Chapter 9

My Life Changes With a Little Help from a Fortune Cookie


-Hana’s POV-


“Where are you?” I shouted into my phone angrily. “You were supposed to meet me here thirty minutes ago!”


“I know, I’m sorry,” Seoyeon answered without even the littlest hint of apology in her voice, “but something came up!”


“What could possibly be more important than this?! You know we’re running out of time, don’t you?” I practically screamed at her. I couldn’t believe how irresponsible she was acting. A week had passed since the cafeteria incident, and even though Seoyeon, in my former body, had gotten really close to Luhan and the rest of EXO; we were still having trouble with operation OLH. Trouble as in we were still at square one…I mean sure he had started to open his heart, just to the wrong girl! He still didn’t even acknowledge my existence and that was defiantly not a good sign. That’s why I had requested an SOS meeting with Seoyeon, so the two of us could put our heads together and talk about what the hell we should do, but what does little miss I have a perfect life and I want it back right now, do? She left me hanging for a good half an hour only to tell me over the phone that something had come up! Let me just tell you that I was certainly not amused.


I suddenly heard a muffled laugh from Seoyeon’s side of the line, a boy’s laugh…


“Seo, where are you?” I asked again in a suspicious voice. “Who are you with exactly?”


“Oh, I’m out shopping with my Oppa!” She replied, a smile evident in her voice. Her oppa?! I thought to myself, who the hell is her oppa?! I was about to ask her exactly that when she started to squeal and laugh into the phone.


“Oppa stop! Stop it, you’re going to mess up my hair! Luhan oppa stop!”


My mouth literally fell open. Luhan?! She’s out with Luhan?! Like…as in a…date?!


“You…” I started to protest but she cut me off.


“Look I’ll talk to you later, OK?” She said and before I could even reply she had already ended the call leaving me completely and utterly confused.


I was dumbfounded and I’d be lying if I say that I didn’t feel a little betrayed. I mean I could see where Luhan was coming from. He had seen our little act at lunch time and he thought Seoyeon, or the girl he believed to be Park Hana, was a poor girl who was being mocked for her family’s lack of money and most important she was someone who had been hurt by Kim Seoyeon, the very same girl who had hurt him too. He probably felt that he had a lot in common with Hana and he felt sorry for her, little did he know that I was really Hana and the girl he was befriending was really Seoyeon, his ex-cheating-girlfriend. But what I couldn’t understand was what Seo was playing at!


She knew everything. She knew that we had changed bodies, she knew that the only way we could set things right was to make Luhan fall in love with me in less than two months…yet there she was, flirting shamelessly with her ex, completely forgetting our whole operation and everything! I mean what was she thinking?! The whole plan had been for her to fit herself into Luhan’s life to make him fall in love with me, not for her to fit herself in his life as his new girlfriend! That was defiantly not the plan, especially not if she was using my body to seduce him!


What was she doing exactly? Wait a minute…she couldn’t possibly be…I mean she’s not…she doesn’t…she’s over him, right? Right?! I mean she doesn’t still love him…right?




-Seoyeon’s POV-


“So the boys called and said that they would meet up with us at home.” Luhan said to me as he sipped his cup of coffee. He leaned into his chair as he pulled his hat and scarf closer to his face so no one would recognize him as an Idol.


I nodded and smiled while I drank my bubble tea. They boys and I had decided to spend the day together at the mall, but it became pretty clear that twelve handsome idols would attract too much attention, especially with all the fans that were practically stalking them, so Luhan and I decided to go shopping alone and then meet the rest of the boys at their dorm so we could eat dinner together.


Things had changed pretty quickly throughout the past week. Surprisingly both Luhan and EXO had accepted me, or more accurately Park Hana, with open arms. We had all grown super close in the last week, and at times I had to remind myself that I hadn’t accidently stepped into a time machine and that I hadn’t miraculously been transported back to the time before I made the biggest mistake of my life. Back to when I still had eleven amazing friends and a boyfriend who was simply too good to be real. But one glance at a reflective surface, I would see Hana’s body staring back at me…and I would remember what I had done, what I had done to him, how I had broken his heart, how he would be so angry if he knew that it was me, inside this body hanging out with him…


“Who were you talking to just now?” He suddenly asked me. “You seemed a little irritated.”


“Oh, it was no one special.” I replied while I remembered Hana’s phone call. She had been angry at me for not taking things seriously but it wasn’t my fault that I wasn’t a worry-sport like her! I mean we had more than a month left of our time! It wasn’t like me having fun with the boys for one day was going to ruin our whole plan!


“Are you all right? You look a little sick.” Luhan said as he placed a hand on my forehead to check my temperature. I felt my heart speed up at his slight touch.


“Hmm, you feel a little warm, maybe you’re coming down with a fever?” He said clearly worried. “Let’s head back home, I don’t want you out in the cold.”


I didn’t complain as he wrapped me in his arms and led me out of the shop, I felt a slight smile form on my lips as all thoughts of Hana and our operation flew out the window.




-Hana’s POV-


I paced angrily in my room, I couldn’t believe what was going on. It was 11:30 and Seoyeon still hadn’t called me back after she had abruptly ended our call earlier in the day. It was now clear in my mind what was going on; Seoyeon obviously still had feelings for Luhan and she was using my body to start her relationship over again with him. Love had clearly blinded her eyes and she had forgotten what had happened to us! She had forgotten our freaking situation!


Well she may have been ok with living the rest of her life in my body as Luhan’s girl but I was not going to let her do it! I was not going to sit by and watch her take away my body and life! If she wasn’t going to help me than I would solve the problem on my own. I would make my own plan…and I would go against her if she forced me too…





A/N: So it’s a short chapter but like I said I have a test and I just wanted to update because I’ve been so inactive lately…so what do you think? The story’s pace is starting to pick up! Seo and Hana are going to fight for Luhan’s affection…but who will win?! Stay tuned to find out!

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Oh and i would really appreciate any comments on how I can make this story betta...So yeah LUV U GUYS!! Mwah;););)


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kimirina #1
Chapter 12: New reader! Curious to what will happen with hana and seoyeon! Update soon!
bluekakao #2
Chapter 12: It is ok
Your exams are more important
Good luck :D
Chapter 4: Update !!!!!!!!0r I will kill you on night....when you sleep muahahaha
lovecupid #4
pls update soon