Running Away

My Annoying Competition [Discontinued]

(3rd Person)

Namjoon cursed under his breath and ran a hand through his hair. He was panting from running all over the school's yard for Jihye was running away with Seokjin. Namjoon swore it was a plan just to get him jealous. He wouldn't admit that it was working though. On the other side of the yard, the two Kims stopped running and collapsed to the ground. "Kim Jihye, never make me run like that again! I swear if you do-" Seokjin blabbered even though he was desperately trying to catch his breath. "You'll tell your parents? Ha, uncle and auntie will probably be glad I'm making you exercise." Jihye laughed which was a mistake since she also needed to get her breath back to normal pace.

After a couple minutes, the two cousins sat up and looked at one another. They both laughed and high fived. "Ah, our cousin bonding moments have changed over the years, haven't they?" Jihye asked with a huge smile on her face. Seokjin just nodded and smiled back at her, "Same thing tomorrow?" He asked in hopes of making Namjoon jealous again (it was entertaining for him). "Nope, tomorrow is Kookie oppa's turn." Jihye pressed her lips together and off to the right side of revealing a dimple.

Seokjin poked the dimple and Jihye pouted as she slapped his hand away. "Stop it!!" She semi-yelled. Seokjin just chuckled and pulled on her left cheek. "Aigoo, my cousin is too cute." He cooed. "There's no way I'm not poking your dimples or pulling your cheeks." He continued to . Jihye smacked her cousin's hands off of her face and frowned. It was after school on a half day so the two cousins decided to go to the nearby bubble tea shop to hang out. Of course, they weren't oblivious to Namjoon creeping a safe distance behind them.

The two laughed and smiled up at each other, Hyunji rested her head upon Jin's shoulder and they continued on their walk to the shop hand in hand. Namjoon was jealous and glaring holes into the head of the other male. The two cousins began to talk about random things as if they were together as a couple. "So how's mother and father?" Jin cooed while smirking and motioning for Hyunji not to laugh. Hyunji coughed to cover up a giggle that escaped at continued the conversation, "They're both doing well. How's little Seokhyun?" she asked. 

"He's wondering when he's getting a sister in law already. Aish, kids these days." Jin shook his head. He wasn't lying about his little brother wanting a sister in law. It's just his brother wasn't talking about their cousin Hyunji. Hyunji laughed, "Oh, typical Seokhyun. I should come by and visit again." Jin laughed as well, "Yeah you should. It's been a week and he misses his noona so much already." Namjoon clutched onto his cup and almost spilled the contents of it. He was still obilvious to the fact that the two were cousins.

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Chapter 11: pls update soon pls <3
jazzpetz #2
Chapter 10: Awww , so sweet ~~ ˊ▽ˋ ˊ3ˋ
Chapter 3: Yaaay , another update ~ I almost thought they had but not , love the last part .. XD Good work author-nim !
Chapter 2: Author-nim , Ive been waiting so long for an update and finally you did ! I love this chapter , alot ~ Update soon !! :D
Chapter 1: Please continue author-nim ... Its so great ! I really like it-no .... Love it ~ ㅠㅅㅠ