Here Comes Trouble

My Annoying Competition [Discontinued]

Jihye was in a dance studio stretching by herself right before the class was going to start. To warm up a bit, Jihye danced to an old choreography from school with the music only being played in ther earphones. Once she was done, the teachers soon came in to teach the class a new choreography. "Start with your left leg out and your right hand will go out as well. Then bring that hand to your chest..." The instructor began. As the rest of the choreography was learned, practice was now in session. A few slip ups were here and there (pretend it isn't so perfect like in the video heh) but everyone pretty much seemed to get the jist of it.

After class, some guy was talking to the instructors and the two teachers finally spoke up. "We decided to have some free time, so let's have our new member start off." The instructor smiled. The male wearing sunglasses smirked and thanked the teachers as he stepped up to the center. Many cheers were heard from the other students of the class anticipating what this new kid was going to do. A slow song with a nice beat played and the boy started to move his feet around. "So we've got another C-walker here." Some people whispered and giggled whilst glancing at Jihye and the new kid.

Jihye was in shock as she recognized those moves, she would recognize them from anywhere. One he ended, the crowed cheered again and the boy cockily smirked at everyone. People then started calling out Jihye by her stage name, Ice and she went wide eyed. The instructors then joined in chanting her own and nudged her to the center were everyone circled around. The new kid raised his eyebrow with that smirk never leaving his face, he didn't expect to meet Ice here again.

Once Jihye got up, she sighed and then turned her snap back around so that she could hide her face and look a bit more mysterious. "Hell yeah it's I-C-E!" Some random person in the crowd yelled as the music started to play. Just like the previous dude, Jihye started to move her feet in rhythm to the music. As she danced, this brought back so much nostalgia and she started to bitterly smile. This style of dancing brought her such bittersweet memories and that one person from the crowd was not helping anything.

More and more people eventually went in to do their own freestyle, and eventually the fun came to an end. Jihye was packing her things up, she had small talk with some of the other dancers then exchanged some tips, compliments, and handshakes. She wanted to get out of here as fast as possible to avoid the new kid. But to her luck, she ran into him right as she walked out of the door. "Kim Jihye." Her name just rolled off of his tongue with a hint of poison as he approached her and pinned her to the wall. "What do you want?" Jihye sent him a deadly glare as she tried to back up as much as possible.

The boy in sunglasses just cockily chuckled and his lips. "Now is that anyway to greet an old friend Jihye-yah? Or should I say Ice?" He taunted plaing with her hair. "I don't need any of your bull anymore. I thought we were over." She spat swatting his hands away. "I see you haven't changed much from your C-Walking days. You know, when I taught you all those moves along with those good times. What happened to those good times Jihye?" He made her remember all those bittersweet memories. "They're dead. Ever since I found out you cheated on me with Junghwa because I wouldn't give you my ity." Jihye growled as she pushed the guy away.

Jihye was seething in anger as she walked away, leaving the boy in the same place with crossed arms and that signature smirk. "You know this isn't over Jihye. I want to get back together. You know, fix things up from the past, make some new memories." The boy kept pressing as he leaned against the wall. Jihye stopped in her tracks and turned around with clenched fists. "You have some ing nerve thinking I'll take you back after all that bull. I'm not the same god damn naive 'side ' or 'little hoe' of yours anymore. off Hyunjoon." She said in a deadly tone, never thinking she'd say his name again. "Makes you more desirable, doll." Hyunjoon tilted his head.

Jihye turned around again and started walking to the park near her home to calm her self down. "You know this isn't over! I won't be giving up until I get what I came for Kim Jihye!" He yelled. Jihye clenched her fists even more, having her nails dig into the skin of her palms. She got out her phone and without looking, she managed to call the correct person. "Meet me at the park with all of your protection gear. I need to let some anger out." Jihye then dropped the call without letting the other person reply. She sighed as she looked up into the starry night sky, "Why now of all times?" She asked.

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Chapter 11: pls update soon pls <3
jazzpetz #2
Chapter 10: Awww , so sweet ~~ ˊ▽ˋ ˊ3ˋ
Chapter 3: Yaaay , another update ~ I almost thought they had but not , love the last part .. XD Good work author-nim !
Chapter 2: Author-nim , Ive been waiting so long for an update and finally you did ! I love this chapter , alot ~ Update soon !! :D
Chapter 1: Please continue author-nim ... Its so great ! I really like it-no .... Love it ~ ㅠㅅㅠ