Let's Have Some Fun (ʘ‿ʘ) by Trolling (・∀・)

My Annoying Competition [Discontinued]

"LET'S PLAY A GAME JIHYE" Namjoon texted the younger with a gif of Jigsaw. The two were then in a phone call together. "No Namjoon I don't want to." Jihye whined on the phone as she flipped around on her bed. "You need to get out of the house and off your lazy , you !" Namjoon replied to her. "I'm more active that you are!" Jihye argued causing the elder male to chuckle. "Just one game." He pleaded as he walked.

"Why not play at home then?" Jihye argued back sticking her tongue out at him even if he couldn't see. "Put that tongue back in and you have five minutes before I drag your out of here." Namjoon said then ended the call as he was now in Jihye's living room. "Oh !" Jihye cursed. "Dont ing scare me like that!" She repeatedly cursed. "4 Minutes. ... What's your name, w-w-what's your name?" Namjoon said then started dancing to the song with no facial expression. Jihye threw one of the couch pillows at him then slowly went upstairs to go change.

Exactly three minutes and fifty nine seconds had passed when Jihye had opened the door only to almost have the door hit Namjoon right in his face. "Oh my !" Jihye clutched her chest as she closed her eyes and tried to regain her breath. "Why am I friends with this stupid man?" Jihye muttered to herself. Namjoon then grabbed onto Jihye's wrist with a smiled plastered on his face. Eventually the two of them had ended up at an arcade and Jihye raised an eyebrow. "If you can't dance how the hell are you going to play Dance Dance Revolution?" Jihye smirked.

"Pffft. Watch me." Namjoon said as he entered the coins in to play. Namjoon was barely able to get the rhythm in time with his steps and Jihye was trying very hard not to laugh while she recorded him on her phone. "It was a stupid game anyway." Namjoon rolled his eyes causing the younger girl to laugh. "Let's play Street Fighter!" Jihye cheerfully suggested as she dragged the elder away. In the first round, Jihye beat Namjoon, second round had Namjoon as the victor, and the final round had Jihye win. "You didn't let me win now did you?" Jihye raised an eyebrow taunting her friend.

"Pfft. I totally did." Namjoon crossed his arms as he led Jihye over to the basketball hoops. "I'll definitely beat you at this. I don't care if you're on the school's basketball team." He laughed making the younger laugh as well. The two were throwing baskets at the rim that kept moving forward and backward then ended up in a draw someway somehow. After playing at the hoops for a while, having six rematches to be exact, the two of them moved on to another two player game. They played Guitar Hero against each other and every note Namjoon missed made Jihye laugh and Namjoon a bit more irritated.

"Woah hyung, you really at Guitar Hero." A voice from behind them had said causing both of them to turn around. "Jungkookie!" Jihye piped up. Namjoon gave the younger male a glare as if saying 'Don't you dare clock block again maknae.' But Jungkook just returned a smirk and pulled Jihye away to play other games like winning candy. Namjoon huffed and followed the two as he watched the them like a third wheel. Curse the maknae for stealing his date. 

Well it wasn't really a date if he never told Jihye what it really was, or even the original intention behind it. Namjoon leaned against a wall lost in thought then he suddenly remembered he was supposed to be following the two. He cursed and went throughout the arcade looking for the two youngins. Meanwhile, on the wall just around the corner where Namjoon was from, Jihye and Jungkook were pressed against the wall hiding from Namjoon. "Think we lost him?" Jihye asked trying not to laugh.

Jungkook stretched his neck a bit then smiled since the coast was clear. "Yup. This is fun messing with hyung like this." Jungkook smiled. Jihye then laughed, "I knew he wanted to bring me on a date. I just didn't think he'd accidentally say it out loud." Jungkook shook his head in amusment. "Hyung does that. He thinks he's in his own world and thinking quietly to himself, but really he's muttering it out loud." Jungkook then eyesmiled. The two then headed off to the food court to get something to eat and drink, also to see how long it would take for their elder friend to find them.

Less than two minutes of eating and laughing, a sudden loud, deep voice was heard over all the game sounds. "Kim Jihye! Jeon Jungkook! Where have you two been!?" Namjoon seethed like a worrying parent. "We said we were going to the food court. Not our fault you didn't hear the first time." Jihye lied trying not to reveal the lie as she ate a french fry. Namjoon then grabbed a chair from a vacant table then joined the two like a third wheel yet again. "Jihye-yah say ah~" Jungkook cooed as he held the spoon of ice cream to . 

Instead, Namjoon took the spoonful in pure jealousy causing the other two to laugh. "Eyy! Is your name Kim Jihye!?" Jungkook laughed. The day went on like this in complete fun, also with teasing Namjoon a lot. Even Namjoon had to admit that it was a fun day, even if he wasn't expecting Jungkook to be anywhere near to . Sadly, all their smiles and fun times had to eventually come to an end. The thing is, they never even realized that someone was watching them from afar.


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Chapter 11: pls update soon pls <3
jazzpetz #2
Chapter 10: Awww , so sweet ~~ ˊ▽ˋ ˊ3ˋ
Chapter 3: Yaaay , another update ~ I almost thought they had but not , love the last part .. XD Good work author-nim !
Chapter 2: Author-nim , Ive been waiting so long for an update and finally you did ! I love this chapter , alot ~ Update soon !! :D
Chapter 1: Please continue author-nim ... Its so great ! I really like it-no .... Love it ~ ㅠㅅㅠ