Chapter 11

My Life Changes With a Little Help from a Fortune Cookie

-Hana’s POV-

“So, as you all know the summer showcase is fast approaching. We only have about a month and a half to go.” My teacher said as he stood in front of the class, facing us. “All of you have already chosen your groups and now it’s time to pick your acts. As all of you are dancing students you’ll be required to dance on the stage. I’ve chosen several forms of dancing, written them on slips of paper and put them into this glass bowl. I want one representative to come up from each group and pick a slip of paper by chance.”

Four students stood up, Kai among them, and walked over to where the teacher was standing to pick their groups form of dance. They all stood in a line, before taking turns to put their hands into the bowl and bringing a slip of paper out each.

The first person was Soojin, she along with Mihi, Tiffany and Jinae had decided to be in one group and had practically bitten my head off when they heard that I would not be a part of said group. Soojin opened the paper she had chosen and showed it to the teacher.

“Ballet,” he read out load.

And so forth, all the four groups chose their performances. We got hip-hop while the other two chose salsa and jazz.

“Ok,” the teacher continued when everyone had sat down again, “you now know the dance you’ll be working on, I want you to get into your groups and choose the song you will be dancing to.”

The bell rang at that moment and everyone started to stand up in their rush to get to lunch first.

“I expect you to give me the name of your chosen song by the end of today, that will be all.” Was the last thing he said before walking out the classroom.

I watched as all my classmates got into their own respective groups and started to talk about the task the teacher had just given us. I was about to walk over to my own group when the icy glare Sehun gave me, made me stop in my tracks. Now what? What was I supposed to do exactly? Was I better off taking heed of Sehun’s dirty looks or was I supposed to make use of the opportunity that I had gained with difficulty? In the end I decided to take a leap of faith and do what my gut told me to. It’s not like they can kill you in front of all these people, that’s what I kept repeating in my head.

With shaking legs I walked over to where Sehun and Kai were standing next to the door. Sehun’s back was facing me so he couldn’t see me approaching them, Kai on the other hand noticed me. I may have just imagined it, but at the time I felt like he gave me a pitying look before turning his gaze away.

“Look, I…” I started to mumble but I was cut off pretty quickly by an angry voice.

“What do you want?” Sehun asked.

“Well you heard what the teacher said, seeing as we’re in one group-”

“You mean seeing as you forced yourself on us.”

“-we better decide what song we want to use in the showcase.”

“No thanks, we’re not interested. I’d rather get the least score in the whole school rather than spend time with you.”

“That’s ridiculous! This showcase counts as part of our final grade! You do want to graduate, do you not?”

“I couldn’t give a-”

“I think we should dance to Katy Perry’s E.T.” Kai suddenly said out of nowhere. Both Sehun and I looked at Kai wondrously.

“Are you crazy?! Why would you even consider working with her?” Sehun all but spat at his best friend.

“Because as Seoyeon-ssi pointed out, this showcase means a lot to our grades and our public image. What do you think the media will say about a new rookie group who can’t even perform properly at a school talent showcase? I’m not going to let Mr. Sooman down like that. If you would use your brain instead of your pride, you’d agree with me too.”

“I think E.T is a good choice.” I said quietly. Katy Perry is one of my favorite singers, but in all honesty I was over the moon that someone in EXO was actually talking to me. I’m pretty sure I would’ve agreed even if Kai suggested we dance to a weird folk song!

“Great, I’ll tell the teacher our choice then. You don’t mind the song do you Sehun?” Kai asked.

Sehun gave him an even dirtier look than he had given me, before stomping out of the classroom. Kai rolled his eyes, as if he couldn’t quite believe how childish his best friend was being, before talking off after him. I stood in my place looking after them. I had mixed feelings at the time. I was confused as to why Sehun hated me so much, but I was also happy that I had managed to have at least a civilized conversation with one of Luhan’s friends. My first thought was to call Seoyeon and tell her about my achievement with Kai, but then I realized with a jolt that she and I were no longer friends. I wander what Seo’s doing right now?


-Seoyeon’s POV-

I was sitting with Luhan in an empty classroom, when a very sour-faced Sehun came storming in through the door. Seconds later a flustered looking Kai followed him.

“I can’t believe you would do that!” Sehun shouted. “How can you even bare to talk to her after all the things she’s done?”

“Stop being so immature Sehun. You can’t ignore her for the rest of your life. You don’t like her? Fine. Neither do I, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to be a brat about it!” Kai retorted.

I could tell straight away, by their tones and the looks on their faces, that they were talking about Hana.

“What now?” Luhan asked, looking slightly bored. “What has the famous Kim Seoyeon done now?”

“It’s not what she’s done, it’s what he’s done!” Sehun answered pointing an accusing finger at Kai.

“Look the teacher told us to choose a song for our performance, and I just did. What is the big deal?!” Kai asked, rolling his eyes.

“The big deal is that there is no way I’m going to step foot on the same stage as that bi-”

“That’s enough Sehun. Don’t overdo it.” Luhan murmured as he looked down at the notebook in his hands, not meeting anyone’s gaze.

I could feel tears prickling behind my eyes, as I looked at Sehun’s mad face. All this time I had simply thought that my wrong doings had only hurt Luhan, but I had forgotten that Sehun had been my first friend in EXO. He had been the young, shy boy I had befriended. He had been the one who so happily introduced me to his faverorite hyung. And he had probably been one the most hurt when I had betrayed them like I did. No wonder why he hated Kim Seoyeon so much.

“It doesn’t matter Sehun,” Luhan went on, “I don’t mind you performing with Seoyeon ssi. This showcase is important and both Hana and I will be working hard for our stage. You should do the same.”

I smiled a little as Luhan looked at me. For this year’s showcase the singing department and the song writing department had decided to collaborate for a joint stage. Luhan and I had jumped up at the chance to be in the same group. I would be writing the song and Luhan would be the one performing it.

“Look this isn’t just about you hyung.” Sehun said with a pout. “This is about me too. I don’t want to perform with her.”

“Oh, come on Sehun,” I said all of a sudden before I could stop myself. “She’s not all bad is she?”

“Of course she is!” He said giving me an incredulous look. “Have you forgotten how she acted towards you on your first day of school?!”

“People make mistakes, maybe you should give her a second chance.” I mumbled and lowered my head as I felt three pairs of blazing eyes on me.

“Let’s go Sehun, we can talk about this again after you’ve cooled down a little bit.” Kai said, as he took Sehun’s elbow and dragged him out of the classroom leaving me and Luhan alone again. Luhan’s head was bent down low again, as if he was avoiding my look. I knew it was better for me to stay quiet and pretend like this whole conversation had never happened…but somehow I couldn’t stop my mouth from opening and asking the question that was burning my brain.

“Do you think you’ll ever be able to forgive her?”

He slowly lifted his head as he look into my eyes. “I don’t know.”


-Hana’s POV-

The last bell of the day rang signaling the end of my final class. I sighed deeply as everyone started to take their bags and head home. I walked out of the classroom towards my locker, but I was surprised when I saw a familiar figure leaning against it, trying to cover her face with her hair so no one would recognize her. Of course she could never fool me. I had seen that face staring back at me in the mirror throughout the eighteen years of my life so I recognized her instantly.

I was wondering what the hell I should do, should I walk past her like nothing was wrong or should I just turn around and walk away, when she lifted her face and her eyes met mine. It didn’t even take her a minute to take hold of my arm, drag me into the closest empty classroom and shut the door tight, making sure that no one could possibly spy on us. When she was finally assured that we were alone without any prying eyes, she turned to me and said:

“I’m sorry.”

I stared at her as if she had suddenly sprouted a second head. “What?!”

“I said I’m sorry. You were right all along. No matter what I kept telling myself, my feelings for him were much deeper than a crush. It was love. I loved him…and I still do.” Seoyeon sighed as she played with her fingers, not meeting my eyes. “I was scared, scared that he would never forgive my mistake. I was frightened that I would never be with him again. I already tasted what losing him felt like, I didn’t want it to happen again. That’s why I forgot everything when he accepted me as Hana. I forgot everything and enjoyed his love again. I know I was wrong and I’m sorry for that. I’m sorry for leaving you alone like that.”

She suddenly turned her head up and looked into my eyes. “But now I know there’s a chance he might forgive me. There’s an actual chance that I can be with him again as me, Kim Seoyeon, not as a coward hiding behind another person’s body. I now know that I truly love him, and I’ll do all it takes to make him forgive me again.”



A/N: So here’s chapter 11 like I promised. Hope you all enjoyed it.

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Oh and i would really appreciate any comments on how I can make this story betta...So yeah LUV U GUYS!! Mwah;););)


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kimirina #1
Chapter 12: New reader! Curious to what will happen with hana and seoyeon! Update soon!
bluekakao #2
Chapter 12: It is ok
Your exams are more important
Good luck :D
Chapter 4: Update !!!!!!!!0r I will kill you on night....when you sleep muahahaha
lovecupid #4
pls update soon