Chapter 7

My Life Changes With a Little Help from a Fortune Cookie

-Hana’s POV-

I put my hands over my ears in a failed attempt to keep out the screeching, I mean singing, which was happening before my eyes. I mean really? Someone call the music police, this should count as murder.

“Stop, just stop! Chebal…I can’t take this torture anymore!” I shouted.

Seoyeon stopped her terrible singing and looked at me with pitiful eyes. “It looks like your body’s singing abilities weren’t passed on, just like my dancing skills weren’t.” She sighed.

Oh spirits please pray that I will never get my hands on you! I mean really couldn’t you have at least given us a little break? Why did you have to make everything so hard for us?

“This is never going to work!” I groaned. “If you walk into SM High and audition with that kind of singing…I’m pretty sure they’ll have you arrested for breaking their eardrums.”

“Ah, I got it!” Seoyeon suddenly said. “How about I tell them that my vocal strings hurt at the moment and that I can’t sing for them at the audition and instead I’ll just play a recorded song you covered before as my application?”

“Are you crazy?” I asked as I rolled my eyes. “This is SM High we’re talking about, right? You think they’ll accept you and give you a scholarship just with a recorded song? They’ll probably tell you to audition again when your vocal cords are better…which will be too late for us.”

Seoyeon slumped back in her chair in defeat. “Why didn’t I take vocal lessons when I was younger?” She asked herself.

I also sat in a chair and rested my head against my forearm. We were officially back to square one…with absolutely no clue on what the hell we should do. Initially when I heard Seoyeon’s suggestion, I wasn’t too enthusiastic…but after I thought about it I must admit I became kind of hopeful. I mean Seoyeon did know the EXO boys pretty well, and they had never met Park Hana (in the physical term) before...Seoyeon’s plan might have just worked. But now, all my short lived hopes were crashed because Park Hana could never get into SM high. I could never get Luhan to fall in love with me on my own. I would be stuck in Seoyeon’s body forever. I’d never be able to live with my parents or baby sister again! I’d probably get kicked out of school as well because I couldn’t dance. I’d have to spend the rest of my life in that huge lonely mansion with no future…oh my God, oh my God, Park Hana breath, breath…hyperventilating will get you nowhere. Freaking out is not going to magically solve all of your problems.

 “I’m going home,” Seoyeon suddenly said getting up from her chair.

“Huh?” I asked surprised.

“Sitting here, moping about our unfortunate lives is not helping, my head hurts. I’m going home to take a nap. Maybe when I wake up I will somehow miraculously know the answer to our problems.” She said as she took her bag. I waved at her as she left the small coffee shop. Here’s hoping…


My new home was empty as usual as I let myself in. Is this really how my life would be from now on if I couldn’t manage to mend Luhan’s broken heart? Um dear, beloved spirits, you were joking about making this change permanent if I failed, right? Right?! I mean you aren’t that mean are you? Great, just great I’m now officially talking to invisible spirits. I’ll probably just end up in a loony bin at the end of these two months.

I decided to take a shower in order to calm down my crazy thoughts. Seoyeon’s room had a private bathroom. After taking off my clothes I decided to forget about the shower and instead voted on taking a long relaxing bath instead. I filled the white tub with water and added some rose scented lotion to it as well. I got into the tub and closed my eyes.

I guess I was really tired, because I hadn’t slept a wink last night thanks to Mihi and then my encounter with Luhan. That’s why I fell asleep in the tub. I woke up to see that I had been in the bath for almost two hours. I quickly rinsed my body and dried it with a fluffy towel as I walked out of the bathroom to put some clothes on.

After changing into a comfy t-shirt and jeans, I took my mobile out of my bag to listen to some music when I saw my mobile screen…eighteen missed calls?! WTF?!

I unlocked my phone to see that Seoyeon had called me eighteen times in the last twenty-five minutes. What was going on? Had something happened? Oh no, maybe my family had gotten hurt somehow…no please no I can’t take anymore tragedies…my life already had enough of those!

I called Seoyeon and hoped against all hope that nothing bad had happened.

“Yah! Where the heck were you?” She greeted me after two rings. “I called you about thirty times! Why didn’t you pick up?”

“I fell asleep in the bath…Wae? Did something happen?” I asked. “Something happened right? Maja? This is just my luck. I knew my life was just going to get worse and worse…”

“Yah, stop with the self-pity OK?!” She shouted. “I’ve got something important to ask you, why the bloody hell did you not tell me about your other talent?!”

“Huh?!” I asked genuinely confused. What was she talking about now?

“I was looking around in your closet to find something to wear when I came across a certain notebook.” Seoyeon explained. I groaned as I suddenly realized what she was talking about.

”You didn’t read it right? That’s my personal belonging…” I whined.

“Of course I read it! You and I exchanged bodies remember? There is no “personal stuff” between us. Anyway, why didn’t you tell me you write songs?!” She shouted into the phone.

“Because they’re no good.” I replied while I silently face palmed myself. Why hadn’t I hid my songbook better? My songs were terrible and I only wrote them as a hobby, because I love singing…no one, not even my family and Jiwoo, knew that I wrote songs. And now Seoyeon had read them…I felt so embarrassed.

“Park Hana, are you nuts?!” She yelled causing me to take the phone away from my ear a little bit. “Your songs are amazing! If I didn’t know better I would have thought that they were written by a professional songwriter not by an eighteen year old girl who has never had any training beforehand.”

I rolled my eyes, she was exaggerating…my songs weren’t good at all, I was sure of it. But what I didn’t get was why she was so happy about finding my songbook?

“Seoyeon, what are you implying exactly?” I asked with a hint of suspicion in my voice.

“I’m implying that all our hopes are not yet lost!” She practically sang to me. “Park Hana will defiantly get into SM high my dear, just not as a singer but as a song writer.”

“Seoyeon have you lost your flipping mind?!” I screamed into the phone. “I have never shown those songs to anyone! Don’t you dare think that I will let you apply for SM high using them!”

“Well I’m sorry to say that you’re too late,” she calmly replied, “I just phoned the school and after saying that I was a friend of Kim Janhu’s daughter, they gave me an audition time for tomorrow at 4:00 pm. I’m also happy to inform you that I have already spoken to your parents and they are all for the idea. I will attend the audition tomorrow and show them your songs along with the recorded versions you taped…and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.”

And with that she turned off her mobile before I could say or do anything…believe me when I say that I will commit a murder tomorrow



The school day passed quickly, I just sat in the corner in most of the classes because of my “leg injury”. Sehun and Kai also continued to completely ignore me and I knew better than to try to follow them or talk to them again.

I sat with Seoyeon’s best friends at lunch. I kept quiet and picked at my food, while they chattered between themselves about music, fashion and boys. It was kind of like listening to Jiwoo except these girls had actually met most of the idols they were talking about. EXO were also seated at the cafeteria that day. A bunch of girls were standing around their table and un-bashfully flirting with them. I didn’t dare look too close at their table out of fear that I might make eye contact with a certain someone.

All day I was anxious about Seoyeon’s audition. That girl was going to make a fool out of herself. Why was she so stubborn to do what she thought was right?

My last class of the day finally finished at 5:30. I took my bag and quickly exited the classroom before either one of my new “friends” could catch up to me. I was not in the mood for their stupid chit chat.

I walked into the school parking lot and was surprised when I saw a girl leaning against my car. She had long dark curly hair and was wearing the same school uniform as I was. On closer inspection I saw that that girl was me! I mean my body…what was Seoyeon doing at SM High wearing a school uniform?!

“What’s going on?” I asked as I approached her. “What are you doing here?”

“What did I tell you?” She replied as she looked at me with a wide Cheshire cat like grin. “Park Hana is officially the new SM high scholarship student.”



A/N: Hana’s hidden talent…she’s a song writer! And she has now gotten into SM High! WOW where will this lead our story to? Stayed tuned to find out.

Anyways happy late birthday to Lu Lu he turned 24 (25 in Korea! He’s all grown up LOL). And you guys have heard about the ferry incident in Korea right? All our condolences to all those who were affected by this terrible incident.


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Oh and i would really appreciate any comments on how I can make this story betta...So yeah LUV U GUYS!! Mwah;););)


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kimirina #1
Chapter 12: New reader! Curious to what will happen with hana and seoyeon! Update soon!
bluekakao #2
Chapter 12: It is ok
Your exams are more important
Good luck :D
Chapter 4: Update !!!!!!!!0r I will kill you on night....when you sleep muahahaha
lovecupid #4
pls update soon