Transfer Student

My Annoying Competition [Discontinued]

The two best friends were walking and joking around with each other as they walked into to the school gates. "Remember in middle school when you put breath mints in your water bottle, shook it up, then drank it saying it was water with mint?" Jihye laughed. "Ey, you drank it too and agreed with me!" Namjoon protested as he laughed as well. Time passed by and eventually the two went off to their class and sat in their seats. "Alright students, we have a new student coming into our class room today. Please introduce yourself." The teacher told the new student. Jihye looked up and her eyes widened as she made eye contact with the person.

"Hyunjoon. Park Hyunjoon." He smirked but not that many girls payed attention to him, much to his distaste. "Sit wherever you like." The teacher gestured as Hyunjoon walked towards Jihye. The girl inwardy cursed as she kept her gaze straight at the teacher's back who was writing something on the board. "Yah, move." He coldly told the girl next to Jihye. "Can't you see this seat is taken already?" Hyuna scoffed at him. Hyunjoon rolled his eyes as he pulled Hyuna out of the chair, leaving her on the floor as he was about to sit down in her seat.

This gained the attention of many of the students and the teacher but not all, as they stared at Hyuna's figure on the ground. "What the !?" Jihye seethed in English, gaining the attention of everyone else. "Kim Jihye!" The teacher yelled in shock as swearing wasn't tolerated on school and she was considered as a good girl. Jihye completely ignored it as she helped Hyuna back up then turned to Hyunjoon in comeplete anger. "You, come with me." Jihye switched back to Korean with poison in her words directed towards the smirking bastard as she left the classroom. The teacher was baffled as this was the first time the "Ms.Goody two shoes" ever did something as rebellious as this.

Hyunjoon followed her out into the hall with a smug expression, not caring about all the attention he had gained. All the students looked at one another and murmured to themselves once the new student had closed the door. They all froze and went silent once they heard a loud smack from outside of the classroom. "That was for hurting my friend. Now what the are you doing here?" Jihye growled in English at the male in front of her. "I told you that I wouldn't be giving up until I got what I wanted." The boy taunted in the same language as he caressed the girl's face. She smacked his hand away and nearly slapped him another time. 

"You're never going to get me back after what the you did. Why can't you just ing understand that?" Jihye brought down her hand and tilted her head as she constantly swore at her ex. "Babe, we all make mistakes don't we?" Hyunjoon pushed further. "Tch, we all know what you did was no mistake. I'm never forgiving you." Jihye glared at him. "Your mind may hate me, but your heart doesn't." Hyunjoon said as he brushed his fingertips over Jihye's lips. Despite the height difference, Jihye manaed grab onto Hyunjoon's collar and brought him down to her height to his surprise. "My mind, my heart, my body, every inch of it, every ing cell in my body hates you. I love someone else and you're never going to get my heart back no matter what the you do." Jihye growled again as she slapped him with her left hand and threw him to the ground.

The two didn't notice that Namjoon was right there at the door and they only turned around when he coughed. "Lee seonsaengnim wants the two of you back in the classroom." Namjoon said then walked over to Jihye to grab onto her wrist and practically dragged her back in, leaving the amused male out in the hallway. Class continued on and Jihye was about to explode from anger as she felt the erted stares of her ex from across the room. She was digging her nails so hard into her palm that she was about to bleed so Hyuna noticed and held Jihye's hand to calm her down. Jihye sighed and smiled at Hyuna to thank her as they both returned to paying attention to what the teacher was teaching.

Once school ended, Namjoon waited outside of the classroom for Jihye as she was told to stay after school to discuss what had occured earlier today. The door was nearly thrown open as Jihye gritted her teeth, clearly unammused at what she was told by her teacher. Namjoon grabbed onto Jihye's arm in an attempt to calm her down after he saw her cracking her neck and her knuckles. "Jihye-yah..." Namjoon softly spoke. Jihye sighed and relaxed as she closed her eyes. "I'll tell you about it another time. I have to go somewhere." She unintentionally spoke harshly as she left.

She ended up sparring with Jongup again to try to relieve all the anger built up from one day. The teacher didn't even seem to understand what happened and seemed to take Hyunjoon's side without even considering her perspective. "Why don't you two just try to make up? It'll be for the best. And even though you are one of my best students, I have to punish you for physically assaulting the new student. You'll have to clean the classroom for the rest of the week, starting tomorrow." The teacher told her. She knew there would be consequences to her actions, but she dryly laughed at when Hyunjoon got no punishment when she told the school that he tried to her.

As she and Jongup continued to fight, she left Namjoon dumbfounded at what had just occured. He was wondering about what had happened and how he didn't know. He was also wondering who the person she said she loved was. In the meanwhile, Hyunjoon was laying back in his hideout thinking of ways to get Jihye to be his again. He knew that she was stubborn, but he expected that he'd need a little "coaxing" to get her back to him. He smirked at his own thoughts and soon hunched over with his elbows on his knees, fingertips joined together. "You'll be mine Kim Jihye. Just you wait."

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Chapter 11: pls update soon pls <3
jazzpetz #2
Chapter 10: Awww , so sweet ~~ ˊ▽ˋ ˊ3ˋ
Chapter 3: Yaaay , another update ~ I almost thought they had but not , love the last part .. XD Good work author-nim !
Chapter 2: Author-nim , Ive been waiting so long for an update and finally you did ! I love this chapter , alot ~ Update soon !! :D
Chapter 1: Please continue author-nim ... Its so great ! I really like it-no .... Love it ~ ㅠㅅㅠ