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The Wallflower


Wow! It has been a few weeks since I finished this fic, and I honestly thought that at that point, I would stop gaining subscribers. I was wrong. I don't know why, but then lately, I have been seeing the bright orange "New subscribers" notification more and more. Is there a reason behind this? Can one of you tell me why this is happening? Anyway, because of the sudden increase in subbies, I have decided to finally release a PDF copy of this fic, if any of you want it. I actually make drafts of my chapters on Word first, so all 22 of the chapters are in one file that I update. I found that it helped encourage me to write more and more. I also personalized it so that it looked cuter. So here it is. All 74 pages of my hard work. I actually didn't expect myself to write that much, but I ended up doing so.

Anyway, to the lot of you who came here for updates on the sequel, I am sorry to disappoint, but lazy authornim is back. Don't worry, though. I'm still planning it out, and I have 2 more months 'til my 4-month summer ends.

On another note, I have become a more confident fangirl. I may not be the social butterfly that my sister naturally is, but I am working hard. So to those of you who have tumblrs, here is mine. Feel free to follow me or message me about what you think of this fic, if ever you don't wanna post it in the comments. Also, if you guys haven't read my About Me portion of my profile, I have actually been playing the piano for over 8 years. So, I made a soundcloud about a week ago, and I post covers sometimes. There are only two at the moment, and they aren't perfect, but if you still wanna look at them, here you go! Like I said in my foreword, I am a firm believer of constructive criticism, so goahead and comment on that, as well, if you want to.

Have any of you seen A? I love Mark's face, but I hate his hair. Does anyone else feel this way? Also, did you guys see his Q&A answers on twitter? GOD! He is so greasy! But then again, he is my leech-browed angel, and I still love him.

That's all for now, my babies! I will leave you with GOT7's M/V:

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160124 | I'm so so sorry


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sweetypiee #1
Chapter 15: Okay so Jessica likes jr and jr trying to like jaehee and she likes him a lot. Meanwhile mark is sorting his feelings which I think he likes jaehee like omg the love story AMAZING^^
Chapter 24: this story was just too adorable ^_^ loved it. ♡