First Official Date

Of Airplanes, Lists and Break-ups


Chapter 62

This was nice, Kris thought as he hugged his pillow closer. It had this most amazing smell. This very distinct scent of lemon, sugar and... What's the scent for clean? Laundry detergent? Yeah, laundry detergent."
Kris was in a bliss but his trip to 'New Laundry Land' was short lived.


That almost sounded like...
Kris slowly opened his eyes to the sight of a little Korean woman holding a digital camera in front of her face.

"What the..."
"Aish. Mom it's too early!"

That was funny. His pillow talked?... Holy shh...
It would seem that Kris was clinging to Kyungsoo like gum to a shoe, his head resting on the small man's chest while his arms were grasping the petit frame of Do Kyungsoo. Oh and also, Kris's leg was flung ever so nicely over Kyungsoo's thighs as they lay glued to each other on the suddenly very narrow couch.

"I'm thinking of starting a scrapbook. I think I'll title this one... 'Open Arms hearteu, hearteu kkk.'"
"Get a life woman."
The small man hugged him impossibly close. So close Kris could hear the calm sound of Kyungsoo's steady, beating heart. It almost made him forget the compromising position they were in and the fact that Mamma D.O. was commemorating it to a scrapbook.
"Don't mind me asking boys but why are you sleeping on my sofa and why is Kris the one being held and not you Kyungie honey? It would just make more sense if Kris was the 'guy', don't you think? After all he is taller and way more masculine than you. Not that there is anything wrong with that, honey. I mean, sure you have certain... manly qualities like... And then there's... Erh. Nope. I got nothing." 
"We are not having this discussion again. I'm a man. A full-grown man. Manly man."
Kyungsoo's mother sniggered.
"Full-grown? That's nice dear. You just keep telling yourself that sweetie."
"That's it! Move Kris. I'm' gonna show mother dearest just how much of a man I am!"
Kris was then pushed off the couch, landing on all four while Kyungsoo fell to the ground as well, positioning himself to do a push-up.
"Honey. Now you're just making fun of yourself."
The small man lifted himself up and down again.
"Two. Three. Four. Five... Six... Seeeveennn... Eeeeeig... gthokay, so maybe I'm not some fitness  nerd who's all about muscles and body fat." Kyungsoo got to his feet, dusting his hands off by clapping them together.
"I'm very manly. I do manly stuff! I go out, have a beer, hook up with girls and never call them. Manly!"
"Sweetheart. That's not being manly. That's being a douche." Kyungsoo's mother sighed turning on her heel.
"Good luck, Kris."
"We're getting out of here."
Before Kris knew, he was being dragged towards Kyungsoo's bedroom. Upon entering, a bag was into his arms.
"Weren't we supposed to stay until tomorrow?"
"We're leaving now before that woman is making anything even more awkward. For God's sake, she is already thinking up baby names and adoption papers, so can we please just..."
"Who's Danielle?"
"... No one?"
Kris received a scrutinizing look. 
"... My unborn daughter?"
"No way. You're not already considering baby names are you?"
"Of course I am. I've had names prepared ever since I was 16. Danielle if it's a girl and if it's a boy... Dragon."
Kris was waiting for a response but all he got was yet another stone-face.
"Nice. Right? Dragon."
"We're not naming our child Dragon. That's is the stupidest thing I ever heard."
"Our? Child?"
"... Shut up and get packing."
Kris put down his bag and started folding clothes.
"... How about D.O. then?"
"Shut up!"

Stumbling into their apartment after sort of being ignored by Kyungsoo the entire trip home, Kris took off his coat.
"So. No mistletoe. Does that mean anything or?"
"Do you want  it to?"
Kris widened his eyes.
"Are you kidding?"
Realizing his words he quickly recomposed himself, clearing his voice.
"I mean, I don't know? Do you?"
The small man seemed to be thinking it over while Kris's hands were getting increasingly more sweaty by the second.
"I think I do. I wanted to kiss you. I still do."
"You're joking!"
"Do I look like I'm joking?"
The deadpan plastered on Kyungsoo's face pretty much screamed no.
"Not... Really."
The man sighed moving deeper into their place. Hesitantly Kris followed Kyungsoo right up until they both stood outside Kyungsoo's bedroom.
"So we've established that... it did mean something?"
"I don't know Kris, I... I think...Do you maybe wanna..." A pearly laugh escaped the small man's lips as he shook his head.
"Wanna what?"
Kris watched as his friend bit down on his lip.
"Wanna what Kyungsoo? Wanna what? What?"
"... Go on a date or something."
"Date? A date, date? Like for real, date? Us two date?"
"No, a pretend one. Come on, Kris."
"The mistletoe was pretend... So you're asking me out?"
"I... guess I am."
 "Well it's not the most original way of asking someone out or anything but I shall accept.  And I've got just the thing..."

"Now do I introduce you as my friend? Or as my date?"

It was December 26. Kyungsoo and Kris were sitting on the train heading to Lay's opening night.

"They already know me, you dweep."
"You know. Calling me names ain't gonna get you lucky tonight. Hobbit."
"We'll see. Baby whale."
Kyungsoo received a grumpy look before the guy turned to the lady sitting next to them.
"We're on a date. Him and I, we are going on our first official date."
Kris raised his volume so the rest of the passengers could hear. Kyungsoo slowly slid down his seat, trying to turn himself invisible.

"Yup. Just two guys, going out. Holding hands and cuddling it up afterwards."
"Would you cut it out?! Or are you intentionally trying to get us beat up?"
"Aah. Getting beat up together. Sounds kinda romantic, doesn't it?"
"I'm starting to regret this."
"We're gonna have so much fun tonight!"
'Definitely regretting this.' 

Kyungsoo was dreading going to this musical thing as their first date just a teensy weensy bit.
'Understatement of the year.'
It wasn't a secret that Kyungsoo had hoped they could have done something a little less obvious and more... neutral. Not that Kyungsoo was embarrassed or anything the like. Noooo. He had just hoped they could've stayed in, eaten a nice dinner, watched a movie and you know, really gotten to know each other and just talk.
Yeah Kyungsoo was completely mortified about this. When it had all just been 'pretend' dates and fake couple stuff it had been okay because Kyungsoo had had deniability. He had none of that now. 

They met up with TCA outside the building but also Joonmyun and Sehun and apparently Jongin as well.
Why would they be here? They didn't exactly hang out with Lay, like at all.

"Jongin. Hi. What are you guys doing here?"
Sehun gave him and Kris the elevator look, smirking.
"Why you look stylish tonight Kyungsoo hyung. New outfit?"
Oh right. As part of the date, Kris had insisted on picking out Kyungsoo clothes for the evening. Something about matching each other or... who knows. Kyungsoo had zoned Kris out when the subject of frilled shirts had come up.
After  five hours of shopping, 30 different stands and shops, 78 changes of clothing and 15 pairs of shoes, Kris had finally deemed an outfit decent enough for Kyungsoo to wear for the big night.
Kyungsoo was currently wearing black skinny... very skinny jeans, a white shirt with black buttons, the first three undone because that had been very important to Kris. His own black leather jacket which Kris had pinned a freaking silver skull broche onto, along with a few oversized safety pins. It was stupid. At least he liked the shoes. Black dress shoes. Simple, yet elegant.

"I gave him a small makeover for our.."
"Yes! New outfit. Everything's great. Everything's wonderful. So you're here why?"
"... Joonmyunie invited us."
Sehun gave him a weird stare.
"" Kris looked like someone trying to divide 3573 with 17 as he stood shifting his gaze between Kim Joon Dull and the Devil's cousin whom Kyungsoo still owed a favor.
"Since when do you hang out?" Kyungsoo was almost as mystified as Kris. They were an odd pair.
"We've gotten together ever since that first time I introduced him to  drunk girl no. 1 and 2. "
"Together?!" Kris's mouth fell open.
"Don't get any weird ideas? Joonmyun is a nice guy and all but so not my type. I mean look at him, all prim and proper in his cashmere sweaters and tweed. Just no. But he's good company and really fun to be around."
"Joonmyun is fun?!... Sorry Joonmyun."
"It's okay Kris." Joonmyun sighed.
"He's a fast learner. And he pays for everything."
Kyungsoo rolled his eyes. Sehun really was the devil.
"Kyungsoo hyung?"
Jongin came to stand next to him.
"You want to sit together? Or are you sitting with... Kris?"
"Erh... Jongin? Kyungsoo and I are sort of on a..."
"Sure we can! Yeah, let's... let's go!"
He quickly hooked his arm in Jongin's and entered the building before Kris had the chance to stop him.
He felt awful but he couldn't help it! Sure it was a date but did the gay..GUY,  have to advertise it?
Why couldn't they just have stayed in?!

They quickly found their seats.
Kyungsoo ended up being squished in between Kris and Jongin during the performance. Least to say it was a tiny bit awkward.
Kris kept trying to take his hand while Kyungsoo had to fake coughs, yawns or anything else that involved using his right hand. It was tiresome! And why?
Kyungsoo actually really wanted to hold Kris's hand but he got the feeling that Jongin kept staring at them. It was freaking creepy. And annoying and and...Aargh! What was this feeling?! Had it been Krystal or any girl for that matter it would've been easy as pie. But this was a dude. Trying to hold his hand and be all... couply. What would his friends say?
Maybe he should just go for it. Just take that damn hand and damn everyone else who should have an opinion about it. Yeah, sure. Kyungsoo didn't take crap from anyone, wasn't that the promise he had made to himself?
Kyungsoo stealthily moved his surprisingly sweaty hand away from its spot under his thigh but it didn't get far.
'You can do it Kyungsoo. It's just holding hands. Just... Hands. It's not weird, it's... It's endearing. And sweet... Man is it hot in here?'        
What was up with him? Usually it would be almost normal to share skin-ship with Kris but now that 'other motives' lied behind, even a subtle touch meant something entirely else from before.
Kyungsoo let out a long sigh throwing his head back against his seat.
He had no idea what was happening on stage and it had already been... wow, 45 minutes.
45 minutes of battling with himself, whether to hold Kris's hand or not.
'You're an idiot.'
"Hyung, are you okay?"
Jongin was pulling at his sleeve while making puppy-eyes at him.
"I'm great."
"...You sure?"
"It's just, you keep making these..."
In case you were wondering, Kyungsoo had yelled out loud at his poor dongsaeng, effectively turning every head towards himself, even the ones on stage. Sheepishly, Kyungsoo slid down his seat, bowing his head apologetically to the interrupted audience.
This was not going well.
Kyungsoo took of his leather jacket while hoping he had put on enough deodorant because he was hot and sweaty and pretty much just ready to go home, take a long shower and hibernate for the next year and a half.
From the corner of his eye he ninjaed a glance at Kris's beautiful, long fingers. Maybe if he...
Kyungsoo cautiously put his jacket over his already overheated upper-body before quickly snatching Kris's hand and hid it under the heavy fabric. In there, Kyungsoo ran figure eights in Kris's palm before clutching it tightly between his own hands.
Feeling pretty proud of himself he dared a glance at his date's face, all the while putting on a satisfied smirk.
Only Kris didn't look as satisfied as Kyungsoo. No sir. Instead the guy shot him an irritable frown as he took his hand back rather harshly.
'We could have been making out on the couch by now.'
Why? Why was their first date this public?! Damn you Kris!

After another 45 minutes the musical was finally over.
And Kyungsoo hadn't seen a damn thing.
Way too focused on the sour expression plastered all over Kris's face.
Yup. He definitely wasn't getting lucky tonight.
... Not that he had expected to!
He understood that was important to Kris. Also the guy was a .
And Also... Kyungsoo was pretty clueless as to how they would even... do it.
Women were easy.
There was a hole, it was wet, you put it in.
Now a guy... A guy also had a hole, only, it wasn't wet and you couldn't just put something in when it's main function was to push things out.
Oh well.
It didn't matter anyway.

"You were amazing, Lay!"
Everyone had gathered back-stage to greet the cast.
Kyungsoo kept himself in the background. Mostly because Kris hadn't said a word to him, Jongin looked like a kicked puppy and his hyung Minseok was busy keeping Jongdae from clawing out Luhan's eyes. By the way, what was up with them? They usually just ignored each other, fighting for Minseok, not each other?

"Everyone, I would like for you to meet the other lead, Taemin. Taemin, these are my friends."

Kyungsoo turned his gaze towards the young man, clenching his fists hard. That face. That name.
He knew that all too well.
And if he was here then...

Kyungsoo quickly turned around making for the exit.


Too late.

Kris was annoyed.
Very annoyed.
He was beyond annoyed.
He was... hey what was Kyungsoo doing?

Kris hadn't expected Kyungsoo to be this uncomfortable with him. It was just a date right? And they had already done a lot of weird stuff, like food fights at the 1st Coffee Prince, kissed each other, heck they had even spooned on countless occasions. So why was this so difficult for the guy? Why had holding hands been something they should hide?
Still, the date shouldn't go to waste, right? He had probably ignored Kyungsoo long enough now.
Kris looked over the heads of the surrounding people. Spotting Kyungsoo, Kris made his way through the maze of people when Kyungsoo turned to leave.
He didn't get far though.
A very pretty girl had made Kyungsoo stop dead in his tracks.

It would seem they knew each other, Kris thought as he moved to stand beside the smaller man.

"After what you did, I think it's only common courtesy to pretend we don't know each other. Don't you?"
"...I'm sorry."
"Whatever. Just stay the hell away from me."

Kyungsoo hadn't even noticed Kris as the small male passed the girl and left.

"I'm terribly sorry, miss, for Kyungsoo's behavior. He's really not like this."
The girl looked at him with a confused expression.

"Who are you?"
"Oh sorry. I'm Kris. Kyungsoo's daaaeroommate. And you are?"
Kris extended his hand towards her. The girl seemed to hesitate before taking his hand.

"My name is Krystal."

Kris's mouth fell open as he more or less snatched his hand back as if her hand was covered in germs. Kris remembered that name.

"... Krystal? Will you excuse me a moment?"
Kris was out the door in the matter of seconds, looking like a crazy person as he roamed the bustling street for Kyungsoo's small frame.

He easily pushed through the busy crowd, trying to spot a familiar face.

"Kyungsoo?! Where are you?! Kyung..."

Two arms held him from behind.
In a flash, Kris turned around scooping Kyungsoo up in his arms.

"Are you okay?"

"Can we get drunk?"

"Of course. Anything you want."

Kris put Kyungsoo down and followed him to the nearest bar.
After ordering a beer and sitting down in an empty booth, the two let the awkward silence consume them both.

"So... that was Krystal?"

The tired-looking man just took a sip of his beer as his only response.

"She's really pretty."

Kyungsoo's beer was slammed down at the table.

"If it is cheering me up you're trying to do, I want you to stop it now. Or I might have to bash your teeth in a little. "


"Why did you break up?"

"Seriously? Are we really going to do this? Talking touchy feelings in a bar? I'm nowhere near drunk enough for that yet."


"I guess she did the breaking up then."

"Yes! She promised never to leave and she freaking ripped my heart out. And you know her reason? She didn't love me anymore. After everything I did for her. After 5 ing years, everything was over, just like that."

The man took another swig of his drink, waving at the bartender for another round.

"... Do you wanna do something from your list? We haven't done that in ages. Just nothing that has to do with breaking people up. I really can't do that."

That seemed to get Kyungsoo's attention.

"There's really only one thing. It's not on the list though..."

"It's not illegal, is it?"

"It should be."

Kyungsoo shot him a smirk that simply screamed 'up to no good.'


"Are you a Large or an X-Large?"

Kris felt like face-palming as Kyungsoo held up two black T-shirts with white sleeves.

"Couple shirts? Why, why?... Why?"

"Because I hate them."

"Then why the.. At least pick something more couply. Like... Uh the baby pink ones with hearts!"

That only received him a deadpan from Kyungsoo.

"... I'll pay?"

Kyungsoo seemed to be mulling it over before putting back the black ones.

"Then... Get one in Medium for me."

Together they walked through the nightlife of Seoul and even though it was cold as balls, they proudly wore their pink short-sleeved Tees, paying no attention to the many amused onlookers or the biting cold.

Both extremely drunk, sang and danced their way back home to the apartment.
Stumbling in through the door, laughing out of their minds, the two guys fell over their own feet, falling to the floor.
Kris landed on his back while Kyungsoo fell on top of him.
Still laughing, Kris's lips were captured in a short kiss. And then another. And another, effectively ending all snickering.
A hand slowly ran up his thigh.
It felt good.
The hand moved further up, passing the sensitive skin of his stomach. It kept moving up until it rested on his neck.
Kris stared into almost black eyes so enchanting, he lost all meaning of time and place before his mouth once again was encased in plush lips. A playful tongue begged for entrance as it swiped across Kris's lower lip which he was more than eager to grant.
Kyungsoo's hand was on the move again as it started its descend over his chest, gracing a hard .
Kris spread his legs in order to make room for Kyungsoo to rub their growing s together.
He was losing his mind at the touch.
Every one of his senses were burning as Kyungsoo sank his teeth into the delicate skin of his neck.

"Kris. We should... We should probably stop."
A panting Kyungsoo looked down at him with half-lidded eyes.
They should stop.

Only, once the fire was set ablaze, Kris found it impossible to put it out.
His heart beat frantically in his chest as he whispered to the night.



"I want you, Kyungsoo." 




Yet another long one :p 
I kinda miss writing 800 word chapters. So much easier but if I did that this fic would reach a total of what 150 chapters? give or take  :b 
Anyway First date huh? Didn't go so well but it kinda did anyway? :p  

I'm starting to get a bit sad (and relieved) because I'm am currently writing on chapter 65 which means the story is almost over. 
Also I've passed 100k words which in my world is crazy seeing as I have the attentionspan of a 3 year old -.-' 
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and that you aren't as reluctant as Kyungsoo about the name Dragon xD 

Next chapter is ... Nah don't feel like giving anything away this time. 
But you may be a little disappointed because Krisoo wont appear :/ 
... wait a min... Oh crap! 
Nevermind -.-'
Next chapter will contain Jongdae, Luhan, Minseok and the grocery lady cougar girlfriend. There. I hope you're happy >< 

Do leave a comment, upvote or anything at all :b It makes me feel special xD 


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Chapter 42: Honestly, I love that Kris is a fluffy awkward guy here, such a refreshing change from the typical ice-cold bad boy persona everyone uses for him. ^_^
I am him when eating pastries toooo
GigglePig99 #2
Subscribed! Bcos this looks great :)
iamarcheur #3
Chapter 72: ahahahhaha still laughing at the name of Kris and Kyungsoo's first child ... hahah Dragon :))

Author-nim ... this is really good and I love it :)
I love the progress of their relationship in the story its not like the other stories wherein they see each other then BAM! They're lovey dovey and .. happily ever after bla bla bla ... :)

This story somehow portrays a real life relationship (minus the gay part .. but you know .. this might happen to some gay couples but you know ...)

arceersro #4
ughhh that was so sweet and brings back so much memories! > 3<
agehachou #5
Chapter 72: Let me be their babies's mother!!!! Lmao at dragolina. I can't with him. Thank you for this amazing story authornim. :*
Chapter 72: This was such a great story and I'm glad that you finished it with this epilogue! Can't wait to read more of your fics~.
Chapter 72: OH MY !!!!!! You didn't !!! Wu Yifool what the hell? Are you serious? Man how could you even think naming your kid "Dragon"? And if it's a girl "Dragolina"? Like what the hell? Are you on drugs right?? Right?? What is wrong with you? I wonder if you fell and hit your head when Kyungsoo was being an and left you. Hahahahahahahaha freaking YIFAN I don't understand how he always comes with the most stupid ...but I love him anyway. I'm glad Luhan and Chen are still together and loving each other, although they have their couple fights..but a couple is not a couple if they don't fight. It's good to know Xiumin is happy too. Although I freaked out (literally) reading his little girls' names like meh. Wow $umoney to the rescue, this dude is "THE THING" ya know, he's really kind. Lol lol Sehun finally put his together, I couldn't help it and I chocked on my drink. Well so this is it... I really miss reading this story, you always surprised me with all the craziness these guys did, specially Kris and Kyungsoo. So you must know that I'm more then happy you decided to write an epilogue, thank you sooooo much <3 ....btw I FREAKING VOLUNTEER TO HAVE KRISOO's babies (all the kids they want, I don't mind at all)
Chapter 72: puahahaha
I seriously wasn't expecting an epilogue but I'm so glad you wrote it
The last part
I'm at work unnie! I think I should learn already not to read fics while I'm at work xD
It has to be one of the most hilarious epilogues ever!
Luke and leia?
bbbbax #9
Chapter 71: woooow can't believe it only took me 2 days to read this! it's so freaking good!!! you did a great job and thank you for spreading krisoo love ahahaha not enough krisoo in this world ahahaha
khelly07_grace #10
Chapter 71: one of the best ff i've read so far....i lik it. ...