Chapter 6

Can you keep a secret?
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After school, it was practices all over again and by the time we were done, it was already 1am in the morning. While everyone was dead beat and wanted to sleep, I on the other hand was excited because I could finally talk to Laura and Alfred.

“Please drop me at the bus stop in front, I’ll be heading home later.” Sehun suddenly called out to the manager when we were in the van. All of us turned back and looked at him, wondering why he didn’t want to come home with us.

A thought suddenly came into my head, was he still mad at me?

“Where are you going this late?” Suho asked worriedly.
“I’m going to meet Daeun. You guys know her, right?” Sehun said casually and put one hand behind his head.
“Did you meet her yesterday night as well?” Chen asked.
“Yeah, I did. I’m meeting her again today because she told me she wanted to ask me some homework regarding school today.” Sehun replied.

Psh, homework? Our homework was basically writing a report on your favorite singer, how hard could that be? It wasn’t even due till the end of the week.

I subtly glanced at Kai and he smirked while I just rolled my eyes.

He got off a few minutes later and we continued our way back to the dorms. When we arrived, I literally shoved everyone out of the way despite the complaints for the members.

“Yah, maknae, watch out!” Baekhyun called
“How could you shove me when I’m already so tired!” Tao whined and I just slightly turned my head back and stuck my tongue out at them.

I rushed to the toilet to bathe and I was out in my quickest time ever, 5 minutes.

“I’m ready!! See you guys online!” I sent and immediately received a reply.
“CAN’T WAIT!!” Laura and Alfred both texted back.

I my desktop and immediately logged on to see the group chat inviting me. I quickly accepted it and waited for their screens to show up.

Once the screen showed their faces, I was on the verge of crying.

“What happened to your hair, Jill?!” That was the first thing that Laura said when the screen and I chuckled.

“Perks of transforming into a guy I guess.” I chuckled dryly.

“How’s summer so far?” I asked.
“ without you, wished you were here.” Alfred said sadly while I chuckled
“He’s lying! He’s been hitting up the clubs and leaving me behind with a bunch of strangers at the table!” Laura whined.

“Did not!” Alfred turned to her and retorted
“Says the one who was too drunk to even walk, till the fact I had to drag him out of the bar~” Laura teased while Alfred rubbed his neck in embarrassment.

“You guys are always quarreling.” I let out a chuckle and they turned their attention back to me.

“So what’s my baby girl been up to?” Alfred asked excitedly
“The usual stuffs, practicing for the debut stage and I’m living in the dorms with the members.” I said

“So how do your members look like? Are there any cute guys? The view in California is just disappointing.” Laura sighed while Alfred let out a scoff
“You are saying that when California Arts School’s MVP is right beside you?! How could you!” Alfred acted like he was shocked and I laughed again at their dramatic actions.

“Yeah, there’s actually one or two pretty cute ones, I have to admit.” I said. It was true, I do admit that some of the guys looked like they actually came out of a comic book, and I’m sure many girls would be dying to be in my place.

“Oh, can we see them?!” Laura asked excitedly while I laughed and nodded.
“I’ll introduce a couple of guys to you all, wait a minute!” I said and headed out of the room to call them.

“Come in.” A voice called out as I knocked on the door.
“Are you guys free now? I’m actually on a video call with my friends from California and they said they want to meet some of the members that I’m close with, do you guys want to see them?” I asked Kris and Luhan excitedly, who were both sprawled on their beds using their phones.

“Sure!” Luhan leaped out of his bed while Kris shrugged and stood up as well.

“Guys, these are two of the members, Luhan and Kris.” I said to the screen and I could see Laura’s eyes lighting up.

“Hi! I’m Luhan! Nice to me-et… y-o-o-u…” He stuttered as he tried speaking in English.
“Cute! But no worries, we’re both Koreans, we understand.” Laura explained and Luhan heaved a sigh of relief.

“Hi, I’m Kris. Nice to meet you.” Kris said in perfect English and Laura blushed. Wait, Laura blushed?!

“Hi, I’m Laura.” She said shyly while I tried to hold in my laughter.
“And I’m Alfred.” Alfred introduced himself.

“Jimin, I didn’t know you were from California!” Kris said after the introductions were done.
“Technically, Jill’s not from California, she just came here to study after h-“ Laura said halfway and Alfred cut her off while I widened my eyes.

“Jill? Isn’t that a girl’s name?” Kris asked curiously and Laura bowed her head down.

“Oh, uhm… they always called me Jill because we used to… uhm… role play in this musical! Yeah, role play, and my character’s name was Jill, so yeah.” I stuttered and tried to explain myself.

“Oh, okay, it’s weird for a guy to be called Jill though.” Kris shrugged and I heaved a sigh of relief and kept quiet.

We all conversed for a while more and I was surprised how well they got along. Luhan and Kris were friendly people, while Alfred and Laura were definitely sociable people as well.

“As much as we want to continue this conversation, we have practice tomorrow and these two over here have school.” Kris said while pointing to Luhan and I.

“But Duizhang, I wanna spend more time talking to them!” I whined.
“Alright, just a while more okay? Don’t stay up too late.” Kris stifled a yawn and headed back to his room with Luhan.

“So what do you think?” I asked when the two of them were out of earshot.
“They seem like nice people and I think you can trust them if you are intending to tell your secret to anyone.” Alfred shrugged while Laura nodded.

“Kris is one of the most charming people I have ever met in my life.” Laura exclaimed as she clasped her hands while Alfred shook his head.
“Looks like someone’s in love. I saw you blushing, and the thing is you rarely blush!” I teased
“Well, he’s hot, but it’s not love at first sight.” Laura shrugged
“I’ll introduce you guys to each other officially when you come and visit.” I smiled.
“Another reason to visit you! I can’t wait!” Laura said excitedly while I laughed.

“So who’s your room mate? Or are you sleeping alone?” Alfred asked.
“Some guy who hates me. I don’t even know why he hates me, but he just does.” I shrugged and let out a sigh as I thought of Se

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Chapter 20: hai~new reader here...tq authornim for making this story!!!!!i like it >_< please update soon
angel41195 #2
Chapter 20: you know, I'm still having trouble on whether I ship JiHun or JiHan more lol
ailuludeer #3
Chapter 4: Your story is nice.. I am very enjoy reading it.. Its daebak
Chapter 16: poor jihyun :(
thanks for the update authornim
Chapter 15: oooooooo sehun<3 hahaha love this update! Can't wait for the next one!