Bottled Up Emotions

My Annoying Competition [Discontinued]

[[A/N: This might be a boring chapter for a lot of you...]]

Jihye threw a combination of punches and jabs at the innocent male, who in return blocked them and sent a right jab of his own. Jihye dodged that, faked a left punch then tried to get a kick in. The male backed up just in time and tried his own roundhouse kick that was very close to hitting Jihye. "Someone's gotten better." Jihye smirked. Jihye threw a right punch causing the male to block his face. She continued another punching combo then a round house kick causing the older male to fall. 

"You alright?" Jihye huffed as she lent out a hand for the male to get back up. The male nodded then greatfully accepted it and then pulled her down to get on top of her and throw punches and elbows to her face. Jihye dodged the punches and elbows then s her arms around his waist, brought him down towards her, trapped his left leg, over hooked his left arm, and did some other moves to flip him over so now she was in control. She brought her own punches and elbows onto him and stopped once her opponent tapped the ground three times. The two were huffing and smiled at each other as Jihye helped him get off of the ground.

They took off their gloves and head gear as they smiled at each other. "It's been a while, but you're still doing great." The male smiled that precious smile of his. "Thanks Jongup. I can tell you're getting better too." Jihye laughed. After drinking a lot of water and sharing some watermelon cubes the two then talked. "So how's your love life?" Jihye began with no awkwardness. Jongup laughed, "Honestly I haven't found any one better than you yet. They all want me only for my looks." He scoffed and shook his head. 

"So how's your love life? You and Namjoon hyung huh?" Jongup teasingly nudged her. Jihye ignored the last statement and replied to him. "The is back for me." She sighed glaring at the grass underneath them. Jongup nearly choked and Jihye patted his back trying to help him. "No, no, you don't mean Park Hyunjoon right!?" Jongup exclaimed. Jihye slumped her shoulders and nodded her head as she sighed.

"Ah ." Jongup cursed. Hyunjoon was the cause of so many problems from so many years ago. He was Hyunji's first love and boy did she fall hard for him. He introduced her to C-Walking as she thought he was really cool, and from there they just clicked. No one really knew that Hyunjoon was one hell of a player and a heart breaker back then so they thought there was nothing wrong with the couple. He was the one that wanted her to stay away from any guys, that included hanging out with Jongup before or after their martial arts practices, and even Namjoon without Hyunjoon's consent. He was a controlling boyfriend and Hyunji just thought nothing of it for she was too naive.

Of course, that didn't stop her from hanging out with her guy friends without Hyunjoon knowing. It was just one time she was hanging out with Jongup at the park and they found him kissing and groping another girl. Hyunji chose to forget about it and it was such a stupid decision. Things got more and more heated between Hyunji and Hyunjoon, eventually he wanted to have with her. Hyunjoon wouldn't take 'I'm not ready' or no for a answer and that is when violence had to be used. Hyunji got out of his room and his house just in time to her luck as she was able to defend herself.

But when she tried to make a compromise and talk things out within a couple days, she found him ing Junghwa, his ex girlfriend in the living room. She then told him it was over and left him, all their memories, all those possessions over hers that was at that place and left them there. It was during this time that Namjoon was abroad and she could only turn to Jongup. This is when Jongup was confused about having feelings for her or not and within a week the two of them became a thing. Their feelings for each other grew and they were happy, it's just their feelings as friends grew, not their feelings for each other. Within a month the two confessed what was going on, laughed it off and became friends once again. Hyunji and Namjoon ended up transferring schools as their parents relocated.

Now that Hyunjoon was back, it was obvious that he was going to up for Hyunji once again. She was finally happy without him, so why did he have to come back to taunt her now of all times? "Don't worry." Jongup suddenly spoke up. Hyunji's head then shot up as she stared at her friend. "I'll help to make sure he won't do to you." He smiled as he grabbed her into his arms. "Namjoon hyung and I will protect you. Oppa, aka me, will protect you!" Jongup laughed.

She tried to look up from the hold she was locked in. "But you said not to call you op-" Before she could finish that statement Jongup brought her up and had her in a head lock. "OPPA WILL PROTECT YOU!" He yelled causing the both of them to laugh again. Jongup then walked her home as they laughed about old memories as classmates and caught up more on other events. Little did they know, a special someone was watching the two of them up until they left. "Ah damn it Jihye. Way to bring in more competition." The male face palmed.

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Chapter 11: pls update soon pls <3
jazzpetz #2
Chapter 10: Awww , so sweet ~~ ˊ▽ˋ ˊ3ˋ
Chapter 3: Yaaay , another update ~ I almost thought they had but not , love the last part .. XD Good work author-nim !
Chapter 2: Author-nim , Ive been waiting so long for an update and finally you did ! I love this chapter , alot ~ Update soon !! :D
Chapter 1: Please continue author-nim ... Its so great ! I really like it-no .... Love it ~ ㅠㅅㅠ