
I'm MBLAQ's Only Female Member


"Rei! Wait, we were just..."


Seung Ho couldn't finish his sentence. I ran out of the room leaving the situation as it is. I couldn't think straight, I just want to get myself away from them, away from him. I'm still unable to believe that the person I've had feelings for so long didn't even existed. Its all gone now. My feelings for him, all gone. No. It wasn't there in the first place. I was just dancing by myself all this time... Not realizing what was really going on in front of me. I ran as fast as my legs could bring me. Anywhere, I'll go anywhere as long as it's not in front of him. I'm afraid I'll break down any second if I saw him again. My chest ached, making me suffocate as tears start to run down my cheeks washing away the image of him I've engraved into my heart. No more, I don't want anymore of this!


"Joon, you're such an idiot!"


Suddenly I felt someone tugging at my arm, I turned my head to look. It was my brother, it seems he had caught up to me. 


"Hey.. I thought I've told you, you'll never beat me in running…" Thunder could barely finished his sentence. I could see how hard he ran to catch up to me. He was panting heavily and sweat was already starting to run down his face.


"I... I..." 


I couldn't speak. I just started crying again. My heart ached more and more each time I tried to convey my thoughts. It felt like a bomb, capable of exploding any second. 


"Shhh.. It's ok, I've already gotten permission from them to head back first. Let's go home." 


He smiled at me and help wiped away the tears on my face as he said that. At least, his comfort helped me to get things straight. I won't cry anymore, I'll just be losing to him if I do. Instead of being a crying my sanity away, I'll make him see me for who I'm really am. I'll make him see what happens when he tries to mess with me.




We arrived at the studio the next morning for dance practice. I could see that the gloomy atmosphere was back. Poor Mir desperately tried to brighten everybody’s mood, but to no avail. I sat on the bench just watching them. I was in no mood to dance. It was obvious that we’re not going to get anywhere if I keep this up. They couldn’t complete the choreography without me. So, I stood up and decided to end all this foolish act.


“Urm…, I have something to say…”


My voice broke the dead silence. All of them faced me; Thunder, Seung Ho, G.O, Mir and Joon whom were in the middle of practicing.


“I’m sorry for yesterday, I know I acted like a brat. I promise not to act foolishly again. It was because of me that we couldn’t start practice yesterday…”


“No. We’re sorry too. We should have thought twice about our actions.” Seung Ho apologized for the rest of the group. But still, I wanted to hear a personal apology from him. It just wouldn’t do if he continued with his silly “leader” act.


Just as I thought about it, Joon came up to me once again. This time with his head bowed. For the first time, in front of my very own eyes, he actually looked down-to-earth. He thought for awhile before he started his sentence.


“Rei, I reflected on my actions yesterday. I knew what I did was over the top. I’m sorry for hurting your feelings. Could you ever accept our heart-felt apologies?”

Joon finally looked up. His face enough to show how much he regretted his actions. His puppy pout really is effective for times like these.


“All right, I’ll forgive you. But don’t expect me to fall for you anymore after this. What you did yesterday totally erased the image I’ve had of you for so long. You’re fans out there will be really disappointed if they knew your true self.” I said.


Joon kept quiet and said nothing. He tried to hide it, but I could see he was smiling at the thought of my statement. He really is unbearable! I wonder where his sudden sincerity moments ago had gone to. He really is good at acting. Is this what he is really like? I didn’t care to know. “Rei! You don’t have feelings for him anymore, remember?”


“Ok, looks like that’s taken care of. Shall we finally start our practice?” G.O patience was running out. Looks like they’re all eager to start.


“Hold on, don’t you think we have forgotten to tell Rei something?” Thunder reminded Seung Ho and the others.


“Ah yes! Rei, you’ve taken ballet lessons before right?” Seung Ho asked me


I nodded him a reply. “I’m still taking them. Why?”


“You see, we’ve decided to put in extra effort for our upcoming comeback performance and we were planning to ask you to perform a ballet with Joon. What do you say?”


MBLAQ really is full of surprises. You expect me to dance ballet with the guy that I had a crush on for years and not to mention that he was the one who broke my heart just yesterday? Come on, you must be crazy. Or is this what I have to face to reach my dreams of becoming a pop star. I couldn’t say no to them. All I could do was shut my mouth and ignored my heart crying out to me; “No! Definitely no! You want me to dance we that sore loser???!” And so, I accepted their request.


“Great! I’ll be expecting to see you here everyday from now on. I’ll teach you all you need to learn.” Joon’s sarcasm didn’t make me feel any better. In fact, I felt worse. How much more unbearable does my situation have to be?! Seeing him during practice is already killing me, now I have to see him twenty- four seven? Someone please save me!


-Chapter 3 End-

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I like your story, it's really nice
i like your story!
VKchan96 #3
just uploaded this. sad to say its already complete. this is my first fan-fic so it ended quite abruptly. i'm currently working on another one. please enjoy it too ^^ http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/72019/my-school-s-student-council-members-are-vampires-beast-mblaq-mbleast-vampires
parkmira #4
I love stories like this ... <br />
update soon ...