
I'm MBLAQ's Only Female Member

I’ve gone through a lot of ups and downs in my life. And it has thought me memorable lessons. For example, nothing ever comes easy in life. This much I know. Don’t take things for granted. This I know too well by now. All’s fair in love and war? This I’m about to find out.
“Chang Sun a~ Sorry to keep you waiting!~” Jiyeon’s menacing voice cried out like a siren the moment we reached the pool. The other members were already there as usual.
“Hey, I thought we told you to change, not go shopping for clothes to change. You both took eons.” Joon complained.
“Yeah, we know that. I just took some extra time to talk to Rei here. We’ve shared a lot among each other.” Jiyeon replied obviously covering up the real situation.
“Oh, really? Good to hear that!” Joon said with a smile plastered on his face. up to him every minute. That must be her job, after all that’s what she’s best at. Fight, Rei! You’re gonna lose if you don’t even compete. Don’t let her hog Joon all to herself. Show some action, girl! Yet again, life comes into terms. Decision. The no.1 thing that drives the people around. Choosing the right thing can make your life rock. But if you choose the wrong one, it might just turn into a living hell. In my case, it seems I don’t even have a choice. Do it or lose him.
I walked up to Joon. Bracing all my courage and pride in advance knowing that it might shatter the moment I start to make my move.
“ Urm.. I’m not that good at swimming...” I said. The effect was imminent. My cheeks started to blush again. Showing my true self too clearly before him. Well, I’m not telling a lie. I barely know how to swim. I’ve never taken any swimming lessons before either.
Joon was puzzled by my actions. It’s obvious he knows I’m up to something. He eyes lit up in surprise. He didn’t seemed to mind. He just grabbed my hand and led me to the pool.
“Don’t worry, it’s easy.” He assured me. I went into the shallow side of the pool with his hands guiding me. Holding on me tightly. That’s right, Jiyeon wasn’t false about one thing. He makes you feel secure if you’re by his side. Idiot! You’re gonna make me fight for you more!
Time passed quickly. Everyone had a whale of a time playing around. Jiyeon was sulking by the side of the pool. Not interested in joining the fun. Glares from her were like daggers. Stone hard and ice cold.
“Hey, just tell the truth… You’re jealous aren’t you?” Joon suddenly asked.
“Jealous? Why should I be?” I lied.“Come on, don’t play dumb. I’ve watched you for years. You’re not the kind to get close to me in an instance by using swimming lessons as an excuse. You’re doing this because you don’t want me to be with Jiyeon right?” He said with a smirked. He really is the one enjoying himself the most.
“So what if. It doesn’t concern you.”
“It doesn’t concern me, but it’s actually all about me, am I right?”
“Ya! That’s enough!” I shouted. Besides, he reckoned he knew my motives the moment I took my first move. He’s merely making it more entertaining. Idiot Joon!
“Hahahaha…” He started laughing. “You know you look the cutest when you embarrassed don’t you?” he said.
I ignored him. It would just be a waste of my breathe. Nevertheless I’m proud to say that my plan for today succeeded. I’m almost spent the entire day with Joon without having that witch to bother us. But the fact that Jiyeon was so quiet was intriguing. Way too quiet to be exact…
Everyone was doing their own things by now. Mir was mingling around with the other passengers at the lounge. G.O decided to look around. Seungho decided to get some air on the veranda. Joon however decided to stay to tutor me on my upcoming school tests. Jiyeon? Who knows? Better yet, who cares?I know I don’t.
“Man, how many times do you need to get the same question wrong? Isn’t most of these common sense?” He said after looking through my answers.
“Would I even need you to tutor me if I understood all these?” I replied annoyed.
“Hey, admit it, you enjoy me having to tutor you don’t you?” Joon yet again says the truth. What is he, Psychic?”
I remained silent. This time concentrating on my studies. Joon continues to mess with me. Not even being the least considerate. Maybe I’m just making all these up. It’s not because of his actions that I can’t concentrate. Rather, the fact that his beside me right now. Just hearing his breath makes me difficult to breathe. Flashbacks keep coming back. Geez, concentrate more Rei!
*Somebody nugunga nareul jom mallyeo jwoyo, eotteohke ireohke dang halsuga inayo…*
Joon’s cellphone suddenly rang. He too it up and answered.
“Hmm..? Yeah, I’m with Rei…. Why? Where are you now..? Hold on, I’m coming.” With that he ended the call.
“It’s Jiyeon. I want to see me for a moment.”
“Yeah, I guess. She’s really sulking huh?” I said to myself.
“Haha, don’t worry. I’m be back in 5 minutes. Her room’s just next door.” Joon said and exited through the door.
However, minutes passed and passed. It’s almost been forty minutes and he’s not back yet. I’m starting to get suspicious. What’s that witch up to now? I’ve got a bad feeling about this. I shouldn’t let him escape from my sight. I sprang to my feet and found my way to Jiyeon’s door. Joon saved me the trouble of having to open it. It’s left unclosed. He must have went in a rush. I peeked through the small gap.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Jiyeon and Joon’s conversation ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Joon: Come on, you know it isn’t like that!
Jiyeon: You might try to deny it as much as you like, but it’s obvious. You love her.
Joon: …..What can I do to make you believe me? You’re acting like a brat.
Jiyeon: Me? A brat? Look who’s talking. You’re the one who started all this in the first place
Joon: Look… It’s just a temporary thing ok? I’ll get over Rei soon enough. You don’t think a whim of a girl like that is my type do you? You’re the only one, Jiyeon.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Conversation end ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
I stood there frozen. What just happened? I couldn’t bring myself to listen anymore. My body reacted first. I started running. Running again as fast as my feet could take me. Anywhere. As long as I don’t hear or watch what happens next with them. Liar! He’s a liar!
Somebody stopped my path. I banged into him. I couldn’t see clearly. The tears had already blurred away my vision.
“Rei? What happened?” I could hear Seungho’s calm voice. It’s soothing. My chest hurts. Hurts too much. I can’t control my sobs anymore. It’s getting uncontrollable.
“Calm down. I might not know what happened, but you can be at ease now. I’m here.” He hugged me. It’s weird. Being in another man’s embrace other than the one I used to know. Strange yet calming.
“I’m sorry. Can I just stay like this a little longer.” I managed to speak.
“Sure. Just relax.”
It’s confusing. All to confusing now. The decision I thought the was the best turned out into another disaster. “ I’ll get over Rei soon enough. You don’t think a whim of a girl like that is my type do you? You’re the only one, Jiyeon.” Joon’s voice haunts my mind. I don’t want to know anymore. I can’t take anymore of this. He already played me once. I’m not gonna let him get away with crushing my heart another time. The gentle angel I had come to know, was a demon in disguise. Rather, the angel lost his wings, and fell to the pits of hell.
“Seungho… This might be sudden, but can I ask a favour from you?” I asked after I lifted my wet face which was buried in his chest.
“Sure, what is it?” He seemed puzzled.
“Be my date for tomorrows Masquesrade Ball.”
My decision is now final. I’m gonna drag on this war with all I got. Just you wait and see.
-Chapter 7 End-

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I like your story, it's really nice
i like your story!
VKchan96 #3
just uploaded this. sad to say its already complete. this is my first fan-fic so it ended quite abruptly. i'm currently working on another one. please enjoy it too ^^
parkmira #4
I love stories like this ... <br />
update soon ...