Chapter 5

My Life Changes With a Little Help from a Fortune Cookie



-Hana’s POV-

After that things passed quit fast. I went to live at Seoyeon’s house while she lived with my family. Both our families were concerned about the weird way we were acting and they thought that it may be due to our fainting, so we both stayed at home for a week to “recover our health”.

In this time I found out that Seoyeon’s parents were hardly ever home. Her father being the CEO of a pretty big company, was often on business trips to the U.S and Europe. While her mum was a very active member in the woman’s high society and spent most of her time attending different tea parties and clubs. Seoyeon was an only child and in the first week I spent as her, I quickly figured out that she must have had a very lonely childhood.

The only people that ever stayed in the mansion, yes her house is like a mansion, where the five maids that worked there, and they were all too frightened of Seoyeon to even talk to me.

Seoyeon and I met every day to discuss what we were going to do. We had named it operation open luhan’s heart or OLH for short. We figured that Luhan must still have some feeling left for Seoyeon, and we must use everything we had to get those feelings to blossom again…it couldn’t be imposable, right?

One of our main concerns was that people might start to get suspicious of us. I mean I didn’t know a thing about Seoyeon’s life and she didn’t know a thing about mine. I think our families and friends would get really suspicious if we couldn’t even recognize them, right? So we spent most of our time together talking about ourselves and the people we were close to. Thankfully, neither of us had that many friends…me because I wasn’t cool enough and Seoyeon because she was too cool and most girls were jealous of her.

I told Seoyeon about my parents, Haeun and Jiwoo, while she told me about her parents and four friends: Tiffany, Jinae , Mihi and Soojin. She also told me a little about SM high in order to prepare me for what was waiting ahead.


It was Monday morning when I woke up with a dreaded feeling in my heart. Today was the day, the day I would officially start school and operation OLH. I couldn’t believe I was actually doing this. I was actually going to go to SM high; the school I had always dreamt of attending but couldn’t, because my family couldn’t possibly pay its fees. It was like a dream come true…of course in my dreams I had always imagined myself entering the school with my own body and not in the form of someone else, and I had also thought that my operation would be to become a singing sensation not to make an idol fall in love with me…but hey, I guess beggars can’t be choosers, right?!

After I skipped breakfast (Seoyeon had threatened she would kill me if her body gained even one once of fat while I was inside it) I went to the parking and got into my car, like I could have even afforded to look at a car like this before, and entered the schools address into the GPS. Then I started the engine to drive off to my death.


SM high…can I just take the time to say wow? Like, really wow! I had seen pictures of the school on the internet beforehand, yet none of them had done justice to the beauty of this magnificent place.

The school had been built out of red bricks with gray roof tiles. It had lots if domes and a very big forest that wove its way around the building. To be honest it looked like it had just stepped out of a time machine from the Victorian era that I had recently read about in my world history book…yet one look at the school parking lot and I could tell that I was definitely in the 21st century…I mean were these kids part of the mafia or something? Come on, who brings these kind of cars to school?!

I got out of the car, slumped my bag over my shoulder and mentally reviewed the map Seoyeon had drawn for me to help me get to my first class of the day, which would be contemporary hip hop. It was only then that I noticed that everyone in the parking lot was staring at me. Seems like if you suddenly faint in a Chinese restaurant and then become absent from school for a week, you’re bound to get a lot of stares! I tugged at my very short skirt (Seriously, you call this a school uniform, people?!) and started to walk towards the east wing of the school where the dance rooms were located. That’s when I heard someone calling Seoyeon’s name.

I turned around to see a girl with fashionably short blond dyed hair wearing a pair of big Gucci sunglasses walking towards me. “Seoyeon-ah, kwanchana?” She asked as she reached me.

 From the pictures Seoyeon had shown me I realized I was looking at one of my new friends. “Oh, Jinae-yah annyeong. Of course I’m OK!” I replied with fake enthusiasm.

“Omo,” she said as she looped her arm with mine, “oh thank God, I was so worried about you!”

Right you were so worried that you couldn’t even come to check up on your best friend while she was home for a week, sick, after she fainted while she was out with you?! So good to know what kids think of friendship these days…

Thankfully we reached the east wing at that moment and Jinae and I had to part ways after she told me she would see me at lunch. Ok Hana-ah good job, you managed to fool Jinae! True you did only talk to her for a minute but it’s still a big achievement!

Seoyeon’s an awesome map drawer because I managed to find my first class after only getting lost twice. I breathed a sigh of relief as I walked into the practice room and took a seat on one of the benches near the back of the class.

Seoyeon asked me to dance a few days ago, and pretty soon it became evident that when you switch bodies, the talents of the body you take does not apply to you…I mean why spirits? Why?! So it turned out I had the dancing body of Seoyeon but the dancing talent of good old Hana and let me tell you a little something: Hana plus dancing equals absolutely no good. So in order to not risk any awkward questions about why Kim Seoyeon, one of the best dancing students at SM high, could no longer even move to the beat; Seoyeon and I had come up with a plan. I pretended to fall from the stairs yesterday, and one short trip to the doctors later, I now had a paper in my hand that clearly stated I could not dance for about two months…clever eh?

Soon after my arrival the class started to fill up with the other students. They all gave me weird looks as they sat on the floor to wait for the teacher. Why is it that everywhere I go I stand out like a big thorn? I mean I even switched bodies yet I still couldn’t manage to blend in with the crowd.

It was as I was thinking this that I saw two tall boys around my age, walk into the classroom. The girls started to whisper among themselves and bat their eyelids. I rolled my eyes…on second thoughts maybe it was a good thing that I wasn’t like these people.

On closer inspection I noticed that I actually knew the two boys who were now sitting on the floor a little farther away from the rest of the class. I recognized them from the teasers and music videos that Jiwoo had forced me to watch…they were EXO’s two maknaes. The first boy was Sehun, the one who had been Seoyeon’s best friend at a time, and the second one was Kai, who also happened to be Jiwoo’s future husband even though he may have not known it himself! I mean that girl talked about him so much that I think I know him better than his own mother does!

The teacher walked into the class and everybody stood up to greet him. The rest of the class passed quickly, the teacher showed a new routine and everyone followed him. I would never admit this to Jiwoo but those EXO boys were pretty talented. But something strange that I did notice was that neither of them even looked at my direction once. I don’t know if it was a mere coincidence or if they were really avoiding me because of Luhan?

After the class had ended my classmates went into the locker rooms to get changed while I was free to go. It was then that I decided to do something completely crazy out of impulse. Both Seoyeon and I had agreed that we would activate operation OLH when the right opportunity showed up…but one day at this school and I had realized that I was way out of my league here. I didn’t belong in this crazy life of money and fame, I just wanted to be old Hana again. That’s why I hid behind a corner near the boys’ locker room and followed Sehun and Kai, once they changed and walked out. Screw waiting for the right time, I would hunt down this Luhan and make him fall in love with me.

After following the two boys for about five minutes, I saw them walk into an empty classroom. I peeked inside the classroom from behind the door and saw that ten other boys were already there. So they’re the famous EXO? And there’s the man himself…the baby-faced Luhan. I took a deep breath as I debated on what I should do. Come on Hana-ah you can do this. You have to confront him sooner or later…it’s not as if he’s going to bite!

I took another cleansing breath and then pushed the classroom door open and walked into the class. I immediately felt twelve pairs of eyes glaring at me. That’s when he stood up angrily from his chair and stomped towards me stopping just a few inches away from my face.

He looked at me with cold eyes, honestly if looks could kill I would be way dead by now. I could see his friends standing behind him, glaring at me...great, just great Park Hana what have you gotten yourself into?! Seoyeon, just wait till I get my hands on you, you will be a dead woman! I took a nervous glance at the angry boy who was standing in front of me. But he's so cute! Why on earth would anyone ever cheat on him? I don't get it?

"Kim Seoyeon ssi!" He said in his soft voice. Uh-oh he's being formal that is defiantly not a good sign. "I thought I made it quite clear to you the last time we talked that I never want to speak, see or even breath the same air as you ever again, arasso? What part of that did you not understand? If we come across each other again we will act like strangers, got it?" And with that he stormed away from me, not even bothering to look at me for one last time.

He and his eleven friends walked away, leaving me dumbfounded...oh no what am I going to do now?!





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Oh and i would really appreciate any comments on how I can make this story betta...So yeah LUV U GUYS!! Mwah;););)


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kimirina #1
Chapter 12: New reader! Curious to what will happen with hana and seoyeon! Update soon!
bluekakao #2
Chapter 12: It is ok
Your exams are more important
Good luck :D
Chapter 4: Update !!!!!!!!0r I will kill you on night....when you sleep muahahaha
lovecupid #4
pls update soon