First Party

Of Airplanes, Lists and Break-ups

Chapter 7

It was in the middle of December when Mark threw an impromptu party out of nowhere. Kris had never been a crazy party monkey but pretending to be one came natural when asked about the amount of alcohol he could consume before passing out. According to his own statement, he could toss back 'a mother-effing lot more than the rest of you fags', which roughly translated into normal English most likely meant, not a whole lot. One beer and he would be gone. But that didn't stop him... From being forced by a very insisting Mark.

Coming out of the shower, Kris ran a hand through his hair. He would need to get his roots bleached soon. He sighed at his mirror image, still getting used to actually caring about what he looked like. He took turns in looking at his side profiles, occasionally running a hand over the mirror to remove the steam from the shower. He ran his eyes over his upper-body, taking in the now completely flat stomach, thanks to an excruciating diet made by none other than Mark. It mostly contained eating boiled eggs and highly nutritious... Air.

Kris grinned stupidly at his own reflection as he flexed his muscles and gave his "guns" a wet smooch.              

Kris, not being all that familiar with his new lifestyle yet, was the first party guest to arrive.

At 5 pm... 

Showing up at the Jones family's door step.

...With cookies.

To his defense, the cookies hadn't been his idea. Had it been up to him, he would've brought celery sticks and eggs.

Anyway, arriving early was the reason for Kris eating supper with Mark's family. "Aah, Kris. You've become so handsome lately, haven't you?" Mark's mother said while handing Kris the mashed potatoes. "You know, Mark just won't shut up about you. It's always, Kris this, Kris that, oh and honey there is nothing wrong with a guy keeping a diary. In fact Mark here kept one as well" "MOM!" Mark had effectively cut her off, perhaps even let a mouthful of half-chewed veggies, canon-ball across the table. Kris gave Mark an evil smile. "Is that so. You wouldn't happen to know what he wrote about, Mrs. Jones?" Before Mark's mom could  reply Mark had already inhaled his food, grabbed Kris' chair and yelled out a 'Thanks for dinner'. Kris had barely managed to scoop a few forks of potato in his mouth before he and his chair was being dragged out of the kitchen.
Lets just say Kris was delighted at the news, whereas Mark had locked himself in the bathroom, refusing to come out.

It was only when his parents had left, Mark considered it safe enough to reemerge. He quickly regretted it though when he was met with a still smiling Kris doing sit-ups in his bed. A light pearl of sweat slowly made its way down his forehead, making Mark gulp.

"What are you doing?" Mark chocked out. For some reason his mouth seemed really dry.

"197, 198, 199, 200."

Kris collapsed on the comfy bed before drying his sweat off with the blanket. Mark didn't mind.

"I found it." Kris said in a solemn voice while sitting up, reaching a hand under the mattress. "At least my hiding place was creative." Kris pulled out a worn out journal with rainbows on it.

"Seriously dude. This is just gay."

With a playful smirk he threw the diary at Mark who caught it with his face. Panic started to set in. A cold sweat stained his armpits. Was that actually tears stinging his eyes? Mark's face fell even more. This was it. Their friendship would be over, now that Kris knew his secret. Mark let his weak legs give in and willingly collapsed to the floor. Kris was beside him in a second, hoisting him to his feet.

"Don't worry man. I didn't read it. Unlike you I actually respect other people's privacy." Kris's sincere smile did magic to Mark's heart and suddenly he kind of wished Kris had read the journal.

Kyaaaa! Recieved my first comment/Hwaiting <3 :D:D I'm so happy!
Here have a short chapter on the house.
I'll probably be posting a few more chapters before going to bed :)
Hope it's worth reading.

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Chapter 42: Honestly, I love that Kris is a fluffy awkward guy here, such a refreshing change from the typical ice-cold bad boy persona everyone uses for him. ^_^
I am him when eating pastries toooo
GigglePig99 #2
Subscribed! Bcos this looks great :)
iamarcheur #3
Chapter 72: ahahahhaha still laughing at the name of Kris and Kyungsoo's first child ... hahah Dragon :))

Author-nim ... this is really good and I love it :)
I love the progress of their relationship in the story its not like the other stories wherein they see each other then BAM! They're lovey dovey and .. happily ever after bla bla bla ... :)

This story somehow portrays a real life relationship (minus the gay part .. but you know .. this might happen to some gay couples but you know ...)

arceersro #4
ughhh that was so sweet and brings back so much memories! > 3<
agehachou #5
Chapter 72: Let me be their babies's mother!!!! Lmao at dragolina. I can't with him. Thank you for this amazing story authornim. :*
Chapter 72: This was such a great story and I'm glad that you finished it with this epilogue! Can't wait to read more of your fics~.
Chapter 72: OH MY !!!!!! You didn't !!! Wu Yifool what the hell? Are you serious? Man how could you even think naming your kid "Dragon"? And if it's a girl "Dragolina"? Like what the hell? Are you on drugs right?? Right?? What is wrong with you? I wonder if you fell and hit your head when Kyungsoo was being an and left you. Hahahahahahahaha freaking YIFAN I don't understand how he always comes with the most stupid ...but I love him anyway. I'm glad Luhan and Chen are still together and loving each other, although they have their couple fights..but a couple is not a couple if they don't fight. It's good to know Xiumin is happy too. Although I freaked out (literally) reading his little girls' names like meh. Wow $umoney to the rescue, this dude is "THE THING" ya know, he's really kind. Lol lol Sehun finally put his together, I couldn't help it and I chocked on my drink. Well so this is it... I really miss reading this story, you always surprised me with all the craziness these guys did, specially Kris and Kyungsoo. So you must know that I'm more then happy you decided to write an epilogue, thank you sooooo much <3 ....btw I FREAKING VOLUNTEER TO HAVE KRISOO's babies (all the kids they want, I don't mind at all)
Chapter 72: puahahaha
I seriously wasn't expecting an epilogue but I'm so glad you wrote it
The last part
I'm at work unnie! I think I should learn already not to read fics while I'm at work xD
It has to be one of the most hilarious epilogues ever!
Luke and leia?
bbbbax #9
Chapter 71: woooow can't believe it only took me 2 days to read this! it's so freaking good!!! you did a great job and thank you for spreading krisoo love ahahaha not enough krisoo in this world ahahaha
khelly07_grace #10
Chapter 71: one of the best ff i've read so far....i lik it. ...