Chapter 4

My Life Changes With a Little Help from a Fortune Cookie

Great…just great, could my life possibly get any better than this? I mean seriously? Are you effing kidding me?! I’ve changed bodies with a super-rich bratty girl because said obnoxious girl has broken the heart of some stupid spoilt guy and has therefor broken the balance of good and bad; so as a form of punishment the ‘spirits’ have taken my soul and thrown it into the body of Seoyeon, so I can make her ex-boyfriend fall back in love with me, in her body, and right her wrong?! What? I mean just what?!

Ok little question for you spirits, I had never even met this Seoyeon girl before all of this. I mean what is it to me if she unbalanced the good and evil in this world?! And as for another thing, I don’t see anyone else being thrown into a different body because the person they’re life has apparently been knotted to, has made someone sad! People’s hearts get broken every day; it’s just normal in love. Really get over your selves.

After the old Chinese woman finished explaining what had happened to us, she left the room to give Seoyeon and me a little privacy so I could kill, I mean talk to, her.

Seoyeon’s head was bent down low and she wouldn’t even look into my eyes, which I have to admit kind of scared me. I hadn’t known this girl for long but I could already tell that she didn’t get intimidated very easily.

“I hurt him, I really hurt him. All this time I thought our relationship had just been puppy love…that he didn’t even care about me that much, but I really hurt him. Mianeh, chommal mianeh.” She murmured under her breath.

“Look sorry to interrupt your self-pity and all, but being sorry is not going to help us right now. I need to convince this ex-boyfriend of yours to forgive you in two months’ time; so why don’t you start by telling me who he is, and what you’ve done to him?” I said. At first I thought that Seoyeon would surely shout at me and tell me that her personal life was none of my business. But I guess she was just as shaken as I was from what the old woman had told us, because she looked down at her entwined hands and started to talk:

“When I was sixteen I got accepted into SM high as a dance student. My parent’s, and my own, lifelong dream has been for me to become a professional choreographer. My father, being one of the main benefactors of that school, has had my name on the school’s list from the day that I was born. It was in my second month at SM high that I met Sehun, a sweet guy in my class who was also majoring in dance. Sehun and I quickly became friends and it was only then that I learned that Sehun was actually an SM trainee, and that he would be debuting in a year or two under a group named EXO with eleven other boys.”

EXO? Wait did she say EXO’s Sehun? As in the Oh Sehun? Was he the guy she had played with? Wow, Jiwoo would sure have a field day with this! As for me, all I cared about was that Seoyeon went to SM high; the IT performing art school in the whole country. Founded by none other than Lee Sooman, the CEO of SM entertainment, himself. Of course I didn’t interrupt Seoyeon and she continued with her story.

“Sehun soon introduced me to his hyungs, and it was there that I met Sehun’s best friend: Luhan. He was majoring in singing and was a year older than me so I had never met him before. Yet, the moment I laid my eyes on him, I knew that I had fallen…hard. It took another month or so but we eventually started dating.

Things stayed like that for about a two years. I was going out with Luhan and was also best friend with the EXO oppas. Their debut date was getting closer, and they were all busy working hard at school and practicing…I hardly ever got to see Luhan because our classes weren’t even in the same wing at school. We couldn’t go out on dates anymore because EXO’s teasers had been released and people would recognize them on the streets so they had to be more careful.

“After a while the only time I saw Luhan was when EXO and I would all get together for special occasions. We would only talk on the phone every other day or so, and to be honest I couldn’t deal with that anymore. The love I had once felt for Luhan had almost completely vanished, I came to realize that I had never really loved him, that all I had ever felt was a mere crush…and to be honest, I thought he felt the same way.

“It was my eighteenth birthday when everything changed. My friends and I were going out to celebrate, but EXO had practice that day and couldn’t make it. Quite frankly I was glad, because my friends and I were going to use fake ID’s to get into a club for the first time and I knew that Luhan would not approve. That night I went out and had a great time, I had a couple of drinks but I wasn’t drunk so everything else I did after was all my own fault.

“I started dancing with a complete stranger, a young boy around my age. After a couple of songs he bent his head to kiss me, and I let him. After that I went back to our table to find my friends, but that’s when I saw them…all of EXO. They had gotten out of practice early so they could celebrate with me. One look at their faces and I could tell that they had seen the kiss. They all looked so disappointed, especially Luhan. I tried to talk to him but he just cut me off…he said that he didn’t want to see me ever again and with that he left.

“It’s been a couple of months now and I haven’t talked to any of the EXO members since that incident. Sehun, Kai and I are in the same year and we’re all majoring in dance so we have the same classes; I see them most of the time but we pretend that we’re strangers. EXO officially debuted two months ago, and Luhan seemed so happy and carefree in the conferences and concerts that I really thought that he had forgotten me, that he was happy our relationship had ended…I never once thought that it could all be a façade, that he could be really hurting on the inside. Mianeh, I’m so sorry.” Seoyeon broke off with a sob.

I just looked at her confused. So the guy she had broken, the one se had cheated on, was really Luhan? EXO’s baby-faced angelic voice? The guy many girls around the world, among them my best friend Jiwoo, were crushing on. Seoyeon had cheated on this guy? Why? And more importantly how was I ever going to rewrite her wrong? How could I ever make him fall in love again after what she had done?!


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Oh and i would really appreciate any comments on how I can make this story betta...So yeah LUV U GUYS!! Mwah;););)


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kimirina #1
Chapter 12: New reader! Curious to what will happen with hana and seoyeon! Update soon!
bluekakao #2
Chapter 12: It is ok
Your exams are more important
Good luck :D
Chapter 4: Update !!!!!!!!0r I will kill you on night....when you sleep muahahaha
lovecupid #4
pls update soon