~part fourteen~

The Wallflower

“Hello? Mark? Are you there?” the voice said.

“Yeah. I am.” I replied.

“Why are you calling?” he asked, “It’s almost one in the morning, and I highly doubt that you called to ask for help with your homework.”

“Well, I actually have something to ask you, but I don’t know, maybe I should ask another time. Personally.”

“Mark! You called me late at night and interrupted my precious sleep just to say that you wanted to tell me something some other time? I swear, I will murder you if you don’t tell me now.”

“Alright, then.” I said, “what do you think of the new Jaehee? I saw the way you reacted at lunch a while ago. You blushed, and you were nervous, too. I don’t think you fell for her, really. It was way too quick, if you ask me, but if you say you like her, then I’ll believe you.”

There was a long silence, before he finally spoke up, “I can’t tell you over the phone. You were right. I’ll tell you tomorrow. Let’s skip first period tomorrow so I can explain.”

He dropped the call.

I guess this was pretty serious. Jinyoung barely ever cut class. We used to do it a lot more back in sophomore year, but even though he didn’t stay in the classroom to hear the lecture, he still got straight A’s and stellar grades. That’s why the teachers never really told him off when they would notice that he was gone from their class.

That night, I fell asleep confused. What could have made Jinyoung so tense and serious like that?

My brother shook me awake the next morning. I got up and did my usual morning routine. As I went down the stairs, I heard voices speaking. Oh right, the girls were riding with us to and from school now.

Grabbing a fork and taking a pancake from the stack plated on the dining table, I stuffed it in my mouth and washed it down with a glass of milk.

We were in the car, on our way to school, when I got a text. It was from Jinyoung.

Remember to skip first period, and to meet me at my locker when you get to school.

I almost forgot about that. I took a peek at Jaehee, who was sitting next to me. She was laughing at something that Jessica said.

Okay. I replied.

When we arrived at school, it was only then that I remembered that History was my first class. I couldn’t skip out on any more classes without a valid reason. I took Jaehee aside, and started to speak in Korean, knowing very well that Jessica didn’t have a clue about what I was about to ask.

“Yah. Cover for me in History, okay?” I said.

“What? Why? Where are you going?” Jaehee looked confused.

“I’m meeting up with Jinyoung. Come on, just do it. He wants to talk to me.” I pleaded with my eyes.

“No. I don’t believe you! Plus, those are your grades, not mine. Why should I even bother?”

I took my phone out and showed her Jinyoung’s message.

“I need to go alright? Just this once, please.”

She looked at me and glared, “Fine. But you definitely owe me!”

“Thanks, you’re the best!” I gave her a hug before dashing down the hallway and making my way to my best friend’s locker.

He was waiting there, knapsack in tow, when I arrived.

“What took you so long?”

“I had to convince someone to cover for me in History.” I explained.

“Alright, then. Let’s go.” He said, before walking off in the direction of the soccer field.

We sat near the corner of the field, not worried about getting caught. No one ever comes around here this early in the day, unless there are upcoming tournaments.

“Wanna explain?” I looked at him.

“I don’t like Jaehee, but she reminds me of someone.” Jinyoung said.


Jinyoung took his wallet out and turned it so that the inside faced me. Sure enough, there was a picture of a young Jinyoung, and a tall girl wearing a floral dress with dark brown hair, a cute button nose, big doll eyes, a pair of small lips; like Jaehee.

“She was my tutor when I was a kid. My parents forced me to get one, and at first I hated it, so I annoyed all of the other ones ‘til the quit. But when they hired her, I don’t know. She was so patient, and kind. No matter what I did, she wouldn’t complain. I guess that’s when I started to like her. When my parents found out, they fired her, saying that she was just a distraction. I think she’s married now and has kids, but I was never really able to get over her.” Jinyoung explained.

“So you’re saying that you only blushed because Jaehee looks exactly like your first love?”

“Well, yeah. But Jaehee’s a nice girl, and she seems really sweet and genuine too. Do you think I shuld give her a chance? Maybe it will help me get over Yuri noona.” He asked.

“It’s up to you. If you can see yourself with her for a long time, then sure. But didn’t you say you thought you guys wouldn’t last?” I questioned.

“But she said she was willing to try. Maybe if I do to, it’ll work out for the both of us.”

“Go ahead, then.”

“I’ll try a few dates first, and if it turns out well, I’ll ask her out.”

“Sure. It’s almost second period. We’d better get going.” I stood up and walked away.

There was a weird feeling gnawing at my stomach when he suggested that he go out with her. I don’t know. It’s probably just because she’s my friend.

A/N: Hey guys! Okay, I'll probably do an early update tomorrow. This chapter was also really short (;____;)

Good night, lovelies! I'll talk again tomorrow!

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sweetypiee #1
Chapter 15: Okay so Jessica likes jr and jr trying to like jaehee and she likes him a lot. Meanwhile mark is sorting his feelings which I think he likes jaehee like omg the love story AMAZING^^
Chapter 24: this story was just too adorable ^_^ loved it. ♡