
Forbidden Love

I run to the door and try opening it but it won't budge.

“Let me out! NOW!” I scream. Someone pounds on the door.

“The door’s been jammed but I’ll get it open.” I recognize the guard’s voice. After a few minutes the door opens.

“Thank you.” I say, “Where did N and Seo-Jun go?” I ask.

“Outside.” He says. I nod and rush outside. I look around for any one of them, I walk aimlessly in the garden hoping to spot any of them when I see that in the field (high grasses) there are a lots of flattened areas as if a drunk person has walked there and fallen many times.

“N!” I call. I slowly walk through the grasses following the trail. Then I see N lying on the ground in front of me, “N!” I shout again kneeling down in front of him. His face is all bloody and his eye is swollen shut. I raise my hand to his face, he groans and his good eye opens.

“P-princess…run…” He croaks. I turn around when something hits me in the head and all goes black.















“Where is the princess?” A voice asks, then a thud.

“Shut up, I told you what would happen if you didn’t keep your mouth shut.” Another voice says. A crack.

“I didn’t say anything, I swear!” It replies. More hits follow and when I fall back into unconsciousness, the hits are still continue followed by yells begging for it to end.













I open my eyes to see an orange sky. I try to lift my head but see black spots so I put it back down.

“Princess?” Someone whispers, its N. I try to reply but I can't bring myself to speak. I start to see the top of his head as he walks in my direction, “S-Seohyun, where are you?” He mutters. Huh, that was the first time he said my name.

“Here.” I call out. His eyes lock onto mine and he limps towards me holding his chest awkwardly. His face has become even bloodier and his hair is matted with it.

“Princess. What happened, are you hurt badly?” He asks.

“My head was hit but I’ll be fine.” I say.

“Can you sit up?” He asks. I try sitting up without moving my head but it doesn’t work, “I’ll carry you back.” He says extending his arms.

“No. You’re hurt and there’s no way you can manage that.” I say, “Where’s Seo-Jun?” I ask.

“Gone, back at the house, I think.” He says.

“I bet when my head feels better—which won't be long—I’ll be able to get up.” I say. He nods and sits next to me keeping watch.

“You wanted to know what your cousin did correct?” He asks.

“Yes but you don’t have to tell me that.” I say.

“I want to.” He says, “He always would beat me if I did something out of line, was too late, or just something he didn’t like. All of this lead to extreme anxiety attacks and then one evening I lost it, he managed to fend me off but I was close,” He laughs without emotion, “He got rid of me and I was sent to serve you. I asked the guard to chain me up every night so that I wouldn’t attack you or anyone else and he did. Now, every night, I lose it. I become nervous but then violent if someone near me. I’m sorry.” He looks down. I put my hand on top of his. He looks at our hands with a small smile. I try lifting my head again to find it better, I sit up slowly and black spots start to appear but I stay upright. “Are you sure?” He asks.

“Yeah, I’m sure. Help me up.” I say. He hesitates but does what I say. When I’m on my feet I stumble back and he catches me.

“I’ll carry you.” He says picking me up ignoring my protests.

“But you’re hurt.” I say.

“It’s not as bad as it looks.” He says. I doze off every now and then and each time I wake up, the sun sinks deeper. Slowly my house comes to view.

“I think I can walk.” I tell him. He nods and slowly sets me down. I take a step forward and when I don’t stumble I keep walking with N until we arrive at my house.

“Princess! Where have you been?” My guard asks worriedly, “Have you been hurt?” He asks.

“No, I’m fine.” I say. Then the guard notices N’s bloodied face.

“We need to take him to the staff doctor.” He says and I nod.

“I’m alright, I can take care of it by myself.” He says, “But thank you.” He nods at the both of us. “May I go to the restroom?” He asks.

“Yes.” I nod. He disappears and I hear the tap being , I sit down keeping a watchful eye on the door just in case Seo-Jun barges in­. After a while, N comes back out looking a lot better even though his eye is still very swollen. He’s wearing clean clothes but he’s still limping and holding his chest. “Are you sure you won't go to the doctor’s?” I ask, he shakes his head and looks down at the floor. I shrug and go to my bathroom to clean up and get dressed. I’ve just picked out when I hear a voice from outside.

“Princess.” N calls slightly strained, “C-come back o-out.” He says hesitantly. I walk slowly to my door and peek out.

N is sitting on his bed, with a gun pointing at his head.

“Say it again.” A voice hisses pressing the gun into N’s temple.

“Princess, please come out.” N says. I push the door a bit more open, his eyes meet mine and he screams, “Run!” He shoves whoevers in front of him knocking him off balance and the gun lowers, I run to the door and my hand just touches the handle when the person speaks.

“Open the door and the slave dies.” I freeze and slowly turn around, N is in a headlock with the gun at his head, “Sit down.” Seo-Jun says. I obey and sit in a chair opposite them, N’s eyes are flitting around nervously; sometimes focusing on a point but then moving to the next one. “So, what exactly should we do now with the two of you?” He asks, he presses the gun harder into N’s head again making N wince, “You are easily disposed of,” Hurt flickers across N’s features but it disappears quickly. “But you’re a different matter.” He looks at me. I sit there wondering why Seo-Jun is doing this all when it clicks; reputation. Our family is very rich and powerful but also civil, if a story like Seo-Jun’s is publicized—torturing slaves and hurting the princess—his reputation would be destroyed and he would be like a rotten root of a tree. That must be why he is so serious about N not telling me about what he did, I would tell and it would all fall apart especially with how fast things spread in the media.

“I won't tell anyone.” I say.

“How can I trust you? I already tried getting rid of you but you just came crawling back.” He spits. I don’t answer, I glance at N to see a strange look in his eyes, oh no. I know that look. N’s eyes finally focus on Seo-Jun with utter fury in his face, he grabs the gun and wrenches it away, Seo-Jun punches him in the jaw and N falls to the ground but scrambles up again just as quickly. N kicks him in the stomach making him grunt in pain, I run over to them but I’m shoved away by N. Seo-Jun then hits N hard in the chest, N yells in pain clutching at his chest, then he gets another blow to the face knocking him to the ground. Seo-Jun starts kicking N repeatedly, I throw myself at him trying to stop him but then two shots ring out. Seo-Jun falters, his leg bloody. N stands up with the gun held tightly in his hand, Seo-Jun limps toward him and they grapple for it, two more shots, and then another. I scream in pain as one gets me in the side and I land on the ground, N kicks Seo-Jun in his wounded leg. Seo-Jun roars but N hits him in the head again and he crumples to the floor. N stands there breathing heavily with that crazed look on his face, I stare at him trying to ignore the immense pain in my side. What should I do? Should I run or should I stay? His eyes land on me, and then drift towards my wound; his crazed look shatters.

“Princess!” He shouts diving to my side, he presses his hands on my side trying to stop the bleeding. Then he grabs a towel and places it on my wound, “Hold this tight against it.” He says and I do. He looks at Seo-Jun’s limp form, “He won't stay down too long, so we should be careful.” He says. Then his eyes glaze over and he steps away from me slowly raising his arm with the gun, then he’s back to normal. He switches back and forth, but his eyes never leave me, one moment it’s normal N, the next, crazed N. His lips are moving as if he’s talking to himself. He brings the gun up to his head.

“N!” I scream trying to get up. He lowers his arm for a second then brings it back up with an apologetic look on his face and it looks as if both N’s have found an understanding. He shuts his eyes tightly and presses the gun to his temple, “Please. N, NO!” I scream.

He squeezes the trigger.

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I know the ending for Rain wasn't too good, but I'm slightly in a hurry right now so I'll see if I can work on it later :)


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AbiFis8thGrade #1
Chapter 3: You really have a lot of free time right. Can't wait till school starts (not)
exseohan #2
Chapter 10: Ayieeeee!!!! ♥♥♥ hearts everywhere!! ♡♥♡
NSEO!!! ♥
Nice ending!! =)
Chapter 10: OMg authornim i'm dying
so cute ;_____;
exseohan #4
Chapter 9: Please update soon!!!! :'(:'(:'( authooooooorrr~~
im sorry i'm to emotion hahahaahahaha
Chapter 7: Don't leave n !!!
Chapter 7: I am in awe. This is one of the best things I've read ever. I bow down to you author