Chapter 15

Can you keep a secret?
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Chapter 15

The next few days passed by and Sehun continued ignoring me. Whenever I asked him a question, he would just ignore me and walk away, and I tried all kinds of ways to make him talk, even offering him his favorite bubble tea, but he just wouldn’t talk to me.

When we were in the room and I told him I wanted to talk, he would just push me away by saying he was “tired” then cover himself with the blanket, totally disregarding my existence. I don’t know what the hell I did, and I didn’t want to complicate matters by asking the members, thus I acted like I didn’t care, but really, it was killing me slowly.


I felt someone shaking me and I opened my eyes to see Chen in front of me. “Jimin, wake up! You’re late!” He shouted while shaking me vigorously and I was still dazed from my sleep.

I turned to the bed next to mine to see Sehun’s bed empty and Chen followed my line of vision. “Sehun already left half an hour ago, you better get ready too, and I’ll leave with you because the rest have already left!” He hurried before rushing out of the room.

I felt a sudden drop in my heart. Sehun never leaves without waking me up.

My mood was still down when I arrived at the practice room, and it sunk even more when I saw Daeun chatting happily with Sehun on the sofa in the practice room.

So that’s why he left early.

“What’s she doing there?” I said to no one in particular as I couldn’t hide my annoyance and shot a glare to the both of them as they were oblivious to their surroundings.

“She arrived 30 minutes ago and said she had something to talk to Sehun, after that they came back into the room and started talking till now.” Kai answered and passed me a packet of bread.

“I’m not hungry.” I shoved the bread back to him when I heard his words; I just wasn’t in the mood for anything anymore.

“You never reject breakfast, Jimin.” Luhan sat next to me as I went to the side to sulk. “I’m just not hungry.” I gave a weak smile while he patted my head. “Be strong, we have a whole day of practice to go.”

We practiced for the entire day and Daeun sat throughout, surprisingly silent; I guess Sehun had told her that if she wanted to stay, she’d better keep her comments to herself. By dinner, everyone was hungry because we didn’t have lunch and the manager was off for the day, so we had to get our own food.

“Jimin, maknae duties, you have to buy food today~” Baekhyun teased while I let out a shrug. “Sure, tell me what you guys want.” I said as I took out my phone to type it out. After collating the orders with much difficulty as we all had different ideas, we settled on pasta and I was about to leave the room when Chanyeol called out. “Sehun, you’re the second youngest, you should accompany Jimin!” I turned to look at Sehun, who now wore a blank expression as he walked towards me. “I’ll go with you!” Daeun called out and clutched onto his arm, resulting in him letting out a small smile.

“Pfft.” I rolled my eyes and let out a small scoff as I walked out of the room. All you ever care about is her.

I dragged my feet to the pasta store two streets down whilst walking behind Daeun and Sehun. They were acting like I didn’t exist and I was pissed, very pissed.

“How long more are you going to act like I don’t exist?” I said out loud, directing my question to Sehun in particular and they both stopped in their tracks, turning to look at me.

He looked at me with blank eyes, and let out a scoff before turning back to walk to the pasta shop and Daeun let out a small smirk.

Thanks, my mood just got worse than it already has been.

I stomped my way past them and entered the pasta shop, ordering all the food we needed before settling down at an empty table while waiting for it. They settled down at a table away from me and continued their conversation, obviously not wanting to have any contact with me.

Fine, have it that way Oh Sehun. I was too foolish and naïve to think you’d changed.

I paid for all the members except the both of them, and pushed the bill to them before I gathered all the plastic bags. “Childish.” I heard Sehun say before I walked out of the door. Yes, take that, because I am that childish when I get angry.

“Sorry!” I shrieked as I crashed into a janitor on my way out but thankfully, the plastic bags didn’t drop but I’m sure that bruise on my arm would last pretty long.
“Be careful!” He said angrily before continuing to mop the floor while I heard some snickers at the back.

I didn’t wait for them and headed back to the company, carrying all the plastic bags. Should’ve left it with them! And that jerk Oh Sehun didn’t even bother to ask whether I need help!

When I arrived at the company, I had a close shave as it immediately started raining when I entered. I placed the plastic bags on the floor and was about to leave to my secret hideout before I got stopped by Suho. “Where are you going, Jimin?” He asked concernedly and I just shook my head. “I’ll just take a breather.”

“You haven’t eaten breakfast nor grabbed a bite during lunch, and now you’re skipping dinner! Are you not feeling well? You look pale.” He said as he walked towards me and put his hand on my forehead. “I’m not hungry, I didn’t buy my own share, you guys can eat first, and I’ll be back before you know it.” I said weakly and exited the room before anyone could ask any questions.

I definitely am feeling a little weak now, but I just have to collect my thoughts.

I headed to the stairway and sat down on one of the steps. I couldn’t understand, why was Sehun ignoring me, and why was I so affected by it? Did I do something wrong that made him act this way? I just didn’t understand.

I wish I had Alfred and Laura with me… I thought to myself and reach out to touch the friendship bracelet on my hand, the only thing was, it wasn’t there!

I glanced at my wrist and noticed that the spot was empty. How can this be?! I just saw it when I was at the pasta shop!

I ran out of the stairway and out of the company immediately, not caring about dance practice or anything else, I just have to find the bracelet! It is something that’s so important to me and signified my most cherished friendship; I can’t let it be gone like that.

It was still drizzling but I couldn’t be bothered,

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Chapter 20: hai~new reader here...tq authornim for making this story!!!!!i like it >_< please update soon
angel41195 #2
Chapter 20: you know, I'm still having trouble on whether I ship JiHun or JiHan more lol
ailuludeer #3
Chapter 4: Your story is nice.. I am very enjoy reading it.. Its daebak
Chapter 16: poor jihyun :(
thanks for the update authornim
Chapter 15: oooooooo sehun<3 hahaha love this update! Can't wait for the next one!