Sweet kisses

The Bet

“Yes, yeah, it’s me… Why are you sleeping here?” he asked her. She seemed more fragile than usual.
“Oh… Wang Zi ran away from home, so his mother fired me as she thinks it’s my fault that he ran away… Why are you here?” she asked. He noticed that her eyes looked sad.
“I… just wanted to take a walk” he said. It wasn’t a complete lie, and he didn’t feel a need to tell Gui Gui the whole truth. She didn’t need to know about his family situation.
“Oh… Okay…” Gui Gui said. Her cell phone rang.
“Hello?” Aaron heard her say.
“What?! No way… because of that woman he slept with?” he heard her say. He noticed that her eyes were red, and that she was holding her cell phone very tightly.
“I’ll be there, mom, I’ll be there…” she said, and pushed the red bottom.
“What’s wrong?” He found himself asking. He didn’t want to interfere in her life, but he just couldn’t stand seeing her so sad…
“My father is hospitalized in a critical condition… he was almost killed by some gangster-guys because of jealousy… he slept with this random woman, that one of them apparently loved…” Gui Gui said. She was wiping away tears with the back of her hand. Aaron got a sudden urge to help her.
“I’ll drive you to the hospital… I live pretty close to this place, so we can get a car quickly…” Aaron said. Gui Gui followed him to his mansion, where he quickly found a driver, and one of his favorite cars. After that, the driver started driving to the hospital. A thought suddenly hit Aaron.
“You said that it was because of a woman, right? What’s her name?” Aaron asked. The thought was frightening, and he needed to confirm whether it was true or not.
“Isabella or something like that…” Gui Gui cried. Aaron felt weird. Was it his family’s fault?
“Isabella Lee?” Aaron asked. She nodded. He was terrified.
“Ying Jie, please don’t hate me after I’ve said this… but… I kinda think I know he did it” Aaron said. He looked guilty, and Gui Gui looked interested at him.
“I know who did it too… I mean, it’s a very famous gangster-guy… my stupid father knew that he loved Isabella, so…” she started to cry again.
“You don’t understand Ying Jie, it’s not just a famous gangster, it’s…”
Aaron, could you please stop calling me Ying Jie? I prefer Gui or Gui Gui” she said. Aaron looked weirdly at her.
“Then, Gui Gui, it’s not just anyone… it’s probably my father who tried to kill your father” Aaron said, sounding frustrated. Gui Gui looked at him in shock for a few seconds, and then started laughing.
“Aaron, you’re such a joker”

“Mom, where’s dad?!” Gui Gui asked her mother as soon as she had reached the hospital with Aaron. She had already forgotten the little “joke” Aaron had made up earlier.
“He’s in room 456” her mother said. Gui Gui and Aaron ran to room 456, and opened the door. Gui Gui found her father lying in a bed.
“Gui?” her father asked. She just looked at him.
“Mr. Wu…” Aaron said. Gui Gui’s father looked at him.
“Gui Gui, who’s this fella?” her father asked, while looking at Aaron. Gui Gui just tried to smile.
“I’m Gui Gui’s friend from school…” Aaron said. When he saw her family he started feeling sorry for her. It was very clear on the way they dressed that they didn’t have any money.
“What’s your name?” Gui Gui’s father asked Aaron.
“Aaron Yan…” Aaron said. Gui Gui’s father looked terrified by the mention of Aaron’s name.
“The son of…?” her father didn’t dare to finish, and Aaron just nodded.
“What do you want?” her father asked. He sounded scared, and Aaron noticed that his condition didn’t seem critical at all.
“What should I want?” Aaron asked in an arrogant tone.
“Well, excuse me, but it seems quite planned out that you, the son of the man who almost killed me, comes to visit me at the hospital” Gui Gui’s father said.
“I can understand why my father tried to kill you know… you’re so rude” Aaron said and yawned.
“Oh well, Gui, it’s time to go home now” he added. Gui Gui looked weirdly at him.
“Go home?” she asked.
“Didn’t Qiu Sheng Yi run away? You have to stay somewhere…” Aaron said and rolled his eyes.
“Don’t do it Ying Jie, it’s too shameful!” her father tried.
“Aaron, I can’t just stay there without working for your family… I have to pay someway…” Gui Gui said. Her father looked very shocked, like she had just offered to pay in a very impropriate way.
“You will… just act good around my parents and they’ll love you…” Aaron said and smiled.
“Define act good” Gui Gui said.
“It’s not very hard…”

“Not very hard?!” Gui Gui shouted when she was alone. She looked at a book that Aaron had given to her, with all the rules on how to act well around rich people. She decided to take notes, but read it aloud to herself first. When she opened it, she realized that it was written in hand, and that Aaron must’ve written it himself.
“The most important rule should be to smile, and talk in a proper way, which means no swearing. You should also avoid talking about things you don’t know anything about. If someone starts talking about something you don’t know anything about, just smile, nod and agree with them. Never actually say that you don’t know it. Don’t express too much of your personal political opinions, when talking about politics.” She started to take notes. ‘smile, don’t swear, don’t talk about stuff you don’t know one bit about, don’t say if you don’t know, no opinions’ she wrote, and continued to read.
It knocked on the door to the room Aaron had given to her.
“Come in” she said. A few giggling maids walked inside. Behind them was another maid, who seemed to be at Gui Gui’s age. Her name sign said Selina. She seemed a bit more determined than the rest.
“Young Master asked us to get you ready for dinner” the girl named Selina said. The two other maids just whispered to each other, and then giggled again. Gui Gui cleared .
“Then I guess I should go with you” she said.
“You should. We’ll start with hair and makeup, and then we’ll pick an outfit for you” Selina said. She seemed a bit too excited for Gui Gui to like it.

When Gui Gui looked in the mirror she got herself a big surprise. She was prettier than ever. Her hair had got curled with hot rollers, and her simple makeup really flattered her good futures. She was really pretty.
“Mission completed” Selina said, and the two giggling maids started giggling again. Gui Gui looked at Selina, but quickly looked away, as Selina looked very fanatic. She looked at the giggling maids.
“Zhang Shao Han, go get young master!” Selina said to the shortest of them. She had a weird haircut and was very, very skinny.
“I already told you, like, sixteen times… Call me Angela” the maid said, and looked like she was being done wrong to.
“And I told you sixteen times that I don’t care. You know why I’m here, and that I can get you fired quicker than you can say your own name, if I wanted to” Selina said, and looked like she enjoyed her power.
“I’ll call Hebe if you keep on complaining” Selina said.
“Yeah, but…”
“One… two” before she reached three, Angela was out of the room and getting Aaron.
“I’m sorry that you had to see that… she still doesn’t realize that I’m her boss…” Selina sighed.
“Wait… By Hebe… Do you mean Hebe Tian?” Gui Gui asked.
“Of course…” Selina said and smiled. Before Gui Gui could answer, Angela was back with Aaron. Selina bowed.
“Young master, I don’t know if green, dark blue, black or red would flatter her best” Selina said. Aaron looked shortly at Gui Gui, and then at Hebe again.
“A simple black dress with red accessories would be great… I see that you already did her makeup, well done.” Aaron said. His tone was indifferent from earlier.
“Thanks, Young Master. Miss Tian wants you to call her, by the way.” Selina said and glared at Gui Gui.
“Then she’ll have to wait” Aaron said. He turned to the giggling maid that was not Angela.
“Tiffany, please make sure that dinner is ready at nine sharp. Not one minute earlier, not one minute later. You know how my father becomes when he gets hungry” Aaron said, and walked out.
“See?! Even Young Master uses English-names, so why don’t you?!” Angela asked Selina.
“Because I don’t want to” Selina answered and rolled her eyes.

At seven o’clock Aaron figured that Gui Gui had to be ready. When he walked to her room, he found that she wasn’t there. He sighed, and was about to leave when her cell phone made a sound. He was too curious to resist reading the text message.
“Gui, where are you? I have tried calling your family, but they say that you’re living with that arrogant Aaron-guy, which I don’t believe in at all… I’m sorry that I had to leave, but I’m in trouble… trust me. Call me – Wang Zi”
Aaron didn’t know how to react when Gui Gui walked in. she was smiling, and prettier than he had ever seen her.
“Hey” she said and smiled from ear to ear. Aaron smiled back at her.
“Did someone text me?” she asked, when she saw Aaron holding her cell phone.
“Uhm, yeah, Wang Zi did…” Aaron said. When he thought about it, he realized that no one had ever made him curious before.
“What did he want?” Gui Gui asked. She seemed annoyed and tense by the mention of Wang Zi.
“Just to know where you are… and he wrote that you should call him” Aaron said.
“Wait… why is it that you’re reading my text messages?” Gui Gui asked him. Now she seemed suspicious.
“I walked in to find you, and the tone was so annoying that I couldn’t stand it” Aaron said and smiled teasingly.
“I know, right? It also annoys my mom to death” Gui Gui said and smiled back. Aaron looked her in her eyes, and though that now was a good opportunity to plant that kiss on her, and get it over with.
“You look really beautiful” he said and smiled at her. He used the charming tone that no girl would be abled to resist. Gui Gui blushed deeply.
“What? You really do…” he said, still in the same tone. He leaned closer to her.
“Thank you” she whispered, almost not hearable. He’s lips touched hers.
She had very soft lips. It was a totally different feeling from kissing Hebe. “It’s just a bet Aaron, you don’t like her” a voice in his head said.
It knocked on the door.

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Chapter 24: LOVE THIS STORY!!
-HaeFany-Forever- #2
Hehe , super awesome!
Dropping #4
love it , thanks :D
I remember reading this on winglin<br />
& loved it soo much. x] A cute fanfic ~
Great story!!!!hahaha
Sincera #7
Wonderful story!
CharleneSa #8
sigh gril i love this story i remember i was reading it everyday luckily winglin didnt go down at that time lols