Demon-like Angel

I'm MBLAQ's Only Female Member

Crushing strength, immense pressure all filled with confusion. His hot breath intoxicated both my mind and body making it go numb. Finally letting go, leaving traces of that bittersweet feeling behind. Drawing himself back from me altogether taking away my soul. Leaving my seemingly lifeless body frozen.
“Understand now?” Joon asked with his face completely composed.
“S.. S.. Since when?” I managed to make myself speak again. I can’t believe this! Aaaiiish~ Just when I’ve finally decided to forget all about him… ERASE! ERASE! ERASE! EEEEEEERASE!!!!!!!!~~~
“Who knows? Maybe around the same time you fell for me? The real intention of what I did last time was to test your feelings. Looks like you really did held on till the end… Tell me, am I really that irresistible?” Joon yet again compliments himself without shame.
I started blushing again on impulse. He really is the only one capable of making my emotions run this wild.
“M..Maybe, have a problem with that?” I asked still unable to speak without stuttering. I would take the impact from the fall anytime. The impact from the kiss has a far worser effect.
“Haha, you know what?” Joon asked.
“Know what?”
“What you brother said really is true. Anyone can read you like a book.” He teased me further.
“Geez, I get it all right! You don’t have to remind me so much.” I lost my temper again. I knew too well what he said was true. Somehow, I just couldn’t accept it. Not after so much that just happened. Joonie… How much longer do you have to keep this up? I’m going crazy already!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!~
A week has passed since our comeback and I’m happy to say it was a complete success! We topped the charts with ‘Stay’ and ‘Cry’. A well deserved reward from everybody’s hard work. Our manager was so ecstatic about our results that the company decided to send us on a one week holiday on a cruise ship around Jeju Island. Completely free of charge! Now, that’s what I call a reward! xD
“Man, how much longer till we reach?”  Mir was already bored with the long journey. Its understandable. Hardly anyone could contain their excitement of this luxurious trip. Maybe entering MBLAQ wasn’t such a bad idea afterall.
“Be patient and stop whining. It’s only a few more minutes.” Joon replied after looking at his watch. Look outside and enjoy the scenery, we will reach Jeju Island soon enough.
“Easy for you to say.. You have Rei here to keep you company. If only I have someone of my own. Hey Rei! What made you pick him over me? He’s snobby, obnoxious and a complete show-off! Mir pouted at me and continued sulking at a corner.
“Hey! Watch it!” Joon warned him.
Looks like I’ve been completely recognized now as Joon’s girlfriend. As embarrassing as I would phrase it, I guess I don’t mind as long as I’m happy. Rei, you’re really a complete fool! He’s too good for you. My conscience would always remind me. Yup, I know. I guess I’m just one lucky girl to even be able to fall in love with this demon-like angel. Hmm, what? Since when did they find out about us? Well…. It happened on that same day….+++++++++++++++++ Flashback start++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
“Yah! Don’t get so cocky! So what if I display my emotions easily?” I shouted at him.
“Hahahaha” He burst into laughter further. “It makes you cute ^^” He replied as he gave me a wink, obviously to tease me further.
“>///<” “Wh.. That’s it! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!” I screamed at him as I clenched my fist to hit him repeatedly. Obviously, I wasn’t being serious. But that was all I could take. If I don’t defend myself now, I might be the first person ever recorded to die from embarrassment.
“Ouch! Hey that hurts!” Joon cried as he tried to run away from me.
“Yayayaya~ Why are out two lovebirds being so loud?” Thunder suddenly appeared together with the other members. How long have they been there? Did they hear everything? Did they see everything?!
“It’s really rude to eavesdrop you know?” Joon said.
“That’s not eavesdropping. It’s just a precautionary measure so that you don’t get too carried away.” Thunder shot Joon back with his glare. Clearly stating what authority he has over him as my elder brother.
“Y..You saw all that?!” I said in disbelief.
“Yup, we thought we were watching a soap opera though.” G.O replied.
“Originally, we came back to get our stuff. But your brother here decided to stay for a while longer to enjoy the show”. Seungho ended his sentence with a giggle.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Flashback end++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ughh!~ I’m getting goosebumps all over just recalling that memory. I spent so much time rewinding my memories that we had already reached our destination. Everybody was glad to get down from the bus. The salty sea breeze greeted us with a refreshing twinge. Aigoo~ All the sweat and pain I’ve endured has finally come to an end. Now’s the time to let loose and enjoy. So, that was what I thought. Until a complete stranger appeared in front of us right after we descended from the bus. She had long black hair and was really beautiful. She reminded me of a model from a magazine I used to read. She seemed to be staring at each of us one at a time, as if looking for someone. A fan perhaps?
“Ah! Jiyeon! What are you doing here?” Joon suddenly asked after he saw her.
“Ah, there you are! It’s been a long time Chang Sun~” The stranger named Jiyeon replied.
Hold on! Pause and stop! This was supposed to be MY dream time. What the hell is another girl doing here with us? And what is her relationship with Joon that she gets to call him by his real name?! What’s going on?!!!!
-Chapter 5 End-

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I like your story, it's really nice
i like your story!
VKchan96 #3
just uploaded this. sad to say its already complete. this is my first fan-fic so it ended quite abruptly. i'm currently working on another one. please enjoy it too ^^
parkmira #4
I love stories like this ... <br />
update soon ...