
I'm MBLAQ's Only Female Member

“Oh baby stay with me nae gyeoteman isseo jwo nega nae jeonbuyeotdan marya….”The song which has been ringing in my ears for hours now has yet come to an end. There’s only two weeks left till our comeback performance on Music Bank. Everybody’s practicing really hard to make it a success. Everything’s almost perfect… That is, except for the ballet performance I’m supposed to do with Joon.
“All right, that’s enough for today. Well done guys.” Seung Ho finally gave us the command to stop. To think that it has been two months since I’ve joined MBLAQ. Everything is going well, I’m getting along more and more with them as each day passes. And amazingly enough, I’m getting along with Joon too! I guess it’s possible for him to turn over a new leaf after all.
“Rei and Joon, work harder on your performance. It still doesn’t look too good. Focus more, we don’t have much time left.”Seung Ho’s leader personality has completely taken over. And let me tell you, don’t mess with him when he’s in control-freak mode. It’ll just get worse.
“Everything is almost done. Rei just still needs to work more on the finale part.” That was the first time I heard Joon covering for me. At least I thought so.
“Don’t worry. I’ll stay back today too to practice. I’ll do my best” I lit my face with a smile to enforce more energy into me. I continued dancing as the others headed back to the dorm, including my brother. Joon stayed behind to “tutor” me. Sweat dripped down my face like I was taking a shower. My limbs ached, but the will to make my performance perfect kept me going. Also, Joon’s perfect ballet made me go green with envy. Ballet was the only thing I’ve taken so much pride in since I was little. Many praised me for my dancing. But, this was the first time I’ve seen someone dance so much more graceful. I guess it’s normal for someone who once majored in contemporary dancing. His stamina and felxibility as amazing as well. Being able to do a crane leg as if it was nothing, I envy him!
“Get some rest. You’re exhausted” Joon told me.
“Yeah, and let you get the limelight? As if!” I shot him back with my comment.
“Haha, you’re one tough girl aren’t you? Looks like I’ve underestimated you. You have better stamina than I thought.”         
I would be happy with his compliment if it weren’t a lie. I could barely move anymore and I’ve been forcing all my energy into my legs just to keep on standing.I continued dancing despite being depleted of energy. Alas, my body, or more precisely my clumsiness got the better of me. I tripped over at one part and fell. Everything happened in the blink of an eye. At one second, I could see myself heading for the ground, just waiting for an impact. I closed my eyes already knowing I would end up getting myself bruised. The next, I’ve found myself knocking into something much more softer than the ground. I opened my eyes, and to my surprise, Joon had broke my fall. He caught me right at the moment before my head hit the ground. His hands protecting my head and holding my face closer to him more than necessary. His embrace brought back memories I’ve had of him years ago; when we both first met… We both stopped a moment as we rewind back what just happened.
“I told you to be more careful. Do you want to end up in the hospital!?” He shouted, still panting. It must have been quite an impact. He started to back himself away as he saw my face already blushing. It seems he read my emotions again. “Rei, what are you? A book?! Control yourself girl! You’re over him remember?” I told myself.
“Sorry, I know I’m heavy. Thanks… I’ll be more careful next time.”
“Geez, you’re really a handful. I told you not to push yourself too much!  
“Can’t I decide what I want to do? Is working harder a crime? Or do you want me to embarrass myself on stage in front of the public like I did with you guys!?” I shouted letting the anger take over.
“Tell me, do you really hate me that much? Can’t you let what happened last time become a thing of the past?” Joon asked me with his gaze locked onto me. Showing a cold side of him which is rarely seen.
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that question? If you really do find me that annoying why didn’t you let me fall just then. You might be better off like that.”
“You’re one to say that. You really are a…” Joon stopped talking as he tried to get up. Ending his sentence with a slight grunt. His hand holding on to his leg in a painful manner. He collapsed again. Did he injure himself in the fall? I rushed towards him.
“Damn, I think I sprained my ankle.”
“Hold on, I’ll get the first aid kit.” I dashed across to the cabinet not far away. Returning back to him in minutes.
“Stay still.” I said as I tended to his leg. His gaze still fixed on to me gave me a chill.
“I’m sorry, it’s my fault. This wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for me. You really shouldn’t have done what you did.” I apologized acknowledging my own clumsiness.
“Yeah right, and let you get yourself hurt? No way!”
Joon’s statement shocked me. Here I am being so self-centered not realizing that everybody else, including Joon was looking out for me. “Rei, you’re the stupid one!”
“Ah... How hard is it to erase you from my heart. Heh, I thought I told myself not to fall for you anymore. But here you are whispering cruel words to me. Despicable. How am I supposed to escape if you keep doing this.” I let those words escape from my lips.
“Joon’s cold gaze changed to a look of surprise. He turned away to think. It’s really easy to make him loose his composure if you knew what to criticize him with. He looked back at me, this time with a face filled with determination.
“How dense could you be? Haven’t you noticed yet?” I couldn’t understand what he said. “Notice? What is there to notice?” I thought.
His warm hands held mine, making them stop shuddering. It’s embarrassing for him to see me so nervous.
“If you can’t escape….”
Joon stopped his sentence mid-way as his hand suddenly pushed myself towards him. I fell again into his embrace, totally defenseless. This time, if it were possible, everything happened as if time had stopped.
He repeated himself.“If you can’t escape, then don’t, I’ll steal your heart once more.” His lips met mine the moment he finished his sentence. Again sending my heart racing like crazy with his kiss. Waves of emotions and questions came rushing. I couldn’t think anymore. So much has happened ever since I’ve entered MBLAQ. And it looks like Joon is going to take it up to another level. Will my weak heart be able to take anymore of this?!
-Chapter 4 End-

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I like your story, it's really nice
i like your story!
VKchan96 #3
just uploaded this. sad to say its already complete. this is my first fan-fic so it ended quite abruptly. i'm currently working on another one. please enjoy it too ^^
parkmira #4
I love stories like this ... <br />
update soon ...