Chapter 8

My Life Changes With a Little Help from a Fortune Cookie

-Hana’s Pov-

Are you ready?

I read the text that had just been sent to my phone and silently cursed under my breath. As I typed my answer.

Are you crazy?! I am so not doing this here!

Look, do you want to get back your life and body or not?

I stared at her reply in disbelief, well of course I wanted everything to go back to normal. But quite frankly I didn’t understand how Seoyeon’s plan was going to help do that, and I told her so:

You know I do! It’s just I don’t get how me acting like a total idiot in front of the entire school, is going to make Luhan fall in love with this body again?!

It will, trust me. I know him better than anyone else in this world. He can’t help befriending helpless people…I’ll be his friend, I’ll gain his trust, and when the time is right I’ll make him fall in love with Kim Seoyeon again.

I sighed as I read her cocky message, when is this girl going to learn that she can’t just snap her fingers and make anything happen?! I thought to myself.

I still don’t like this…

Well, tough luck…

I stared in horror as I realized that she was really going to do it…she was really going to play out her crazy plan and I had no choice but to go along with it. It was lunch time and I was sitting in the cafeteria along with Seoyeon’s best friends at our usual table. They were busy chatting among themselves while I was busy freaking out over their crazy bff.

I watched as Seoyeon, or as everyone else now knows here: Park Hana the new scholarship student, stepped into the cafeteria. She had her home made lunch in hand and she didn’t even have to look around to know where I and her former friends were seated. She made her way to our table before finally stopping in front of my seat and looking at me with a shy look. Seriously this girl would have been better off following a carrier in acting rather than dancing.

“Hi, Seoyeon-ah…long time no see!” She said in a cheery voice following the script she had written down for us the day before. Before I could say anything, my four friends stopped the conversation they were having and threw Seoyeon a disgusted look, just like she knew they would.

“Oh my God, you’re the new scholarship student!” Mihi said it like a swearword. “What do you want? Seo do you know her?”

I gulped as I waited for Seoyeon’s answer, I knew my part was approaching fast and I was dead scared about it.

“Of course she knows me!” Seoyeon answered in a squeaky voice. “We’ve been friends since we were babies!”

Mihi and the other girls stared at her in disbelief, and they weren’t the only ones staring. By then I could feel about two hundred pairs of eyes on me, anticipating my reply. Most importantly I could feel his eyes on me, him and his friends. All I wanted to do was run away from there prying gazes, this world of manipulation and lies was far from the world I had grown up in and I wanted nothing more than to get away from it…but one look at Seoyeon’s eyes told me that hell would break loose if I didn’t follow our, or more correctly her, plan.

“Is she really your friend Seo?” Soojin, the youngest of my new group of friends asked me.

I took a deep breath and recited what Seoyeon had written for me: “Of course not, how could I be friends with someone like her?”

All my friends gave a sigh of relief while Jinae gave Seoyeon a pitying gaze and said: “You heard her, she clearly doesn’t know you. How could she? You’re from two different worlds. Now move along scholarship student and let us eat in peace.”

Seoyeon had a hurt look on her face, and maybe it wasn’t all acting, maybe she really was hurt by the things her supposed best friends were saying to her. I mean sure they didn’t know who she really was, but what kind of best friends can’t even realize when a complete stranger takes over the body of the girl they’ve pretty much known their whole lives?!

“B-b-b-but Seoyeon-ah, I’m Hana…your friend. You remember me, right?” She asked in a small voice. Well, here is my big part. Let’s see if I can act as well as Seoyeon. I thought to myself as I slowly stood up from my chair and leaned forward a bit so Seoyeons’s and my face were just inches apart.

“All I remember,” I said, trying to use my most snobbish voice, “is that you’re from a peasant family…that you need to use a scholarship just to get into a school my father practically owns…you and I have nothing in common and we are certainly not friends. Don’t you dare to bother me again!”

I pushed my chair away, and started to walk past her, gently shoving Seoyeon in my way. Just like we had practiced, she threw herself on the floor as the lunch my mother had probably spent an hour making, spilled out from her lunch box onto the floor. I’m sorry Omma, I thought as I made my way out of the cafeteria while my four friends followed me with similar smirks on their faces.

“Oh my God, who does she think she is?! I mean her, your friend?! Perlease…don’t make me laugh!” Tiffany said as she and the other girls burst out in a fit of giggles.

I didn’t say anything and just nodded my head to what they were saying. I couldn’t quite believe what I had done, I couldn’t believe that I could be such a jerk. I mean, sure it was a planned act but still that was no excuse for how I could behave like that so easily. What if being in this body was starting to change me? What if I was starting to act like the snobby rich kids I had resented my whole life! Please tell me that your plan is working Seoyeon-ah, because I honestly don’t want to live a second longer in this confusing world of yours…


-Seoyeon’s Pov-

“…don’t you dare to bother me again!” Hana shouted as she pushed against me, following the script we had rehearsed. I flung myself to the ground as Hana stepped away from me and my so-called best friends stood up to follow her, all giving me superior looks. Well done Seoyeon-ah, you sure do know how to pick your friends, don’t you?!
I could feel the whole cafeteria’s eyes on me as I slowly swallowed and tried to fight back the tears that had nothing to do with my acting. Please, please don’t let this humiliation be for nothing…please tell me that it’s worked…

“Are you OK?” An angel like voice asked me as he gently touched my shoulder and helped me up. I looked to see a group of boys. A group that I used to be super close with. They’re were all standing around me giving me reassuring smiles, while the boy who helped me was standing right beside me, giving the brightest smile of all…a smile I thought would never be directed at me again.

“I’m Luhan,” he said, “Don’t worry Hana-ssi, everything is going to be Ok.”

And in that moment I believe him. I realize that I would believe anything he said…and it was in that moment, feeling my heart thumping in my chest, that I realized I still loved him…



A/N: I am a terrible author…I’m so sorry guys L I can’t believe I haven’t updated in more than a month! I’m so sorry! But in my defense, I have to say that I was busy writing my other fanfic (which stars Sehun and is also completed, you guys should check it out if you have time!) But anyways that fic is finished and I will now solely focus on writing this story, I promise. So how did you like this chapter? Was it good? Seoyeon still loves him…omo did you see that one coming?! Buckle up for some angst guys, I’m warning you!

Oh and I MAY, a big emphasize on the may part because I have a test in a few days, be updating again tonight or tomorrow!

Ok guys I’m going now, please remember to

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Oh and i would really appreciate any comments on how I can make this story betta...So yeah LUV U GUYS!! Mwah;););)


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kimirina #1
Chapter 12: New reader! Curious to what will happen with hana and seoyeon! Update soon!
bluekakao #2
Chapter 12: It is ok
Your exams are more important
Good luck :D
Chapter 4: Update !!!!!!!!0r I will kill you on night....when you sleep muahahaha
lovecupid #4
pls update soon