
Friday Morning. The day wherein our prof let us visit our chosen Charity  Center.

All of the students were gathered in circles, according to our designated groups. Groups already started filing in their own car after they all completed their members, if not completed, the group won't be able to go at their chosen destinations. So, for my group, let see:

Chen - present

Dani - present

Yuko - present

Bambam - MIA

Kai - MIA

"It's almost 9, where are they?" groans as I look around the streets and sees a familiar figure running-slash-bouncing his way towards us with plastic bags in his hands

"HIIIIIIIIII I'M HEEEEEEEEREEE" bambam exclaimed and halts infront of us, slightly crouching down with his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath.

"What took you so long Bambam?" Chen asked as he took some of the plastic bags in bambam's hands

"I bought food" he grins after straightening up

"For the dogs?" Dani asked as she peeks into the plastic bags

"Ani, for us. I bought chocopie, Vitamin water, chips, dried mangoes, beef jerky, yogurts" and he went on and on, enumerating everything he bought, I can't help but laugh lightly at his cuteness

"Ya, why did you bought a lot? It's not like we'll be gone for days" I remarked as I pat his head which he, in return, just shrug and opens a pack of chocopie and we joined him as we continue to wait for Kai. Just where the heck is he? I'm pretty sure I also sent him a text message. Taps my foot impatiently and continuously checks the time on my phone.

"Where is he?" Dani finally broke the silence in the group and as if on cue, Kai came walking out from the university gates, yawning and stretching his arms

"Oh, you're all here" Kai said when he finally noticed us

"Ya! What took you so long? We've been waiting for you for already an hour" I started and throws empty packet of chocopie to his face

"Ya! What do you mean me? I've been here since 6 am. You're the one who's late" Kai presses his forefinger on my forehead to push me away from his way and walks towards bambam who was busy chewing on a beef jerky

"Yes, milk. I was starving" Kai pulls out a small pouch of milk and opens it, chugging it down. Seriously, this guy. I clearly said that all of us would meet up infront of the University gates. Then again, he never listens.

"Okay guys, kaja" Chen ushered us inside his car and we then took off to Incheon which was probably a 20-30 minutes drive. I was by the window, situated next to bambam and Dani. Chen was driving and Kai was next to him. Bambam was literally having a mini-concert in the car, singing along to the songs played in the car.

"When I say Bam, you say Bam. Bam" he started, using a strip of beef jerky as his mic




I swear the whole car was bouncing since all of us (except Kai) was dancing on our seats, singing along to various songs. This has been the first time I actually got to bond with them, with Chen. It felt good, it was fun.

"LOVING YOUUU OOHH~" everyone (and I repeat, except Kai) started howling while doing the hand movement for the dance then Chen changed the song

"MUST BE SOMETHING~" then girl's day song came and Bambam energetically danced to the main point of the song which cracked us all up then Chen changed the song again

"GEE GEE GEE GEE BABY BABY~ TAEYEON-AAAAH KILL MEEEEE" Bambam's voice actually stood out since he's a big fan of Taeyeon and he kept adding Taeyeon, kill me after each lyrics, we can't help but laugh at him spazzing and it went on and on like that during the whole trip from Sistar19 to Girl's Day to Soshi to Big bang. I swear our car garnered a lot of attention.

After 30 minutes of non-stop singing, dancing and spazzing (for bambam), we finally arrived at our destination. All of us started hopping out of the car and stretching our limbs, we were welcomed by a big sign of INCHEON DOG CENTRE

"Annyeong haseyo" we all chorused and bowed as soon as we step inside the centre. The centre was painted blue and pink, it was really cute especially this corner where photos of dogs pasted on the wall.

"So you're the one volunteering for us?" a middl-aged woman spoke to us behind her desk

"Ah neh" Chen nods and the woman welcomed us and gave us a little tour around the centre from where the dog foods are stored and there's this space where the dogs are bathed in and taken care of. Even tho the centre doesn't really have a big space, it was pretty clean and neat.

"You took really good care of this center" Chen commented

"Ah neh since no one really comes here, me and some of my staffs would just clean this place." she chuckled, showing off slight lines of wrinkles by her eyes

"Ohhh" we all chorused, nodding our heads

"Yuko, yuko. Please take a picture of me" Bambam hands me his phone as he pose cutely before me and I can't help but giggle at his cuteness. Dani also took a lot of pictures for our documentation on this visit.

"Jongin-ah~ let's take a picture together~" I heard dani squeaked from afar and I had to glance at them just to see kai's reaction and as I expected for a jerk- like him, he didn't even said a single 'no' to her and left her standing as he move towards the dogs' section.

I pity you dani, don't even think of pushing that marriage. 

I sigh and shook my head as I continue to look around, occasionally glancing at dani who looked crestfallen, at bambam who kept on taking selcas, at chen who was discussing with the manager, and at kai who was- wait, where the hell is kai? I scrambled all around the center to look for him but he was nowhere to be found.

"Ah dani, have you seen kai?" i asked dani who was crouching and taking a picture of a sleeping puppy, she looks up and simply shrugs. Why am i even worried? He's already old and big enough to take care of himself. I tried to convince myself as I take a stroll around the center then I found this room which was slightly cracked open and my curiousity pushed me to take a peek on what's inside.

"Eh?" Opens the door wide just to see a body on the floor, my heart was beating fast and my palms were all sweaty as I took baby steps forward and screams as I recognize this person.




Been MIA for a year, woops. Sorry for that~ been so busy in school. Ehehe *bows 90°*

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soooyeon #1
Chapter 13: whaat happened to hiiiiiimmm?! OMGGG cliff hanger XD LOLOL ilabyou for the update <3
soooyeon #2
Chapter 12: /reads again from the start

soooyeon #3

Lmao the foreword gets me laughing a bit actually xD Going to read it because Kim Jongdae as Mr. Right yes why the hell not <333
cinemon #5
Chapter 9: Love this chapter!!
Nichkhunieee #6
Chapter 6: This story is so cute ^_^ really!! You might want to right whose P.o.v it is when you decide to change it because it might get a little complicated and confusing ;)
cinemon #7
Chapter 5: Omg! I'll be so embarrassed if I was her!!! Lol
cinemon #8
Chapter 3: I really like this story!