
I'm MBLAQ's Only Female Member

"Yo! Looks like the newbie is finally here."

My entrance was greeted with not so much of a happy atmosphere, it was rather tense. I walked nervously into the room with my eyes darting around as I tried to avoid eye contact with the other four figures in front of me.

"I told you we were going to be late", my brother reinforced his statement while giving me a "You're paying for this" look.

I paid no attention to my brother. I started to introduce myself and apologized for our tardiness. My heart beat accelerated as I took a closer look at each of them. Somehow, I just couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing. The group which I have longed so much to see is now right in front of me. With my idiot brother excused of course.

" Don't worry about it. What's important is that you guys are finally here. Shall we begin?" asked Seung Ho, the leader of the pack.

Questioning with a tone of authority, it was easy to see that he's the leader. My first time seeing him in person really didn't have much of difference than watching him on tv. His hair styled the same way as it was in "Oh Yeah", raised high and and firmly held with hair gel gave him a cool and sophisticated look. His warm smile brighten the mood a little.

Beside him was G.O, the second eldest in the group despite having the same age as Seung Ho. Famous for his vocals and facial hair, he looked really friendly and cute compared to pictures of him I've seen before on the net.

And on his right was Mir, the maknae of the group. He shares the role of the group's rapper with my brother. Renowned for his adorable looks, he gave me encouragement with his cheering.

Next was Joon a.k.a Lee Joon, the member that stole my heart ever since I've laid my eyes on him. He changed his hairstyle yet again. This time his hair was dyed blond. With his hair cut, it kinda resembles a golden apple. That idea would have made me burst in to laughter if it weren't for this tense atmosphere. Taking a seat next to my brother, he gave me a thumbs up as a sign that he's cheering for me too.

Not wasting any time, I nodded and started to get into position. They sat anticipating how well I would do. G.O headed for the stereo to play the songs that I would be dancing to, "Y", "Stay" and "Again".

My mind finally started to relax as I danced to the rhythm putting my heart and soul into the movements. I wouldn't just let my days of hard work and practice go to waste. This is the moment which I've waited for so long. Who would have thought that the time you've waited ages for would just be gone in the blink of an eye. Similarly, my performance ended without me even noticing. The sound of people applauding woke me from my trance.

"She's quite good isn't she? She managed to do a 100% copy of all our dances". Mir's compliment gave me a sense of achievement.

"That's to be expected of. She did spent months practicing after all. I guess she received all that will power from just wanting to impress us. Or more precisely, Lee Joon." Cheon Doong's comment this time was over the top.

I jabbed my elbow into my brother's gut, not caring whether he would be able to dance or even walk after this. He deserved it, no brother in the right state of mind would spill about his sister's secrets. Besides, I've already warned him to keep his big mouth shut.

"She's into me?" asked Joon with a shocked expression.

"Yeah, didn't you hear what I said?" Cheon Doong managed to squeeze those words under his breath still recovering from my attack.

"Don't forget he's the muscle fool, he's slow at realizing things." Seung Ho added.

I giggled at Seung Ho's statement. I guess I did fall for him because of his looks.

"Anyways, did I make the cut?" I asked desperately trying to change the topic. However, my stammering voice and blushing isn't helping.

Seung Ho smiled at me once again. I could predict what his answer would be.

"It looks like we need to throw a welcoming party pronto. Guys, say hello to our new member."

My heart became full of bliss from his reply. Finally, I made it! The first girl member in MBLAQ.

"You must have done quite a lot to come this far. For that we have decided to give you a reward as a sign of our congratulations and also as a welcome celebration." Seung Ho's sudden statement took me by surprise.

"Th..Thanks. But what's the reward?" I asked.

Seung Ho and Cheon Doong exchanged glances. They whispered to each other and brought Joon into the circle. They were discussing about something and they looked really suspicious. Roughly after about 3 minutes, they came up to me.

"It's decided, I don't know how much you would find this as a reward but I'm positive it'll make you see things from a whole new and different perspective."

What is Seung Ho talking about? Before I could even find myself an answer, Cheon Doong interrupted.

"Lee Joon has something to say to you sis."

Joon walked up to me with a broad smile. I could hear my brother giggling. But weird enough, I couldn't say I dislike the situation. His features became more clearer and distinct as he advanced to wards me. His blond fringe covered his almond eyes which matches too perfectly with his chocolate voice. His height was really tall which would make me look completely pathetic if I were to stand next to him. His light footsteps came to a halt as he stopped in front of me.


His mere voice shot through my heart like an arrow. It could have been lethal if he were to call my name again. With my heart racing and blood pressure accelerating, it took me all my will power to keep myself composed. However, it's totally useless because I knew my body was already showing it all too clearly. Blushing and heavy breathing accompanied my anxiousness.

"There's something I've been wanting to tell you since long ago. To be more precise, ever since I've met you when you were still a kid... I like you Rei."

My heart was on the verge of exploding after hearing what he said. Beating faster way beyond what my heart's capable of, I couldn't even react. I stood there with my feet planted on the ground still analyzing what he said moments ago. "What!? Rei, are you dreaming? Joon couldn't have said that to me right?" My mind spun around searching for answers.
Joon paused slightly longer this time, hesitating on what to say next. Finally he gathered his words together and spoke.

"So, will you be my girlfriend?" Joon said with his face turning slightly red.

I couldn't handle it any longer. None of this seems real. Not being able to keep my composure any more, my feelings boiled over with tears starting to run down my face. I've heard that people cry because their feelings can't be explained with words, was this what they meant? My body just couldn't respond to him and I stood there motionless. Even though my answer was obvious, my mouth just wouldn't budge.

"Woah, she's crying! Joon, you've really done it this time." G.O said.

G.O made me puzzled once again. But I understood all of it and what this is all about after Joon collapsed on the floor and started laughing.

"Hahahahahaha! I really surprised you didn't I? Man, that was fun."

The mist that has been blocking my view has cleared now. I see, I understand now. It was all a joke. All just an act to fool me. Something changed in me that time, my heart which was so filled of feelings for Joon was now left empty with the sight of him laughing in front of me. I felt that I'm being betrayed by my own feelings.

"Geez, sorry sis. This is how we reward newbies. They have to realize that some stars are different than how they are on screen. The fact is that Seung Ho really enjoys playing pranks. And Joon's a total contrast of what you thought of. He has never and would never take any girl seriously, even if they're his fans." My brother broke my heart further, this time crushing it into a million pieces.

The man which has been my idol for years has now turn into a complete fake. Just a fraud. Leaving my heart nothing but hatred left for him. A heart wanting revenge on how he has humiliated me. He sat on the floor still laughing.

"I acted pretty well didn't I?"

His smirk angered me further. At last my anger exploded with my hand slapping across his face. Leaving him and everybody else shocked and completely speechless, together silencing the laughter that boomed through the room just a few seconds ago.

-Chapter 2 End-

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I like your story, it's really nice
i like your story!
VKchan96 #3
just uploaded this. sad to say its already complete. this is my first fan-fic so it ended quite abruptly. i'm currently working on another one. please enjoy it too ^^
parkmira #4
I love stories like this ... <br />
update soon ...