
I'm MBLAQ's Only Female Member

The lights of the ball room flickered on. The sudden light would have blinded my eyes if not for Joon who was blocking me. He stopped the kiss as he learned about the situation. I found ourselves at the corner of the room. He must have pushed me to the side during the black out. However, he didn’t advert his gaze from me for long, he stared back at me.
“S.. Sorry, I didn’t meant to force you to do that.” He suddenly broke the awkward silence. Only then did I realize the reason for him to say so. My eyes were wet. Did I cry just now? Or did Joon’s kiss steal my attention away long enough that I’ve lost sense of my own reactions.
He sighed. “Don’t cry, I won’t do it anymore… Sorry for forcing you…” He apologized as he used his hand to wiped away the trail of tears from my face. And then, he walked away, exiting the ball room.
I still stood there with my feet locked to the ground. It took me a few minutes to gather my senses back.
Why? He loves Jiyeon.. so why all this?! I’m getting more confused as the questions keep accumulating. Jiyeon might love him but she’s not the only one. And the kiss made me positive that Joon’s has feelings for me too. Who cares if he chooses Jiyeon? I’ve already promised myself that I’d won’t give him up to some other girl. I’ll just snatch him back.
I ran out of the ball room as fast as I could. I threw my heels away that deterred me from running. Bad choice of shoes for tonight. I ran like the wind until I saw him. Surprisingly, he was with Jiyeon. Again. They seemed to be having an argument.
“What do you think you’re doing? How could you kiss her when you haven’t even kiss me yet?” Jiyeon shouted at him, obviously jealous. She glared at me  from the front.
Joon turned around and noticed me. Ironically, he smiled and turned back to face Jiyeon.
“Look, Jiyeon. I can’t keep this up with you anymore. Play time was over a long time ago. I can’t lie to you or to myself anymore. And I definitely can’t bear hurting Rei anymore than I already have.” Joon’s words for the first time ever touched me. That fool, he’s gonna make me cry again!
Jiyeon’s expression showed a sign of defeat. Her stone cold glare no longer there. I bet she doesn’t have the strength to keep this up either.
“Fine, I was fighting a losing battle anyway…” Jiyeon admitted. “Go then… and be with your one and only…” With that Jiyeon left.
Joon turned around and advanced towards me.
“There, it’s all over between me and her now. Sorry to keep you waiting.” Joon’s smile radiated from his face. It has been a long time since I’ve seen him this happy. I couldn’t help but smile back in return.
“ I don’t get it. Do you mean to tell me that all it took to end all this misunderstanding was those few words???” I asked.
“Hmm… Seems so.” He let out a loud laugh.
“Hey! You idiot!” I clenched my fist and hit him hard on his chest.
“Ya! You don’t need to get so worked up about it… Think about it… On the bright side, at least I’m happy that I’ve confirmed the fact that you can’t live without me.” Joon returned to his teaser side once again.
“Hah! Look at who’s talking. Who’s the one who made a face like the world ended just because I cried when he tried to kiss me?!” I back with no intention of loosing anymore.
“Ah… So you mean to say you enjoyed it?” Joon teased me further as he leaned on me forcing me to the wall. He used both his hands to block me from escaping.
“Hey… if you do it again you’re gonna be dead!” I threatened him.
“I’m not the only one to blame. I can’t help myself either. Haven’t I told you that you look the cutest when you blush?” Joon’s voice became whispers as he closed in on me. Making my heart race wild once again.
“You’re really …”
He cut me off as his lips pressed onto mine. Kissing more intensely and more passionately than the earlier one. It’s burning me up, both inside and out. I gasped for air in between the intervals where he stopped. But, it was less than a second and he continued without any intention of stopping. His hands pushed my head up towards him motioning for the kiss to continue.
Once again, I’ve found myself utterly loss in his embrace. Every single kissed overpowered my body with ecstasy. But I don’t regret it because I’m sure now that I love him and he loves me. The battle I had with Jiyeon really taught me something after all. But for now, let’s just hope the others won’t find us so soon.



How was it? This was my first fan-fic so its kinda ended abruptly. Anyhow, I hope you guys would subscribe my new fan-fic that I'm currently working on. Comments, retweets and sharings of my fan-fics to others are loved. Click http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/72019/my-school-s-student-council-members-are-vampires-beast-mblaq-mbleast-vampires to read my latest fan-fic.

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I like your story, it's really nice
i like your story!
VKchan96 #3
just uploaded this. sad to say its already complete. this is my first fan-fic so it ended quite abruptly. i'm currently working on another one. please enjoy it too ^^ http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/72019/my-school-s-student-council-members-are-vampires-beast-mblaq-mbleast-vampires
parkmira #4
I love stories like this ... <br />
update soon ...