Sehun's Hopes and Dreams

You're the Choice I Won't Regret
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It was late at night and Sunhee was sitting in bed, staring at Sehun who was sleeping peacefully next to her. There is a part of her that isn’t quite sure about this, but it’s the part that is afraid of the unknown future and what it might bring. She was scared, probably more than she should be, of the changes in their lives that are about to happen.

The conversation Sunhee had with Jongin the other day cleared up much more than she had thought it would. She was embarrassed to admit that she never even thought about how much Sehun had given up for her. Well, she did a think a little about it before, but not specifically; she knew he had sacrificed a lot but she hadn’t really thought about how much it had been. The thoughts of her dark past were still blurry to her, unless she tried really hard to remember. Since most of them only brought back memories of panic and devastation she felt about her condition, she didn’t even try to do that anymore. She had wanted to forget those times.

It was selfish of her to have forgotten about the sacrifices Sehun made for her and is still making for her even now. Sunhee wondered if he could ever forgive her for the fact that all that she made him give up for her.

It was aggravating to think back about how she is the one who robbed Sehun of his old life, although it was his own decision to stay with her; still, it was a decision that was made because of Sunhee’s condition.

Here she was, doing what she loves in her studio and having the one she loves downstairs all the time; it’s a dream life.

For Sunhee, of course.

Where was Sehun’s dream life?

It was never Sehun’s dream to settle down for something like running a shop. He could do much bigger things than selling some stupid instruments.

But Sunhee is the one who ruined it all.

Sunhee let out a sigh filled with guilt as she ran a hand through Sehun’s now brown locks. She’s not sure what the future will bring to the two of them, but she knows that she can’t let things remain the same for Sehun’s sake. She doesn’t want to be the one thing that’s holding Sehun back. He would have never let it come so far if he’d been thinking clearly.

Sunhee thinks about how Sehun is absolutely amazing as she sadly lowered her lips onto Sehun’s. It’s still hard to believe that the selfish jerk she met years ago ended up being the one who was most willing to sacrifice everything for her. It didn’t fit the first impression of an Sunhee used to have of him.

Sunhee got startled by a hand on the back of her head that was pushing her back toward Sehun. She saw Sehun’s eyes looking at her with mischievous twinkles in them and he smirked into their kiss.

‘’Hey,’’ she whispered to Sehun once he broke the kiss.

“You’ve been having a tendency to feel me up in my sleep lately.” Sehun said sardonically as he sat up and stared at Sunhee with sleep in his eyes.

“Have I?” Sunhee asked carefully.

“Yes, you have and that means that you’re thinking too much again.” Sehun with some annoyance in his voice.

“Then would you rather have me being an idiot instead of thinking too much?”

Sehun rolled his eyes at her question, “Normally, I wouldn’t, but I know that something is bothering you. So, spill it.”

He held Sunhee’s wrist tightly since he was afraid she would wander off to avoid answering him. Sunhee wondered if he even knew how absurd that was. How could anyone walk away from a half- Oh Sehun in bed? Especially when he was staring at you like this?

“I guess it’s the same thing that’s bothering you.” She responded daringly. She didn’t give much thought about how to talking to Sehun about all she recently realized but she figured that she should start somewhere. Unlike her, Sehun doesn’t spend hours analyzing everything around him.

Sehun blinked at Sunhee and looked at her with a confused look on his face, “What?”

“It wasn’t hard to figure out what it was once I talked to Sora,’’ she said, ''You‘ve been thinking about all the things you missed out on since you’ve been with me, haven’t you?”

Sehun stared at her, “What?!” he rasped out, not even trying to hide the anger in his voice.

Sunhee forced herself to remain collected and looked calmly at him, “It’s the only thing that makes sense. Unless, y

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40 streak #1
Chapter 2: Sunhee has a condition which makes her shut in herself and become detached from reality. Like a coping mechanism.
Sehun is there as much as he can but there is so much he can do. If Sunhee won't talk to doctors they won't be able to help.

I understand why she feels that way towards doctors. But every effort is worthy of congratulations. And Sehun has no intention on giving up on her. That is love.
40 streak #2
Chapter 1: Sehun seems to have a complicated relationship with Sunhee. He loves her and wants the best for her, but ends up doing something that she is tired of. Maybe too much attention, too much care to the point that it becomes a bother. Looks like he is shielding her, not letting Sunhee live her life to the fullest.

Excited to see how rest of the story will progress!
Chapter 15: Finally got the chance to finish reading this story! I’m so happy for the both of them :’)
Chapter 15: Fuh, what a ride! Although people were saying the both of them are of toxic relationship but I don't see it? Perhaps because I was put in a position wherein I can see their experiences, listen to their unsaid words and a glimpse of their intimate scenes. DSM-5 aside, I would say you did a good job describing the symptoms even though there were times I was uncertain but then again, your focus is on the relationship not on the disorder itself so I get it. Thanks for sharing with us, although it seems too late to say so but I do appreciate your work. XOXO!
Chapter 8: Up to this point, there is no specific disorder mentioned. Pretty sure it is under the Dissociative Disorder. Is it the derealization she developed?
Literally just discovered this story and I can’t wait to read it!
Chapter 15: I really love this fic that I keep on coming back. Thank you so much for sharing it with us, it means so much to me.
Chapter 15: This leaves me feeling bittersweet. I think it's beautiful how Sunhee and Sehun try their best for their relationship. Thank you for writing and sharing this story. :)