~part twenty-one~

The Wallflower

It was as if time was standing still, like everything stopped right after those 5 words slipped past my lips. Finally, she broke the silence.

“I was afraid of that.”

“So, what do you say?” I asked, nervously.

“I honestly don’t know, Mark. I’m just really confused right now. Maybe, you could do me a favour?” she said, still not facing me.

“What is it, then?” I questioned.

“Stay away from me for the meantime.”

“What?” my voice cracked. Never had I felt so rejected. Not even my father, mother, teachers, or friends make me feel this bad for myself.

“I don’t know. I just need time to think. Until I tell you how I feel, just don’t try talking to me. Don’t come to my house. Don’t approach me at school. Just… don’t. I’ll come to you once I’m sure of myself.”

“So, you’re basically telling me to scram? To just leave you alone? You could have just told me that you didn’t feel the same way!” I shouted and took off.

I heard her call my name behind me, but I didn’t stop. I ran all the way home. I ran up the stairs and crashed down onto my comforting bed. I eventually just curled up on the sheets.

I didn’t cry. I know I shouldn’t. I found out that I liked her like, 2 to 3 days ago. But that didn’t stop the pain I was feeling inside. It .

I skipped dinner that night. I heard the door open a few times, only to hear it shut again 30 seconds later. Everyone probably guessed what had happened. I don’t know how long I spent curled up under my soft sheets, maybe a few hours. It wasn’t until someone finally came and sat at the foot of my bed that I actually considered getting up.

“Hey, baby bro.” Tammy cooed as she patted my leg.

I grunted in response.

“You know, you aren’t the only one who was rejected. Do you remember Hyungjun? My fiancé?”


“Well, I was rejected at first, too. I guess it runs in the family.”

I finally peeped at her from under the blanket. She laughed at this.

“Now, why don’t you come on out of there so I can tell you the whole thing.”

I thought about it for a moment before doing as she said.

“Haha. I knew you would be able to get out. You just needed a little push. Wow, Mark. I haven’t told you a story since you were 7 years old. Now, it all started in college. I had just started it out back then. I was so confused, since I still wasn’t used to all of the pressure. Remember back then, when I was still so fat? You still do, right?”

I nodded.

“Well, I ate all of the stress away, and that’s why I became so huge. You know how everyone here takes overweight people, so obviously, I had very few friends. Hyungjun was a year above me, but he shifted to my course, so that’s how we met. He was so nice, and he was good looking, as well, so as predicted, I thought it was love at first sight. He was friends with me even though I was the way I was. He talked to me and let me vent out all of my stresses and problems. Then, I remember, I made him my inspiration. He was the reason I chose to loose all that weight. I worked so hard, and believe me, it was difficult, because 4 months later, I was thin again. I finally felt confident in my own skin, and gathered enough courage to confess. I did. He said that I looked so different, and that he wasn’t sure. I waited, and I tried proving to him that I was the same person. He did end up saying yes. I hope this proves that not all rejections end up as sad stories. If you wait, and she still doesn’t realize, then that just means that she’s not the one for you.”

Tammy’s story… I never knew about it. I just thought it was the usual thing where the guy courts the girl and gets her. I don’t know why, but I felt a spark of hope ignite inside of me. I just hope that this feeling I had was right.

I spent most of my Sunday at home; the only time I went out was to attend mass with the family.

Today was Monday, and I actually woke up without an alarm, surprisingly. It was the first time this happened ever. I guess the anxiety was what woke me up.

I showered, prepared my bag, and had a big breakfast. I was just sitting on the couch in he living room, waiting for the rest. The doorbell rang, and I was quick to get up. I opened the front door, only to see one girl standing in front of me, rather than the usual two.

As you probably guessed, it was Jessica.

“It didn’t work out?” Jess looked at me.

I nodded, and asked, “What about you?”

“He said that he wanted to get over the old tutor before seeing if he liked me, as well.”

“Well, I guess that means all of us are single again.” I joked.

Jaehee ended up not having lunch with us, and even though none of use spoke of it, it was as if all of them knew once she passed our table to go back to her old group of friends. I have a feeling the other 5 boys found out through Jinyoung, who heard it all from Jess.

She didn’t come near me for the rest of the week either. When, we passed each other in the halls, nothing. When we saw each other in class, nothing. Even when I was with the guys, she would greet them, but not me. I couldn’t help but feel hurt every time that happened. They said that being ignored hurts causes as much pain as being hurt physically. I know for a fact now, that what they say is true.

But every time I felt the pinch in my heart, I was also reminded of Tammy’s story. I just hope that this waiting pays off…

A/N: This. Fic. Is. So. Damn. Fast. Like, is that just me? Well, I have news for you, my babies!


Over the past few weeks, this fic has become a part of my everyday life, and I have been constantly thinking about it while doing stuff. I wanted to thank you guys for sticking with me throughout the whole writing process. I love you~

That's it for today, babies!

I'll update on Monday.

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sweetypiee #1
Chapter 15: Okay so Jessica likes jr and jr trying to like jaehee and she likes him a lot. Meanwhile mark is sorting his feelings which I think he likes jaehee like omg the love story AMAZING^^
Chapter 24: this story was just too adorable ^_^ loved it. ♡