Chapter 4

Can you keep a secret?
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When we arrived at the studio back at SM, there were already 12 other boys sitting in a circle, and their eyes fell on us when we entered the room. 
"Good afternoon everyone. I'll be your manager and this is Kim Jimin, your last new member and this is Hyorin, your stylist." He said as he pushed Hyorin and I to the front.

I let out a small smile and bowed my head, and suddenly one of the members beckoned to me. 
"Come and join us! We were just starting introductions and you're right on time!" The guy said cheerfully. 

I settled in between a brown hair guy with sparkly eyes and another guy who had a similar hairstyle to mine, just that his was a darker brown. 

We went in a circle for introductions, starting with the cheerful guy and ending with the guy beside me. I realized the guy with the sparkly eyes was called Luhan while the guy who had a similar hairstyle as me was called Sehun. 

"Seems like Jimin is the maknae since he's 18 years old." Tao smiled slyly while I pouted. Being the maknae definitely wasn't the best thing, and having 12 other members who are older than you didn't seem very promising either. 

"We have to get ready for dance practice in 10 minutes, we'll be learning the new song shortly so let's all get a break first!" The cheerful guy named Suho, who was the leader said and we all parted for our breaks. 

Everyone left their places, leaving me with Luhan on the floor. I was lost in my thoughts and I hadn't realized he was there till he tapped my shoulder.
"Hello, I'm Luhan." He smiled and put his hand out for me to shake. I stared at his deer-like eyes and if I wasn't in this position as a guy, I would've definitely fangirl over him. 
"Hello, I'm Jih-, I mean, Jimin." I said as I took his hand and silently hoped he didn't notice my slip-up. 

It seemed like he didn't notice it as we continued talking more about ourselves and where we were from during the 10 minutes break. I could speak Chinese as well so we ended conversing in Chinese, and I could tell he heaved a sigh of relief.
"I think I've seen you around here before! You're the guy who always comes the earliest for dance and practices and leave the latest, right?" He asked curiously

It was then I realized how much my brother prioritized his dream. While I was getting up late for classes in California, he was working hard every single day just to fulfill his dreams, and from what I knew, my brother is never an early riser. As selfish as he may sound to everyone else for asking his sister to work for his dream, he worked hard for it, and he deserved every single thing he has now. 

"Yeah, I guess so." I chuckled and before Luhan could say anything else, Suho called all of us back for practice as the choreographer entered the studio. 

He asked all of us to showcase our talents and I was glad that mum made me take dancing and singing lessons when I was young. Surprisingly, these two activities actually turned into my hobbies and I was actually pretty good in it. 

The other members went first, and I was the last one. I was silently glad that my voice wasn't as squeaky as other girls and it was actually pretty low for a girl. I sang my favorite song 'It has to be you' and freestyled to 'Club can't handle me'. By the end of my performance, everyone clapped loudly and I blushed a crimson red. 

"So I will choreograph you guys according to your singing and dancing, and today's session wll be shorter because I know you guys are moving into the new dorm so I won't hold you guys back for long." The choreographer said and we all nodded and waited for our names to be called. 


He gave us a random choreography and althought it was tough, but it wasn't the most difficult. However, when we finally stopped practicing, everyone was tired, and it was already 7pm at night. The choreographer finally let us off and Suho gathered all of us again. 

"We'll be moving into the dorm today so go home and get your belongings, we'll gather at the dorm at 10pm, is that okay with everyone?" Suho confirmed with all of us and we all nodded before dispersing. 

I quickly checked my phone and true enough, there were 5 missed calls from my mum. 
"Yes mum, I'm coming home now." I said as I called her back and reassure her.
"Come back quickly! I cooked your favorite bibimbap!" She said and hung up on me. Now I was 10 times more desperate to get home because firstly, I was starving and secondly, I haven't had bibimbap ever since I left Korea, which was technically 1 year ago. 

I quickly bid goodbye to the remaining members in the practice room and hurried out of the building. I tried hailing a cab but luck just wasn't on my side, all the cabs seemed to be on call or have already been hired. 

Just then, a white car pulled up in front of me and I was about to walk away until the driver wind down the window. 
"Hey maknae, where do you stay?" Luhan said as his head popped out of th

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Chapter 20: hai~new reader here...tq authornim for making this story!!!!!i like it >_< please update soon
angel41195 #2
Chapter 20: you know, I'm still having trouble on whether I ship JiHun or JiHan more lol
ailuludeer #3
Chapter 4: Your story is nice.. I am very enjoy reading it.. Its daebak
Chapter 16: poor jihyun :(
thanks for the update authornim
Chapter 15: oooooooo sehun<3 hahaha love this update! Can't wait for the next one!