~part eighteen~

The Wallflower

The very next day, I go downstairs, and saw both Jessica and Jaehee at the dining table. They were laughing, each with a bowl of cereal in front of them. Jessica, who cared more about her health, had some plain cornflakes. Jaehee, though, was different. She was having my favorites, Oreo O’s. They were talking and gossiping and doing what regular teenage girls do. I couldn’t help but notice how to me, Jaehee looked like she brightened the room. It felt as if the sun was radiating from her directly. I wonder if this is because of what I found out yesterday… It probably was…

I neared the table, and that’s when they finally noticed that I was in the room.

“Oh, Hey, Mark.” Jessica gave me a knowing smile, tilting her head towards Jaehee.

“Good morning, Mark” Jaehee greeted me warmly.

My insides fluttered just a tiny bit, but not in the way that would make me nervous. It gave me the feeling that I could just say whatever it was I wanted and Jaehee would just accept it. Like I didn’t have to put up a front, or be worried about making mistakes, since she knew the real me.

I sat in my seat, which coincidentally, was next to Jaehee’s. Taking the box of cereal from in front of her, our arms brushed, and she noticed which box I took.

“Ohmygod. Sorry, Mark. I hope you don’t mind. I took some of your cereal, which I guess was pretty okay, but I kind of picked my marshmallows out and put them back in the baggie. Don’t worry, though, I did it before I put the spoon in my mouth. So I’m sorry if what’s in there is mostly marshmallow. They aren’t really my thing.”

Wow. We were polar opposites. She hated the marshmallows, while I loved them, and I always avoided eating the actual Oreo cereal, while that was all she really ate. I guess we wouldn’t have a problem sharing this kind of cereal, then.

“Aniya, it’s okay. I don’t like the Oreo Cereal in their anyway. I’m more of a marshmallow guy, believe it or not.” I flashed her a grin.

“Oh, really? I guess it’s cool then. Thanks.” And she went back to her conversation with Jessica.

I started eating my breakfast, and as I scooped up the last few marshmallows into my mouth, I overheard Jess say, “Hey, Jaehee…. I was thinking, you and Jinyoung have that date on Saturday, right?”

“Mmmmhhhm” you could hear the excitement in Jaehee’s voice, and that bought a wave of jealousy surging throughout my body. Never in my life have I been envious of my best friend. Not over grades, popularity, friends. But because of the girl next to me, it was finally happening.

“Well, how about we turn it into a double date?”

“Really? Who will you go with, though?” she curiously questioned.

“Mark, of course.”

She spun around in her seat. “Jinjja?!”

I nodded, knowing that if I even just opened my mouth, I’d say something that would give the truth away. I was never a good liar.

“Well, I guess we could if Jinyoung is okay with it.”

“Thanks!” Jess gave Jaehee a hug.

The morning classes went by quickly, and soon enough, it was lunch time.

This time, Jaehee didn’t sit next to me and Jess, but between Jackson and Jinyoung, since Jinyoung called her over to sit there.

“Soooo….” Youngjae started, “are you guys going out now?”

Jinyoung put an arm around Jaehee’s shoulder, and I felt my stomach twist.

“Not officially, we’re trying it out, and if it works, then it works. If it doesn’t, then we just stay friends.” Jinyoung declared.

“Oh!” Jaehee suddenly interrupted, “What did you say about the double date?”

“Huh?” Jinyoung raised a brow at her.

Jaehee blanched ever so slightly, and she had the cutest shocked  expression on her face.

“You haven’t asked, have you?” she looked at me. I shook my head.

“What’s she talking about, Mark?” Jinyoung asked.

“Yeeeeaaaahhh, Mark. What’s she talking about.” Jackson echoed.

“Well,” Jessica started.

“We actually wanted to ask you two if we could turn your date on Saturday into a double date. That is, if it isn’t too much of an inconvenience.”  I finished for her.

“Woahwoahwoahwoah YOU TWO ARE DATING TOO?!” Jaebum exclaimed.

“Yeah! What’s with everyone getting all coupled up?” Yugyeom put his chin in his palm.

“If that’s happening, I call JB hyung!” Youngjae announced.

“Gross.” Jaebum said in reply.

“Well, boys, I think it’s about time we separate from these 4. Let’s start a Lonely Hearts Club!” Jackson suggested.

“You’ll be the only one stupid enough to join.” Bambam said.

The other 5 started cutting each other off, and soon enough, you could barely comprehend what they were saying.

“What do you say Jinyoung?” Jessica said loudly, and the rest quieted down.

“Why not?” he said.

“It’s a date then.” I said, and went back to munching on my grilled cheese sandwich.

I got to the last class of the day, Calculus, Jinyoung was in it, so I took my usual seat behind him. He was always early to all of his classes.

“Hey, dude.” He fist-bumped me as I passed him.

After settling into my seat, he spun around in his and said,

“Why did you opt for a double date with Jaehee and I instead of a private one?”

“Nothing. No reason.” I said.

“I can tell that you’re lying. I’ve been your best friend for years now. I can read you like an open book. MY guess is… you’re nervous that you’ll mess up on your date, right?”

I felt no reason to deny it, since if I said something, I might end up telling him about the whole master plan that Jess created.

“It’s okay to admit it, man. And to be honest, I’m a little nervous too. Like, who wouldn’t be? It’s alright. We’ve got each other’s backs, right? You go down, I go down. We’re bros after all.”

“Yeah.” I said, guilt washing over me. I was about to try and steal his girl away from him, and here he was telling me how he’s dtand by me for life. I’m such a great friend. I hope he forgives me for this. We are best friends after all…

A/N: Wooo!!!~~~ It's up. I have nothing to say about this chapter other than that it totally and I am unsatisfied. BUT, it does feature my favorite cereal, Oreo O's. Has anyone had them before? I used to have them all the time back when I lived in Malaysia. Though they only sell them in Korea now. So why not write about them?

Have any of you seen Episode 3 of I GOT7? I stopped writing just to watch. They're such idiots, like why do I love them?

I'll see you tomorrow, 나의 babies! I think I'll start calling you guys that. I'll sleep on it haha ^_____^



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sweetypiee #1
Chapter 15: Okay so Jessica likes jr and jr trying to like jaehee and she likes him a lot. Meanwhile mark is sorting his feelings which I think he likes jaehee like omg the love story AMAZING^^
Chapter 24: this story was just too adorable ^_^ loved it. ♡