Goodnight and Sweet Dreams

My Annoying Competition [Discontinued]

A friend came to visit for help with English but before he could even knock on the door he heard strange noises. "!" Jihye cursed as she panted. More body movement could be heard inside of the house. "Ow, ! That hurts!!" Jihye cried out and hissed. Another thud could be heard with more movement of bodies and now a male's voice could be heard. "Oh, . Oh !" Namjoon continuously cursed. 

Both of them groaned at the same time then Namjoon spoke up, "I'm so punishing you for this." He growled. "Is that Namjoon hyung?" Jungkook wondered horrified. "Oh yeah? Prove it Kim Namjoon." Jihye emphasized each syllable of his name as she coaxed the elder. More movement could be heard and a yelp could be heard from Jihye. After some more movement, Namjoon was the one to scream this time, "OH ! JI-JIHYE AGH!" He screamed. Jungkook should've ran away and tried to forget this but he accidentally rang the doorbell he then cursed with his head down.

"Who is that?" Jihye asked from inside panting. "I don't know. Were you expecting anyone?" Namjoon panted. "No. Who is it!?" Jihye replied then yelled. Jungkook felt a shiver down his spine as he cleared his throat. "I-it's J-Jungkook." He managed to speak. Whilst still panting, Jihye then piped up, "Oh! The door's unlocked come in." She said cheerfully but tired. Jungkook was shocked, because he wasn't expecting Jihye to tell him to come in.

"Wait, no. JUNGKOOK DON'T YOU DARE COME IN HERE!" Namjoon threatened. Jihye laughed and screamed as well. "Everything's fine! Just come in here!" She laughed again. Jungkook didn't know what to do, does he want to see what happened even though he's pretty sure he knows what already occured? Or does he want to run away and pretend he wouldn't be scarred for life? He decided to be brave and enter the house with his eyes closed, it was too late to back out now.

"God damn it Jungkook." Namjoon breathed out as Jihye laughed. Once Jungkook opened his eyes, he saw something out of the ordinary. Jungkook then started laughing as well since Jihye had Namjoon in an arm bar and Namjoon had no way of getting out. [[A/N: The two were wrestling and not having if you haven't figured it out yet haha.]] After Jungkook had gotten help from both of the Kims with English and left, the two were lazing on the couch. They were watching tv as they drank Ramune since they were underaged. "Remember when I wanted the marble and my dad had to break the bottle and get it?" Jihye laughed as she shook the bottle.

"Yeah I do. I remember you sticking your tongue in the plastic mouth of it too. You were screaming 'I CAN TOUCH THE MARBLE! I CAN TOUCH THE MARBLE!!' Heh." Namjoon laughed as he stared at his drink. "I'm probably the reason why they put the list of cautions on here." Jihye laughed once more taking another sip. "I'm pretty sure a lot of kids probably did the same as you." Namjoon ruffled her hair. After playing some games on the Nintendo 64, eating, singing badly/rapping to random songs, and talking about random things the two decided to call it a night, even if it was technically morning (it's 1 am). Jihye went to shower and change, when she went to her bed she chuckled at her best friend who looked like he was dead on her bed.

"Ey smelly, you should go shower." She nudged the elder when she sat on the bed. The elder groaned and burried himself further into the covers. "Go now or I'm selling your Eminem album." Jihye threatened trying not to laugh. Namjoon then immediately shot up into a sitting position, "You wouldn't dare." He stared into Jihye's eyes. "You thought it went missing right?" Jihye smirked. Namjoon then ran into the bathroom with a towel and Jihye sighed in relief when she heard the water running. 

She took the album out of her drawer and placed it on top of Namjoon's clothes in her closet. Once Namjoon came out of the bathroom, Jihye screamed and tightly closed her eyes shut hiding under the bed covers. "What?" Namjoon asked nonchalantly. "Put some damn clothes on!" Jihye screeched from under the covers. When Namjoon emerged from the bathroom, he was only wearing a towel around his waist. Namjoon then smirked as he put on some bottoms. 

He pulled off the covers to see Jihye still closing her eyes shut, he chuckled and gave her a back hug. Jihye opened her eyes and tried to get out of his grip but she couldn't. "Ew!! You didn't dry off!!" Jihye squirmed. "Why dry it if it's going to dry anyway?" Namjoon shrugged. "WHY LIVE IF YOU'RE GOING TO DIE ANYWAY!?" She screamed as she pinched his thigh causing the elder to yelp. "Fine, fine. woman." Namjoon grumbled as he dried his torso with his towel and finished dressing for bed. 

Jihye was already falling asleep as she was lying on her side with her eyes closed and her breathing becoming more even. Namjoon slipped in the covers as well and smiled as he gave Jihye's temple a soft kiss. Jihye stirred a little bit and ended up turing around and facing Namjoon. His heart skipped a beat as he looked at the innocent face he fell in love with. Subconciously, she grabbed onto Namjoon's hand and help onto it tightly. Namjoon smiled for it was one of Jihye's sleeping habits to cuddle with or hug whatever was near her. 

"Why won't you just give me an answer already?" He whispered assuming Jihye was still asleep as he brushed a stray stand of hair from her face. Little did he know, Jihye heard it loud and clear. A couple moments later, she opened her eyes and assumed that Namjoon was asleep as well. She slightly got up to kiss his cheek and smiled at him. "I just can't tell you I love you yet." She sighed as she stared lovingly at his sleeping figure. She shifted back to her sleeping position and Namjoon glanced at her smiling, he was actually awake as well.

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Chapter 11: pls update soon pls <3
jazzpetz #2
Chapter 10: Awww , so sweet ~~ ˊ▽ˋ ˊ3ˋ
Chapter 3: Yaaay , another update ~ I almost thought they had but not , love the last part .. XD Good work author-nim !
Chapter 2: Author-nim , Ive been waiting so long for an update and finally you did ! I love this chapter , alot ~ Update soon !! :D
Chapter 1: Please continue author-nim ... Its so great ! I really like it-no .... Love it ~ ㅠㅅㅠ