

Leo's P.O.V

   "It all came back, all of my memories, when I saw his face. They all came rushing back to me, overwhelming me, and I passed out. When I woke up I was alone in my bedroom and I knew where I had to go, after all we had gone here a lot when we were younger, before all of this happened, before you killed her...why did you do it?" I asked the all too familiar figure that was standing in front of me.

   "I knew this was coming, but that doesn't make it any easier," The man mumbled to himself, "I don't know if I can tell the secret that I've kept all of this time."

   "You don't really have a choice do you?" I sighed. He stared at me for what felt like forever. After a while, though, he closed his eyes and ran a hand through his dark hair.

   "I guess not...you deserve to know after all. It started when we were teenagers, when we first met. I saw the most beautiful man alive and I fell in love at first sight, I know how corny that sounds...but...it's true. I wanted to be close to him so I followed him for a couple of days. I didn't know at that time that he knew I was there, but after a few days he turned around and yelled to me 'Instead of following me around you could come walk with me'. I was so surprised that I ran away and hid at home for a few days. About three days went past before I saw him again. I was hiding in my room, like usual, when I heard something tap on my window. He was there. I lived on the second floor, so I had no idea how he got up to my window, I still don't. There weren't any trees near my window and he was just hanging from the ledge above my window. I ran over there, opened the window, and yelled at him. I said it was dangerous out there and he could die if he fell. He just laughed and swung himself into my window. Then he stuck out his hand and introduced himself. 'My name's Cha Hakyeon, what's yours?' He said to me. I just stared at him, not believing this guy at all. 'Well if you're not going to tell me your name at least shake my hand. It isn't polite to refuse a hand shake!' He smiled. My arm seemed to move on it's own over to his. He clasped my hand and shook it will all of his strength. I felt myself falling even harder for him. I wanted to stay by his side, so we became friends. That evening he brought me here, to meet you. Do you remember?" He asked.

   "Of course, I could never forget." I smiled, but it fell as soon as he started talking again.

   "I spent all of my free time with him, hoping that he would notice the hints I was dropping about my feelings, but he either didn't pick up on them or didn't feel the same way. Either way I stayed by his side, I couldn't live without him. One day while I was laying in my bed I decided I was going to tell him my feelings. I ran out of my house all the way to this place, this very room. But when I got here, he wasn't alone. He had met a girl, she was gorgeous, and fell deeply in love with her. Right here, right where we stand, they were embraced. Neither or them saw me, and I couldn't tell him after I saw what I saw. I ran home and locked myself in my room and  I cried until I fell asleep. I stopped talking to Hakyeon after that and...honestly...he didn't seem to care or even notice. Years went by and I forgot about him, that is until I recieved a letter in the mail. It was an invitation to come to his house. I figured it was a catching up party, as it didn't say what the party was for on the invitation. I missed you guys, so I decided to go. It wasn't until I got to the party that I found out he proposed to her. It hurt, when I found out. It hurt so much that I became physically sick. I ran to the bathroom and stayed there until I heard people start to leave. I walked out of that room and heard someone talking. I followed the voice to the study. Hakyeon's fiance was there talking on the phone with someone. I can tell you exactly what she was saying word for word, it's something I'll never be able to forget. 'He's so stupid and needy!' she said and I felt sick again 'I can't wait until we're married, though. When we're married I'll be the beneficiary when he dies. Yeah I got the arsenic you sent. No one will ever figure it out, after all it'll look like a natural death.'. When I heard her say that I couldn't stop myself I ran in there and started yelling at her. She was startled at first, but then she started hitting me and trying to grab my neck to strangle me...so I pushed her away. Everything went in slow motion as she fell. I didn't mean to kill her. She wasn't supposed to hit her head on the table. I didn't mean to hurt-..." His voice cracked and he began crying. I took a minute to let all of this sink in.

   "It was an accident! I'm so sorry." He sobbed and fell to his knees. I kneeled down next to him and hugged him.

   "It wasn't your fault." I whispered, his cries got louder and louder.

   "Please don't tell him! He'll hate me! Please." He cried. I stood up and shook my head.

   "I'm sorry, but I have to tell him, he needs to know what really happened." I said as I turned and began walking out of the room.

   "Wait!" He cried out, "Please wait just a minute." I let my hand fall of the door handle and turned to him.

   "Nothing you say will change my mi-" I was interrupted by a sharp pain in my stomach. I looked down to see the handle of a knife sticking out of my abdomen. I started to fall, but he caught me and gently guided me to my knees.

   "Sorry," he whispered, "I'm so so so sorry. I know you won't forgive me, but as you said...I didn't really have a choice. He can never know what I did, even if that means killing everyone who does know. Even if it means killing myself...I'm sorry." He pulled the knife from my gut and positioned it over his heart.

   "Stop!" The doors flew open and Hyuk and Ravi came running in. Hyuk grabbed the knife and threw it across the room then tackled the man before he could get the knife back.

   "Wonshik." I whispered before falling over. He came running to my side.

   "What happened? Oh my god you're bleeding!" Wonshik took my hands and pressed them on the wound. "Put as much pressure there as you can okay?"

   "Okay." I mumbled using all of my strength to block the bleeding. Wonshik slipped his arms under my legs and back and picked me up. As he turned us around I saw him. Hakyeon was standing in the doorway, surprise etched onto his face. As we passed I heard him whisper.

   "She wanted to kill me...she wanted to kill me..." He looked at me and tears began running down his face. "I'm so sorry...I should have trusted you."

   "It's okay, I forgive you" I whispered ",but can you forgive him." Hakyeon looked back into the room.

   "He saved me...there isn't anything to forgive." I smiled before passing out yet again.

A/N Sorry about being a day late...here's a super eventful and long chapter so please forgive me! Anyway this story is coming to an end so I bet you thought I'd say who did it, but I know there is still more to explain so I decided to leave that for the last chapter mwahahaha~

I seriously love this story even though it's my first ever fanfic so it isn't written out to well...(That's the excuse I'm going with anyway...)

Anyway comments are much appreciated so go ahead and write somethin'~ Hope you guys have a great day(I'm not, I've been sick since Saturday TT^TT)  and please forgive any spelling or gramatical mistakes again(I'm not supposed to use the laptop when I'm sick, but I felt so bad about not updating yesterday so I'm hiding in my closet to type this...)

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hansichul #1
I really enjoyed reading your story
hansichul #2
Chapter 14: I really cannot believe that this is your first time writting the story was so good
Chapter 14: This was great! It was interesting! And I was really left hanging 'till the revelation!. Though, it's kind of a rushed ending, I'm still happy 'coz it's WonTaek! :)))
SaraYun #4
Chapter 14: It's really a good story !!! :)
BBC4Life17 #5
Chapter 14: Awww cute ending :D
good luck with rewriting it c:
omg I fell in love with this fic.
the characterization is on point and I simply just like your writing style.
I actually hope you would write another wontaek fic, I'll always wait for that day to come :")
and really thank you for writing this story, author-nim... wish you a great day ^^
BBC4Life17 #7
Chapter 13: I thought you forgot about this lmao
I'm happy taekwoon and wonsik are finally together :D
Haha your mom is so cute making s'mores for you to make you feel better xD
Good luck c:
onlyread #8
Chapter 12: ahahahahha what!? This chapter was in a way funny lol, (Taekwoon WTH?) Poor ravi anyway T3T