
"Saguaaaaaaa" whines as soon as I came home and was welcomed by my white pomeranian puppy whom I craddle in my arms.

"I had a really really bad day, cheer me up, hm?" I gently scratch a spot behind her ear and she barks at me while wagging her tail excitedly and all over my face, chuckles as I settle her down

"Aigoo, gomawo" smiles and crouch down to pat her head.


It has been already an hour but here I am, going thru my closet, looking for a dress that would fit for the party. For the past hour, I already tried the dress with ruffles but meh, I look so fat. Then there's this dress that barely covers my thighs, too..bare. And then the dress that had flowers on it was too girly.

"No, no, no and no" tosses them around and sagua on the other hand, had fun running around the pile of dress.

Digs thru the pile once again and finally chose a dress that was inbetween decent and scandalous. It was just perfect, it was the typical LBD, Little Black Dress.

The dress was just a few inches above my kness, the tube was just fine, not the type where my s bulges out and it was held in place. Traces my tattoo that laid on my left collarbone, smiles at my reflection and just left my hair a bit disheveled which was laying on my shoulders.

"Sagua, I got to go. Bye bye" pats her head and walks out my apartment while trying to contact Injoo.

The house was full of streamers and drinks were everywhere, music was booming and disco lights were only present at the moment. I watched Injoo as she danced with different guys and girls, cringes and rolls my eyes as I took a sip on my drink. Looks around the room which was packed with party people. I can barely see due to the minimal lights used plus, I actually have night blindness. Great, right?

"Injoo, Injoo-ah!" tries to call her out, wiggling thru this thick crowd, bumping from one person to another but it was impossible for her to hear me because of the loud music. Gives up and makes my way upstairs and out on the balcony, leans my hands on the stone railing and inhales ample of fresh air, trying to block out the noise with my eyes shut because it wouldn't make any differnce with my eyes open since I can't see at night.

"Hey" someone called out from behind, turns around and squints my eyes at him, trying to look at his face.

"Uh. Yeah?" this night blindness thing is really annoying, now I had to guess who this guy was with the help of the disco lights that peeks out from the house. I'm sure he's a guy and he's tall with uhm, brown hair but his voice is really familiar, I just can't figure out who he was until he stepped closer. 

"So, you came" I had to hold my breath when I finally saw his face, it was chen. Smiles at him as I lean on the railing and nods.

"Yep, Happy birthday" raises my cup at him and he did the same, my heart beats faster as he laugh, even though it was dark, I can tell how he exactly looks like when he's laughing. We chit-chatted for a few minutes, and this was waaaaay better than partying inside. Our badinage convo went on 'til I put away my cup and confronts him.

"Uhm so, did Kai say something unusual to you?" I closed my sweaty palms as I bring up the topic, he bit his lowerlip as if he was trying to remember something then shakes his head.

"Other than greeting me and telling me he was on his way here, no" I literally heaved a sigh of relief then he searches for my eyes with a mischievous grin on his face

"Why? You like him?" he nudges me by my side playfully and I shook my head in return.

I like you, not him. I had the urge to tell him but held back.

"Who's liking who?" Kai suddenly appeared beside chen, I jolted a bit as I saw him.

"How long were you standing there? Geez" rolls my eyes at him

"Not long" he simply shrugged and the next thing I knew, Chen left me with this creep. It send chills down my spine when he called me out.

"Yuko-ssi, sorry if I left earlier. Now, where were we? Ah, yeah. I'm not letting go of that easily" I could see his smirk on his face, groans as I turn my back on him,

"Why? Just forget it and don't you even dare tell chen" I glanced at him and he was just looking at me, tch, such a creep.

"Okay, I will. But" I turned to him, waiting for him to continue.

"But? But what?"

"You'll have to grant me a wish" He grinned as he took a sip on his drink, I clenched my jaw and would shove that red cup down his throat but I can't do that now or else I'll be charged with assault, right? Aish, why can't he just let this go? Jinjja.

"Mwo?" I narrow my eyes at him and he stares back at me.

"Be my slave"

"Hang on a sec" I waved him off and walks further to to the corner of the balcony and yelled out to the sky which will be censored then huffs out my anger, stress and everything else before going back to where he was and slowly put on a fake smile and pats his shoulder. I must stay calm and deal with this jerk.


"Okay?" he stares at me and I just beamed at him

"Just keep your promise and I'll do too, deal?" Stretches and holds out my hand for him to shake but instead, he smirked at me and leans his head beside mine

"Hmm. Just don't fall inlove with me" he straightens up and shook my hand then walks past by me, leaving me dumbfounded; trying to sink in on what he just said.

"Ah jinjja. Let's see about that, jerk."

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soooyeon #1
Chapter 13: whaat happened to hiiiiiimmm?! OMGGG cliff hanger XD LOLOL ilabyou for the update <3
soooyeon #2
Chapter 12: /reads again from the start

soooyeon #3

Lmao the foreword gets me laughing a bit actually xD Going to read it because Kim Jongdae as Mr. Right yes why the hell not <333
cinemon #5
Chapter 9: Love this chapter!!
Nichkhunieee #6
Chapter 6: This story is so cute ^_^ really!! You might want to right whose P.o.v it is when you decide to change it because it might get a little complicated and confusing ;)
cinemon #7
Chapter 5: Omg! I'll be so embarrassed if I was her!!! Lol
cinemon #8
Chapter 3: I really like this story!