
I'm MBLAQ's Only Female Member

Its about time I got up and started chasing my dreams.
"Rei! Its time to wake up"
My brother's usual wake up call woke me from my slumber, only to make me realize that I'm back in reality. The violent morning sunlight shone on my face chasing away the last of my sleepiness. I winced at the clock as I try to recall the crazy dream I had last night.
"Hurry up! We're going to be late!" shouted Cheon Doong a.k.a. Thunder, my older brother.
I let out a sigh as I grasped the situation. It seems that the nightmare I had the night before is coming true and that I'm getting a one way road trip to hell.
Clumsily enough, I stumbled down the staircase without even wanting to take notice of how bad my hair looked or how much I'm in need of a comb. The last thing I needed was to be late for this auspicious meeting. I dashed out of the house into my brother's newly bought Ferrari. In the midst of things, I've forgotten how much he cares for his so called "treasures" that I slammed the car door shut.
"Hey! Be careful with that! Do you even have the slightest idea of how much this baby costs?" Cheon Doong shouted.
"Yeah, yeah. I get it. Sorry.", I apologized.
"What took you so long? You do know that the last ones there need to pay for lunch right?" asked my brother as he glared at me expecting me to make up for our tardiness.
"Argh, all right! I'll be the one paying, all right?"
Cheon Doong said nothing but let a smirk escape from his face. That's enough to show that he won the argument this time. Trying my best to not pay attention to my silly brother's antics, I fumbled through my bag desperately looking for a mirror and a comb. Finally being able to fix my looks set my heart at ease. I'll bet that anyone except for my brother saw me in that state, they'll think that I had just escaped from a tornado.
"Hey sis, don't you normally not care about your looks? Since when did you spend so much time caring about your appearances?" asked Cheon Doong.
"Unlike you, I actually make sure that I don't make a fool out of myself and look good before going out. Also, wasn't it your fault for waking me up late?" My reply made my brother burst into laughter.
"It was only for a few minutes, besides, I don't need to check the mirror to tell that I'm good looking. Oh, and don't try to hide it, I can tell that you have a crush on Lee Joon. This is for him isn't it?"
My brother's reply this time really hit the spot. I guess I can admit the part about his looks. MBLAQ, the boy band my brother is currently involved in had just debuted months ago. They gained their popularity easily enough with their songs, charismatic dance moves and good looks. Famous for their "chic-idol" reputation, they have chosen me as a recruit member with my brother's suggestion taken into consideration. And that explains how I've gotten myself into this mess.
"Hey! That's so not true! I'm just a fan all right? All I like about him is how devoted he is to dancing and singing. Nothing more, nothing less."
"Sure, sure. You do know that your feelings are so obvious that they're written all over your face, do you?"
At first I was wondering about what my brother was trying to imply. I stared at myself in the mirror and saw that my cheeks have become flushed red in embarrassment, revealing my true feelings.
"You really are into him aren't you?", asked my brother in a teasing manner.
"Just shut up!" I told him back as I wallow my face in to my bag to protect what's left of my pride from him.
I'm unable to deny that fact from myself any longer. Who knew when I started falling from him? I mean who wouldn't fall for any of them? Almost all the girls in my class are already crazed over them, not to mention how fast they're capable of keeping track of MBLAQ's activities. I for once found myself lucky enough to be given this opportunity to achieve my dreams of becoming a pop star. But form the looks of it, it won't be easy.
We finally arrived at J.Tune, MBLAQ's company. We entered and walked towards the dance studio, where all the other members were waiting. I came today for a test to prove to them my skills and that I've got what it takes to enter MBLAQ.
Time passed faster than I've imagine. I've already found myself at the entrance of the studio.
"If you're just gonna stand there day-dreaming, people might think that you're a statue, or maybe even a piece of pottery. You ready?" My brother asked me once again.
"More ready than I've ever been". My reply gave me a sudden boost of confidence and enthusiasm, giving me the courage I needed as I turned the door knob into the room which will determine whether this will turn into a sweet dream or just another tormenting nightmare.
Chapter 1 -End-

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I like your story, it's really nice
i like your story!
VKchan96 #3
just uploaded this. sad to say its already complete. this is my first fan-fic so it ended quite abruptly. i'm currently working on another one. please enjoy it too ^^
parkmira #4
I love stories like this ... <br />
update soon ...