Morning After

Of Airplanes, Lists and Break-ups

Chapter 65

Joonmyun had become really good friends with that Sehun kid. Sure he was a few years younger and incredibly bratty but he was fun, honest to a fault and very much like a younger brother. Since their encounter, Joonmyun had become a regular at different clubs and bars, some places he was even known as 'The Money Man'. He didn't entirely  love the nickname but Sehun had thought it was fitting.
The kid had opened up a new world of parties and fun and had even given him a 'social 101' course that had been pretty helpful.
There was really only one thing that pulled at Joonmyun's conscience.
His grades were starting to drop.
With all the drinking and meeting new people every week and hanging out with Sehun, Joonmyun's attention was lead away from studying and now his parents were starting to badger him about it. He knew he should be focusing on his studies and on his future, it was just so damn difficult when Sehun called him every day about getting together for lunch or shopping or... pretty much anything the guy wanted to do that day.

His parents didn't approve of Sehun and his 'wild child' ways.
It actually pleased Joonmyun that they didn't like him. For once he was going against their  wishes and for once they took interest in him, however bad the reason.

Although, when Joonmyun received a C- on a test just before Christmas, he knew it was time to change some things.

"You should get these hyung."
Sehun had dragged him shopping again.
The kid was holding up a pair of black Ray-bans in front of Joonmyun's face.

"I have like 10 of them already. Never wear them though. "
"You have 10 pairs of Ray-bans?"
"Yeah. My mother tends to forget... What her assistant buys for me."
"... That's the saddest thing I ever heard. Speaking of which, want to go out for drinks tonight?"
"It's Tuesday."

Joonmyun took Sehun to the side.

"You know I love spending time with you and we have fun... But I need to start focusing on school. I-I have to."
"What and go back to being a bore? Only doing what you're told?"
"That's not fair."
"Of course it isn't fair. It's your life hyung. Enjoy it. Do something crazy!"
"Like you? Doing whatever the hell you please on someone else's dime?"

A look of hurt replaced Sehun's usual stoic expression as the kid backed away from him.
Joonmyun immediately regretted his words.

"Sehun. I have responsibilities. I can't keep following you around like this."
"But you don't want to take over your parents' company. You want to be a musician."
"It's just a silly dream. I can play in my spare time."
"Like you'll have any."

Sehun sat down at one of the benches in the mall.

"I know you're right, hyung. I just hate that we can't be friends anymore."

Uh. Flashback.
This felt a lot like déjà vu. 

"Why can't we be friends?"
"You'll be busy studying and let's face it, you're rich. I don't exactly fit into your future of 60+ hour work weeks, a wife and kids and fancy dress parties. I'm a nobody."
"You're not a nobody."

Joonmyun sat down next to Sehun, patting his back.

"Yes I am. I was kicked out by my parents and I dropped out of high school when I was 15. I don't have any education. My life revolves around nothing but working as a waiter and parties and one-night stands. I'm the last person you would want to befriend. And yet you did."
"... Your parents threw you out?"
"They didn't care to have a gay son. I was lucky to have Jongin as a friend. If he hadn't asked his parents if I could live with them, I have no idea where I'd be right now."  
"You're only 18. You could go back to school and graduate."
"I'm not smart enough."
"You really don't give yourself enough credit, kid. Because you are one of the smartest people I have ever met. I know you can do it."
"You really think so?"
"I know so."

Joonmyun leaned in hugging Sehun tight.

"And just so you know. Even in 30 years? 50? We'll still be friends. Just because I have to study more now doesn't mean I won't have time for you."

Sehun grinned while sniffling.

"You  should probably have started out by saying that."  
"I probably should've."


Kris couldn't think of a worse way to begin a new year.

1. Kris had spent New Year's eve being stared down by Kyungsoo's best friends, especially that Chanyeol. It gave him the creeps.

2. Kyungsoo had hooked up with his ex-girlfriend.

3. Krystal. Was a .

The morning of January 1st, Kris had woken up early to make breakfast for Kyungsoo and him. Kyungsoo had never showed up at Minseok's, much to Kris's disappointment. But it was okay. Kyungsoo had most likely had a lot to think about after talking to Krystal.

Kris finished setting the table, overall pretty satisfied with himself. A small tower of pancakes, perfectly toasted bread, two different kinds of jam, soft-boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, sausages and bacon was beautifully arranged on the sofa table, along with a red rose on Kyungsoo's plate. Kris poured himself a cup of freshly squeezed orange juice when a door opening could be heard.

"Just in time for breakfast Kyung... Krystal?"

Kris took in the sight of bed-hair, day old make-up and what appeared to be a man's shirt. It didn't take a scientist to tell what she had been doing last night. Or who.
Kris put down his cup a little harder than necessary. Anger slowly rose from the pit of his stomach as he recalled their phone conversation.

"Just wanted to talk to him, huh? My ."

Krystal sat down in the armchair, crossing her legs.

"It just sorta happened."
"And I'm the queen of England."
"I love him. And he loves me."
"It's true. Don't you want Kyungsoo to be happy?"

'Not with you.'

"Yes. I want Kyungsoo to be happy. But you're the reason he isn't."

Krystal reached out for a piece of bacon when Kris slapped her hand away.

"...I made him happy once. I can do it again."
"Or. Or you could get the hell out of his life before you break him again."
"He broke me first."
"It doesn't matter. I'm not letting him go. Ever again."
"Okay. Then I have just one thing to say to you. Get the hell out of my apartment."
"Oh but this isn't just your apartment now is it? It's Kyungsoo's as well. And I'm not going anywhere."

With that she got up, took a piece of toast in and another in her hand before slowly walking back to Kyungsoo's room but not before turning towards Kris,  mock written across her face.

"God save the queen."

After that, Kris had thrown out all the food, locking himself in his room.


Kyungsoo was woken by the smell of toast and a warm body pressing against him.

"Wake up Kyungsoo."

He felt something moist touch his cheek as he opened his eyes. 


Kyungsoo blinked his eyes a few time before rubbing his eyes for sleep dust when the night before slowly came back to him.


He quickly sat up, scooting as far away from her as possible without falling off the bed.

"Please go away. Now."

She did no such thing. Instead she crawled towards him until she was face to face with him.

"I've missed this. Waking up next to you. Making love to you."
"That makes one of us."
"Don't pretend you didn't enjoy yourself. I know you still care about me."

Leaning in, Krystal placed a chaste kiss on his lips.

It felt familiar.

Old feelings started to reemerge as he looked into Krystal's eyes.
The eyes he had lovingly gazed into so many times before.
But instead of being reminded of the good times, the happy times... Everything was overshadowed by hurt and betrayal.
Only the bad memories remained.

And yet Kyungsoo still leaned in, kissing her lips before ripping off her shirt.


"So you and Krystal?"
"So it would seem."

"So you're gonna keep seeing her?"
"So it would seem."

"So you're happy?"
"So it would seem."

That was the longest conversation Kyungsoo and Kris had had in almost two weeks now. They barely saw each other what with Kyungsoo either being busy playing music or seeing Krystal and Kris having school and work to worry about.
All their progress, down the toilet just because Kris had been so stupid as to trust that evil witch.

Tomorrow it would be Kyungsoo's birthday.
Kris had bought Kyungsoo's present by the end of December, a silver ring and an apron that said 'Kiss the Cook.'
He knew Kyungsoo didn't like wearing jewelry but this one would really suit him. It had a wide band with a large black onyx and the apron? That was just for fun.
Mostly Kris had hoped they'd be boyfriends by now, only that had made sure that didn't happen.
A small part of him wanted to store away the gifts and buy Kyungsoo something else. Something less special. Like a mug or... A sweater. 
He just really didn't want to see Krystal kiss his Kyungsoo in the kitchen while wearing the apron Kris had bought. That would just be another slap in the face.
In fact, it should be reserved for him only. Kissing the cook.

Kris sighed as he entered the apartment after a long day of work.  
Today Tao had managed to spill marinara sauce all over him when Kris had been standing in his own thoughts.
This Kyungsoo thing was really starting to get to him.
Kris headed straight for the bathroom. It was almost 00.30. AM and he was tired as hell but he still needed to brush his teeth before he could hit the sack.
Pushing the door open he discovered Kyungsoo standing by the sink wearing nothing but a towel around his waist.

"Oh sorry. Door wasn't locked."

Kris backed out about to close the door.

"It's okay. You can come in."

Hesitantly Kris entered again.

"Is Krystal..."

Kyungsoo grabbed his toothbrush.

"Who died on you?"

Kyungsoo gestured to the sauce staining his shirt and pants.

The small man laughed as he started brushing his teeth.
Grabbing his own toothbrush, Kris couldn't help sneak a peek at Kyungsoo's white skin. Letting his eyes follow Kyungsoo's spine down to his well-shaped behind, Kris his lips. When Kyungsoo leaned in to spit and before he could stop himself, Kris let a finger run over the smaller man's soft skin.
 Catching himself in the action, Kris hurriedly started slapping Kyungsoo's back. Hard.

"... Spider."

Kyungsoo gave him a dubious stare before putting back his toothbrush.

"Thanks. I guess."
"No-no prob...problem."

They stood in awkward silence as Kris brushed his teeth and Kyungsoo shaved.

"...I suppose you'll be celebrating your birthday with... Krystal?"
Kris struggled saying her name. Mostly because it usually came out or or... Pute.

"Your mom?"
"Not her."
"Aah. Chanyeol and Baekhyun."
"As I recall, you owe me one birthday surprise."
"I do?"
"I think you do."

Kris thought back on his own birthday and how Kyungsoo had made everything so special. It had also been the day Kris had realized his feelings for the small man.

"I... Didn't get you anything."
"Yes you did. Found it stashed under your bed a week ago."
"You went through my stuff?!"
"Just gimme my damn present! 
"I don't want to!"
"Why?! Because... Just because!"

Kris quickly spit in the sink before storming out the bathroom, followed by Kyungsoo whose face was still covered in spots of shaving-crème.   

"That's not even an excuse!"
"So what? It's nothing special anyway. Just... Stuff."
"Just stuff?"
"Yeah... It's.. It's a mug."
"I love mugs."
"It says prick on it."

Kris exhaled through his nose.

"Look. I'm happy that you and Krystal are working things out and if she makes you happy, I'll totally believe you. But seeing you with her, parading her in front of me, leaving your clothes on the living-room floor... I think it's really insensitive of you after what happened between us."
"Oh I'm insensitive?! Right after we slept together you said let's just be friends. So guess what, we're just friends!"
Kyungsoo took a deep breath, keeping his eyes glued to the floor.

"I can't stop thinking about you. Or that night. It meant a lot to me. And then you went ahead and ruined everything."

Kyungsoo looked up, approaching Kris.

"But you know? I can't figure out why. I thought you liked me enough to know that I like you as well. That I want to be with you."

A finger traced over Kris's chest making him hold his breath.

"I know I acted like an idiot in front of our friends. But I don't care anymore. Because I don't think I can stay away from you any longer."

A hand found way under his shirt, caressing his lower back.

"Tell me you don't want to kiss me."

Kris swallowed.

"I don't want to kiss you."

The small man smiled sweetly.

"You're an awful liar, Kris."
"I know."

Kris couldn't hold back anymore as he captured Kyungsoo's lips in a deep kiss.
They ended the kiss with a small laugh as both of them were now covered in the shaving-crème. Kris ed and slid off his shirt to lightly dup it against Kyungsoo's cheeks and then his own. Almost shaking with anticipation, Kris threw the shirt to the side before hesitantly cupping Kyungsoo's face.

"Happy birthday, Kyungsoo."

Kris recaptured the smaller man's plumb lips, feeling his own heart beating harder.
Locking the small man in a tight embrace, Kris slowly loosened Kyungsoo's towel until it dropped to the floor. 

Okay so yes I know it's weird shaving at 12.30 AM but who cares. Also pute is in Frech just FYI :p

I was actually going to wait with posting another chapter until I had recieved the poster I'm exitedly awaiting (65 chapters and still no poster -.-' nice one Fluffball) 
I still have a mean case of writers block and lack of time atm but I'll try not to fall too far behind in updates especially since there are only a few left :| 
Thank you so much for reading and supporting this fic :) It means a lot that people take time out of their lives to read this pile of rubbish so thank you :D You're all awesome! 

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Chapter 42: Honestly, I love that Kris is a fluffy awkward guy here, such a refreshing change from the typical ice-cold bad boy persona everyone uses for him. ^_^
I am him when eating pastries toooo
GigglePig99 #2
Subscribed! Bcos this looks great :)
iamarcheur #3
Chapter 72: ahahahhaha still laughing at the name of Kris and Kyungsoo's first child ... hahah Dragon :))

Author-nim ... this is really good and I love it :)
I love the progress of their relationship in the story its not like the other stories wherein they see each other then BAM! They're lovey dovey and .. happily ever after bla bla bla ... :)

This story somehow portrays a real life relationship (minus the gay part .. but you know .. this might happen to some gay couples but you know ...)

arceersro #4
ughhh that was so sweet and brings back so much memories! > 3<
agehachou #5
Chapter 72: Let me be their babies's mother!!!! Lmao at dragolina. I can't with him. Thank you for this amazing story authornim. :*
Chapter 72: This was such a great story and I'm glad that you finished it with this epilogue! Can't wait to read more of your fics~.
Chapter 72: OH MY !!!!!! You didn't !!! Wu Yifool what the hell? Are you serious? Man how could you even think naming your kid "Dragon"? And if it's a girl "Dragolina"? Like what the hell? Are you on drugs right?? Right?? What is wrong with you? I wonder if you fell and hit your head when Kyungsoo was being an and left you. Hahahahahahahaha freaking YIFAN I don't understand how he always comes with the most stupid ...but I love him anyway. I'm glad Luhan and Chen are still together and loving each other, although they have their couple fights..but a couple is not a couple if they don't fight. It's good to know Xiumin is happy too. Although I freaked out (literally) reading his little girls' names like meh. Wow $umoney to the rescue, this dude is "THE THING" ya know, he's really kind. Lol lol Sehun finally put his together, I couldn't help it and I chocked on my drink. Well so this is it... I really miss reading this story, you always surprised me with all the craziness these guys did, specially Kris and Kyungsoo. So you must know that I'm more then happy you decided to write an epilogue, thank you sooooo much <3 ....btw I FREAKING VOLUNTEER TO HAVE KRISOO's babies (all the kids they want, I don't mind at all)
Chapter 72: puahahaha
I seriously wasn't expecting an epilogue but I'm so glad you wrote it
The last part
I'm at work unnie! I think I should learn already not to read fics while I'm at work xD
It has to be one of the most hilarious epilogues ever!
Luke and leia?
bbbbax #9
Chapter 71: woooow can't believe it only took me 2 days to read this! it's so freaking good!!! you did a great job and thank you for spreading krisoo love ahahaha not enough krisoo in this world ahahaha
khelly07_grace #10
Chapter 71: one of the best ff i've read so far....i lik it. ...