How Can I Fall? (ON-HOLD)
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Second day of Intramurals

"AAAHHHHH! IT'S BURNING!" What was that?! I opened my eyes as soon as I heard that annoying noise, and...*sniff* *sniff* What was that burning smell? I didn't bother to put on my shirt, instead I went downstairs immediately.

I shook my head as I scoffed. It was Noona, making breakfast. I went over to the burning bacon and nudged her aside. "Hey! Let me handle that, Honeybunch." she demanded.

I shook my head again as I picked up the frying pan with blackish bacons. Poor bacon. I threw all the bacon at the trash can, and cleaned the pan. Noona dried it and placed it over the stove. "What's up with you? Why are you up at," I looked at the clock, "Five in the morning making, or should I say trying to make breakfast?"

She smiled. "Nothing. I woke up with a growling stomach, so I ended up cooking for myself."

"But you can wake up one of our helpers. Use your brain sometimes, Babe." I smirked. I grabbed the pan from her hands and I cooked the bacon for her. Once I finished, I placed the bacon on a plate and gave it to her. "Thanks, Honeybunch." she said with a smile.

I still wanted to sleep, but since it's already five thirty, I decided not to. I took a bath and dressed for today's intramurals and that Destiny Booth is really bugging me. I really don't want to go on our school's prom, but they told us it's compulsory. Ugh.

I reached the school in time, fifteen minutes before the bell rings. I went inside our room, but there are no people. I left my things on my desk and went to the field where the booths are located and everyone was there, trying out different kinds of booths, some are eating.

I was walking to our booth but...what's happening? WTF? "Kookie! Ruuuun! They are catching handsome guys!" yelled Yoongi hyung, with the rest of the hyungs behind him, and the group of seven or so students wearing a mask and carrying a sign that says, 'Catching handsome guys'

"Come on, hurry up!" Namjoon hyung exclaimed, grabbing my arm. What? I was getting confused and dizzy, so I have no other choice but to run with them.

"What is this for? Why are they following us?" I asked as we hid behind a tent, looking around to look for a sign of the Catchers.

"We don't actually know! They just started following us since seven thirty in the morning!" Seokjin hyung complained, looking frustrated.

What? And who are they for Pete's sake? I peeked infront of the tent, looking for the guys but I couldn't see them. Coast is clear. But! There was another group just like them, but holding a different sign. It says 'Catching beautiful ladies'

"And...now you're here...we bet they also want you." Jimin hyung cautioned while I still look for those guys, I couldn't see his reaction, "We have to be very, very carefu--AHH!" he couldn't finish his sentence, I don't know why. Once I turned around, a girl wearing a mask behind me placed a handcuff on my wrists. No! They caught all of us! What are they going to do?

They made us wear a blindfold while they guided us somewhere. It was a pretty long walk. As soon as we reached our destination, they removed our blindfolds and...What the actual eff is happening?! Why are we here inside our own booth and those guys earlier were our class officers, some of them are students from the other class.

A few moments more and my brain processed what was happening. This was their 'plan', the one where we can have our date at the school's prom tomorrow. -_-

"So, you're all here handsome men!" Chohee exclaimed, followed by laughter. "You're here because we--" Hoseok hyung cut her off.

"No! No! Don't molest us! We're too young! I have so many hopes and dreams!" Hoseok hyung said, trying to break the handcuffs off.

"Hey, Jung Hoseok! You're overreacting. You want me to punch you in the face?" Chohee said, showing her fist. Hoseok hyung shut his mouth, "As I was saying, you're all here because we'll give you your dates for tomorrow! Don't worry, the beautiful ladies behind this curtain are from our class." she looked at the other class officers, "Please remove their handcuffs." they removed our handcuffs and made us stand infront of the curtain.

"Now, all you have to do is to feel. Choose wisely, because once you holds a girl's hand in one of these gloves, she's going to be your partner for the prom." she continued. I swallowed. I hope I pick the right girl, not one of my exes. Please.

Jungkook the second says, 'Lol! Who did you fool? Almost every girl in our class is your ex! Hahahaha!'

Shut up, Jungkook the second!

The hyungs seemed to enjoy this, especially Jimin.  Well, I. Do. Not.

"You can now pick a hand." a girl from the other class declared. The holes are ten, and all of them had a girl behind them. But me and the hyungs are seven, so we have to leave three girls here.

I am really nervous, I could not pick a hand. I know they're all girls in my class but hey, what if they're all my exes? Then I really have to be nervous.

I didn't notice, the hyungs already held a hand, except me and Namjoon hyung. I bet he's as nervous as I am. Argh, what to pick? I couldn't pick! Namjoon hyung already picked a hand, and it's hand number eight. Taehyung hyung picked hand number three, Jimin hyung picked hand number six, Hoseok hyung picked hand number ten, Yoongi hyung picked hand number nine, and Seokjin hyung picked hand number two.

The only numbers left are one, four, five and seven. Now's the time to choose.

The hyungs watched me as I went over to hand number seven. I swallowed as I held her hand, and I felt her hand flinch, but she relaxed.

Another girl clapped her hand. "Very well done! Now, all we need to do is to know behind the girls behind this curtain!" the first curtain raised was Seokjin hyung's, his partner for prom was Pong Jjam, his close friend.

Taehyung hyung and Kim Shinyeong (I was so relieved my partner was not that annoying girl. Phew). Jimin hyung and whoa! It's really Hyunji! The library girl! His crush! Namjoon hyung's next and the curtain rose, revealing Leah! I can't wait for him to sing to her! Yoongi hyung and Bung Geoppang, a girl who sits infront of him in our class. Hmm, she's pretty. Hoseok hyung's partner was Ram Myun, our class eleventh ranker.

Now's my time to see who it is behind this curtain. I breathed in and out for a few times, trying to clam myself. Not one of my exes, please. I prayed. They were about to rise the curtain when I looked down and closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes while still looking down, and then I lifted my head up to see who it is.


"Damn! That was awful of you, Kookie! Are you a psychic now? How did you know it was Leah?" Namjoon hyung said while we are sitted around the table, munching on potato chips.

I closed my eyes while I massaged my temples, trying to rest. We are now here at the cafeteria, taking a break. "Hyung! That was just a lucky guess, I think. Just do your dare properly and that's it! Why make a big deal out of it? And, another thing, all of us have those stupid dares! It was Yoongi hyung's fault!" I said, pointing at Yoongi hyung accusingly, eating across from me.

He looked at me weirdly, and pointed to himself while chewing, "Why me? All of this started years ago! We all had this crazy idea of doing dares whenever there's a prom coming on." he protested.

"Aigoo, get ready my beloved wallet. Hwaiting!" Seokjin hyung murmured to his wallet. Pong Jjam is known as the girl who can eat pints of ice cream in our class. She loves ice cream, every flavor, as I heard from the talkative girls in our class.

I looked at everyone, "Ugh. Let's just do our dares properly and...Wait! Yoongi hyung, did you bring your--pfft--flower crown?" I asked, trying to stop myself from laughing.

He stopped eating and looked for something in his bag. Then he showed us his pink flower crown and wore it infront of us, we can't help but laugh. "How do I look like, guys? Am I pretty?" he said and acted like a girl doing aegyo. We laughed even harder.

Jimin hyung coughed, "Noona, may I get your number?" followed by laughter again.

Yoongi hyung removed his flower crown and resumed on eating. Jimin hyung suddenly spoke, "Ahh! I couldn't believe I chose Hyunji! Destiny," he said, smiling. Taehyung hyung hit his head, but not too hard. "You're so corny, I lost my appetite." he said, while Jimin hyung pouted.

"I'm just happy that it's her! What about you, aren't you happy that Kim Shinyeong's your partner? She's really pretty hyung, get ready for your compliment speech to her tomorrow!" Jimin hyung teased Taehyung hyung.

He sighed. "But, I really want another girl to be my partner. If that girl is to be my partner, telling her compliments would be easy." Jimin hyung nodded as he ate.

"We have to go later at the mall to buy our outfits for tomorrow's prom," Namjoon hyung said while tinkering on his phone, "Ugh. I really can't belive this is happening."

I nodded. He's right, "Me too, hyung."

"Why? Aren't you glad that Kim Youngju's your partner? She's not your ex nor an annoying girl. She's actually pretty too, and we can go together on their house since Shinyeong and Youngju are sisters." Taehyung hyung interjected. She's okay but, ugh. I don't know. Oh yeah, she's my partner. Great.

"Wait! My dare is to go at their house twenty minutes earlier, right?" I said.

"Oh, right. Okay." Taehyung hyung said.

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omg omg omg
dilonaxo #3
Chapter 8: I've think that 'someone' is Soojung and Shinyeong but I was wrong -_-
But now I'm confidently that BTS member is someone...*evil laugh*
So sorry for my bad english , but I cant wait for Jungkook to fall in love with Youngju ^_^ I hope it's real ....
Nice one! Update again! Fighting!!!!
nijihimedere #5
Chapter 8: Ah at first I thought Soojung was that someone, but after chapter 8, I no longer think so? Also, it looks like the hyungs are hiding something from their golden maknae.. Hm.. What is it? Youngju seems shady.. But I like her nonetheless, and she's my favorite female character so far and I hope her role will make more appearances in the future chapters, though I'm sure she will hehe <3 Great writing, so into this story so far!!!
Chapter 7: Update again ! I'm wondering if Shinyeong and her friend is 'SOMEONE' *smirk* let Jungkook feel jealous to Taehyung.. haha *evil laugh*
update again !!
XiJung #7
Chapter 7: Update soon ^_^
update soon!XD
Chapter 4: Let me guess , the person that Jungkook will tutor is KIM SHINYEONG right ?! OMO.... I'm super exited for your update!!...