
I'm MBLAQ's Only Female Member

Dumbfound. That’s how I felt. Maybe some might call it jealousy. But to me this situation . Finally, I get to go on a vacation with my friends and not to mention with Joon, but it looks like things are going to turn ugly with a new passenger hopping on. She steals all the limelight away from me and becomes the centre of attention. Looks like I have a new nemesis on my hands. Her name?  PARK JIYEON.“Geez, she’s really sticking up to Joon…” G.O. murmured as we made our way into the cruise liner.
“Yeah, you bet. Don’t get too worked up Rei, I’m sure she has to go at one time or another.” Seungho ensured me with his hands patting my head.”
“Yeah, yeah I know. Who is she anyway? I mean suddenly appearing out of nowhere and kidnapping Joon. Didn’t she say she just wanted to go on a tour around the ship with Joon? Why can’t we go together as a team?” I asked agitated.
“Well… We heard she was Joon’s ex- girlfriend. His first girlfriend actually, they were together ever since they kissed at the age of 4.” My brother answered me.
“What?! He never took any girl seriously but he kissed her at the age of 4? Who does he think he is?!” Blood was starting to boil in my head. I simply can’t tolerate this. What kind of boyfriend leaves you the moment he laid he eyes on another girl? Someone like that wouldn’t even be called a boyfriend. He’s just a player!
“Woah, slow down Rei. That was just an innocent childhood kiss. Maybe it was an accident. And you know how kids play husband and wife when they’re little. Trust me, Joon’s not the type of person to leave his loved ones behind. He may put up an idiot –like front. But we know there’s the real Joon deep inside.”  Seungho said.
I smiled and continued touring around with them. Get your facts straight Rei, don’t lose faith in him! It’s just your silly imagination getting the better of you. We chit-chatted as we walked around and window-shopped in the liner’s souvenir shop. All was going well. Suddenly, we saw a crowd hovering over the bulletin board. We tried to squeeze in to see what was being put up. 

“Wow! Looks like they have interesting events lined up for us.” Mir said with a hint of excitement. He always looked forward to events like these.
Slowly, the crowd started to disperse after some time, leaving us there still reading the details of the ball. A familiar figure suddenly came up behind me. His hands covered my eyes before I could turn. I could already guessed who it was judging by heat radiated by his palms.
“Miss me?” Joon asked as he put down his hand. 
“What took you so long?” I asked.
“Jiyeon here kept insisting on doing another detour until this flyer caught her eye. She’s over there right now.” Joon pointed his fingers to Jiyeon who had her full attention on the flyer. She came running back towards Joon. 
“Chang Sun a~~Let’s do that together tomorrow night. It looks fun.” She said as she pointed towards the flyer.
My jaws dropped. So did the other MBLAQ member’s. Joon’s face was covered with confusion and hesitation.
“Urm, Jiyeon. I know it’s been a long time and such, but what happened in the past is a thing of the past. Rei’s my girlfriend now”
Joon’s statement made me felt secure. I’m glad he didn’t forget about me. Seungho was right afterall. He really is there, deep in his heart. 
“Ah… yes, Rei.” Jiyeon looked disappointed at Joon’s answer. I wouldn’t blame her. I know how it feels to get turned down like that. Yet, another side of me feels happy at the fact that I had victory over her. 
“Ya~ How long do you expect me to keep up with all your old folk’s stories. I’m bored here. Let’s have some fun at the pool.” Mir has clearly ran out of patience. 
“Right, let’s meet there after changing.” G.O said and everyone headed towards the direction of the changing room. Jiyeon and I entered together. Right, I’ll take this as an opportunity to get closer to her and breach the gap. Who knows? I might even find out some interesting childhood facts about Lee Joon myself.
“So…… How did you to meet?” I asked her.
She stared at me for awhile and replied, “We’re childhood friends. We’ve known each other since forever.”
“W..Wow, that’s kind of neat.”
“Yeah, but a friendship like that is useless if your friends forget all about you…”
I was taken aback. Forget? What did she mean? I feel bad to continue our conversation.
“Sorry, I don’t quite get you…” I said.
She glared at me, now her eyes cold. No emotions in them. The atmosphere turned tense.
“We might known each other since little.. But ever since I’ve moved to America, never once did Joon contact me. Not a call or even an e-mail. Nothing.”
I couldn’t reply. More precisely, I didn’t know how to reply. She looks capable of breaking down any moment.
“You’re lucky. I might be his first, but he cherishes you. I could see from afar. He doesn’t fake his smiles or his laughs. He enjoys every moment with you. It’s just the complete opposite with me. Even just now, even if he’s with me, all he does was look at his watch. He’s even afraid of making you wait.” She added.
“Urm, yeah I know I am. And I know he might be too good for me. But I cherish him too.” I replied.
“Hmm… You’re right… He is too good for you. So.. what do you say of handing him over to me?” Jiyeon’s statement stunned me.
What? Hand my boyfriend over to you? Who do you think I am? No way am I handing him over, you witch.

“Heh, you’re funny. It’s the first time someone has asked me such a silly question. Maybe it’s because you don’t know me. But I’m not the type of girl that gives up easily. If you want him, fight for him. I’ve gone through too much too just hand her over to some other girl.” I said with confidence.
“Guess, I will…. Let me warn you first, you’ll regret starting war with me. It might has been some time, but I’ll make Joon for fall me once again. I tamed him first after all… Keep in mind that nobody ever forgets their first love easily. Neither will me nor Joon.” 
“Neither will I!” I shot my reply back at her.
It’s official. Rei’s no.1 enemy of the year is now officialy Park Jiyeon! Get ready to face the wrath of Rei! 

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I like your story, it's really nice
i like your story!
VKchan96 #3
just uploaded this. sad to say its already complete. this is my first fan-fic so it ended quite abruptly. i'm currently working on another one. please enjoy it too ^^ http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/72019/my-school-s-student-council-members-are-vampires-beast-mblaq-mbleast-vampires
parkmira #4
I love stories like this ... <br />
update soon ...