprehend what in Heaven’s name had just happened.

Yoongi explained in light, monotonous sentences but his eyes were serious. And it scared Jimin even though he couldn’t understand the ongoing matters. “I seem to have fallen for you. Hard. And I want to make you mine.”

Feeling a sort of panic rising from his chest to his head, he suddenly felt queasy because MIN YOONGI, HIS WORST NEMESIS, JUST SAID THAT HE HAD FALLEN FOR HIM! Short intakes of breaths followed once his mind caught up and his eyes wavered from the desk to Yoongi to the surroundings. And everything turned blurry.


Standing up abruptly, he stumbled out an “I have to go” and left without uttering another word. And to show how disheveled and out of his mind he was, he even forgot his bag pack at the table, leaving Yoongi to sigh casually and pick it up after he left. Guess he was going to be visiting Jimin at his house in the evening then…







“Cheer up, Hoseok,” Sangwon said, patting Hoseok’s back awkwardly. Hoseok was lying his head down on the table of his desk. His depression was clear to his best friend. But even though the best friend had no idea on how to cope up with the current situation, he provided him with the best he could.

Continuing to rub mindless circles onto the back of his best friend, Sangwon continued by saying that breaking up was the best thing that he could do. “Taehyung was cheating on you,” he said and quickly added, “Of sorts. I mean he didn’t say that he was dating anyone but still…”

Hoseok chortled a little out of no emotion and gave his own opinions. “Gosh, I am miserable. I miss him.” The admittance was completely irrelevant considering that it was obvious from the way he was behaving.

The younger contemplated for a second or so and stood up abruptly, much to the raven haired male and the other chattering students’ surprise. “ that,” he said, loud enough for a few of the students to hear. Hoseok allowed him to continue as he sat up straight by now.

“Come on, Hoseok,” Sangwon announced, not minding the couple of students who were staring at them by now. “Forget about that little brat. I’ll treat you to some ramen,” he said and grabbed his bag from his chair. Hoseok didn’t want to seem impressed because they still had classes. “We have classes still,” he stated blatantly.

Sangwon gave a twinkling smile which seemed mischievous and alluring. “So what?”

So what? Since when did Hoseok bother about classes? He was a genius, was he not? He never attended classes anyway before Taehyung and he became a couple. And now that they were officially over, why shouldn’t he revert back?

Hoseok rolled his eyes and let out his signature grin which was all toothy and bright. “Alright,” he said and stood up reluctantly. “But just this once. And it’s your treat.”

He couldn’t revert back. As much as he wanted to hate the orange haired male, he couldn’t help but admit that he did make him into a better person, academically, physically and mentally. And strangely, he was glad that he was the person he was today.






Jungkook continued to turn worriedly at his neon haired ‘boyfriend’. Hoseok hadn’t been that hard on Taehyung but he was admittedly a little harsh. So he couldn’t help but worry on seeing Taehyung’s blank face as the elder took down notes from the board the whole day, like the diligent student that he was.

A flash of lightning passed the dark skies and the ringing of the bell marked the beginning of recess. And while the students rushed out to the canteen to get their lunch, Taehyung took his own sweet time to pack up.

“Hyung?” Jungkook called out, his voice laced with worry and anxiety. “Are you sure you’re alright?”

Taehyung smiled a little and turned to the maroon head. “I’m fine, Kookie. I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about it,” he replied assuring the younger that he was really, honestly genuinely fine. He was a little caught up that Hoseok went to the extent of not wanting to see him anymore but he wasn’t blaming him.

Jungkook nodded his head cautiously and finally let out a small voiced “okay”.

The two headed out of the classroom slowly and passed through the halls of the chattering students. It was noisy and deafening but this all but marked the normalcy of a normal high school.


“Jungkook,” Taehyung called out without revealing any expression to the other students who might or might not be looking at him as he and his translucent friend walked past. Jungkook turned curiously at the elder and waited for him to continue.

Taehyung exhibited a small smile, only noticeable to Jungkook and whispered a surprise attack on Jungkook. “I really love you.”


Jungkook’s face turned the color of his hair, literally. He felt his heart skip a few beats (if he had a heart; but he liked to believe so. He was of the opinion that his non-existent heart beat for Taehyung alone) and he smiled shyly.

But thinking it best to reply with a cheeky answer to maintain the light atmosphere, Jungkook replied, “I should know. I’m your ghost of an angel.”

“Since when did you get so much confidence, Jungkook?” Taehyung smiled and made a turn down the corridor to make his way to the canteen. There, a group of girls gathered outside a classroom, talking. Their voices muddled in within the other people of the surroundings so Taehyung didn’t really pay much attention to it.

Jungkook on the other hand, had his curiosity piqued up.

“What do you think is going on?” the younger asked and floated ahead to where the girls were talking. Their expressions were a mixture of excitement, horror, distress and determination.

“Who knows?” Taehyung said, casually brushing off the topic. But he noticed one particular girl from the group and recognized her as a member of the fashion club of the school. So he shared his insight to the younger.

“The school has a fashion club?”Jungkook asked curiously and regressed back to Taehyung’s side. “Yeah. They’re really talented if I’m not mistaken. You should see the clothes that they come up with. They’re at the level of professionals. I heard from someone that the president the club was recruited by a national level brand or something,” the neon haired male replied and walked past the crowd.

“Oh,” Jungkook simply said. Why was he feeling a tugging pull in the pit of his stomach?


Jungkook decided to pay even more the slightest bit of attention to the conversation of the enthusiastic girls as they walked past. He couldn’t get much of what they were saying but one sentence meticulously stood out like a lone wolf in the middle of a flock of sheep.

“The fall collection of the Vintage Rose seemed very impressive as usual.”

Jungkook heard some follow ups of this statement and it was all in agreement until one voice negated it. But all the while, he couldn’t help but feel a familiarity at the name. Vintage Rose.

“The summer collection was definitely better. This fall’s collection didn’t quite reach the mark that was expected.”


“Wait,” Jungkook said out weakly, realizing the sudden familiarity of it all. Taehyung heard the meek demand and stopped as soon as he could.


Jungkook continued to listen to the conversation, aware but ignoring the clueless look on Taehyung’s face.

“I guess so. Still then, Jeon Haejung’s works never fail to impress.”




“Jungkook?” Taehyung called out softly and managed to reach him despite the crowd of girls around them. “Is something wrong?” he asked, noticing the frozen features of the ever flawless boy before him.


The former male’s mind whirred a thousand thoughts in a matter of seconds. He heard the elder asking if something was wrong but he was too pre-occupied with his thoughts to actually answer. But when his mind finally figured out what was happening, he turned to Taehyung and gave him the most plausible answer that he could manage at that moment.

A lot, and by ‘lot’, he meant a whole friggen LOT, of explanations were in order now.

“I remember,” he said almost breathless. Taehyung’s ears perked up in alarm to hear the younger male say that. “Jeon,” Jungkook continued, still out of breath, as if he ran a marathon. “That’s my surname. I’m Jeon Jungkook, Jeon Haejung’s only child.”







Hi guys... I'm really sorry for the lateness in my updates. No excuses in the world could explain how sorry I am. But I have some good news. I have a break from colleges for about seven days which means that I'll try to complete this story within that span of time. I'm incredibly sorry for making you wait this long. And please look forward to the next chapters...




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oh my lo... I... wow. This got featured. And I found out only today ^_^" This is late but thank you guys so much for everything...


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Chapter 21: love how the story turned out. love how you wrote the story. love the ending, love the characters, basically LOVE EVERYTHING♡♡
thank you for writing such a nice story for us, author-nim.
♡♡ V KOOK ♡♡
Jimin_Got_No_Jams #2
Chapter 22: :,) I love this fanfic so much faaaaaaaaaaam <3
Chapter 22: I'M CRYING WATERFALLS OF TEARS. The ending broke my heart but mended it at the same time. I want to hug the day out of you for making such ending, but also punch something very hard. It's crazy!
I find this story exceptionally beautiful. Every chapter made me go insane and I enjoyed every second of it. This is seriously great story, I'm glad I was able to experience such journey with Taehyung, Jungkook, Jimin, Yoongi, Seokjin, Namjoon, Hoseok, and Sangwon. Thank you. Thank you do much TT
Chapter 21: Oh look. I'm choking on my misery. How unusual of me to get such a reaction after reading any chapter of yours mentioning taekook! How nice! Haha
I feel emotional fatigue right now. This story has such an effect on me.
And I love it so much.
Chapter 20: Aww, what a lovely chapter! It almost made me forget about taekook's tragedy ^_^ Hoseok and Yano are like two small kids haha And it's very cute! Maybe if they were to fall for each other earlier, it would save Hoseok from being heartbroken. But maybe Hoseok had to experience it? Fate planned for Hoseok such road? Who knows~
Chapter 19: And I love them! So so much *_* Yoonmin was my first ship in BTS - I'm the longest with them and so I have the biggest sentiment for them. And I want only happiness for them. So: thank you. Thank you so so much for the fluff T^T
Chapter 18: Is this the same story? Jin and Namjoon's relationship seems to be happening in a super different world. And yet, they're just next to Taehyung and Jungkook's tragedy. Woah. The realisation made me speechless...
Chapter 17: I should have prepared some tissues in advance... What this fanfiction is doing with meh ;; But now, I'm full of hope. Everything can happen now. Jungkook can either die, or get healed. I hope that everything will be alright will him in the end. I hope that since 16 chapters tho XD And I won't stop!
Chapter 16: Namjoon makes my heart melt. He's just so obliviously adorable it's amazing. But I'm glad he asked Jin out. They look like such a perfect couple, don't they? <3
Thank you. Thank you author for letting Jimin act impulsive. Thank you Jimin for admitting your feelings. Thank you Yoongi for not pushing Chimchim away. From the bottom of my heart, thank you all TT
It's so good that Hoseok is feeling much better. It's mostly Yano's work, and God bless him for being the best friend of Hobi ever!
And please forgive me skipping vkook, but they still make me want to sob. :(((
Chapter 15: The happiness wasn't enough T^T I am crying and sobbing so much right now
I'M DYINGGGG Kookie died in a bus accident? And Tae was almost a part of it? My heart broke so much when Kookie noticed Tae, and then went into the bus. And few minutes later, he died. My, my hearteu is, oh my Gosh.
Now, I'm back with being scared of reading next chapters T^T