CHAPTER 8: Nothing Gonna Stop Us Now

Beautiful Trio Book TWO: YoonA's Love Story

The feel of his lips on her made her heart beat so fast. With just one kiss all her feelings that she's trying to keep to herself  explodes like fireworks in the air. She even thinks that their heart are at the same rhythm. 


They stop kissing to get some air while they're looking at each other's eyes. She can see on MinHo's eyes what she thinks that's also on her eyes. Longing. 

Then without saying anything they find themselves kissing each other again. They pour all they have in that kiss.


"YoonA..." MinHo huskily calling her name.

"I...I t-think I need to go now.." She said while trying to avoid looking at him. She felt so embarrassed on the way she kissed him like there's no tomorrow.

"YoonA. Look at me." He said. And when she look at him.  "I love you. Do you still love me?"

She tried to look away but he cupped her face. Their eyes locked.  "Yes."

"Oh, YoonA, I thought I'll never gonna hear that." Then he kiss her and she kissed him back.



"I smell something." HyoYeon suddenly said.

She, HyoYeon and SooYoung are at the boardroom checking all the proposals. They have a quite busy day checking all the details.


"You smell what?" She asked while reading the portfolio of the models.

"SooYoung, do you smell something?" HyoYeon said.

"Yeah. I smell something in the air. Like Love is on the air." SooYoung answered. She and HyoYeon exchange glances.

That made her laugh. It felt good to laugh these days. Then her mobile phone rang.

"Hello?" She answered while smiling. She saw her friends exchanging meaningful glances.

"Hi, Sweetie. How are you today?" MinHo asked on the other line on his sweet voice.

"I'm fine." She answered. Her heart began to beat fast just hearing his voice. "How about you?"

"I'm feeling great, now that I hear your voice. What time are you gonna be out today?" 

"Well... I think I'll be here late. We need to finalized everything before the final meeting with the clients on the next time. " She said  while looking at the files on the table.

"Oh I see."


After four hours....


"Hi, Sweetie!" MinHo suddenly burst at the door with something on his hand. 

Without hesitation he kiss her on the lips. And in front of HyoYeon and SooYoung!! That made her blush to the tips of her toes.

"I have something for the three of you." He said then he put the plastic bag on the table.

"Food!" SooYoung happily said. "Thank you, MinHo! You're really heaven sent!  I'm starving!" 

"Hey! What starving? I just saw you eating spaghetti a while ago." She said to her friend.

"Well, THAT was a while ago, right, Hyo?" SooYoung said to HyoYeon.

HyoYeon just laugh at SooYoung's statement. 

"Thank you for bringing us food." She said to MinHo.

"You're welcome but I don't need you're thank you. I just need your kiss." He said with a mischievous smile.

That make her laugh then give him a small punch on his shoulder.

"Hyo, we need to get out of here!" SooYoung suddenly said while eating.

"Why?" HyoYeon asked.

"Because if not, we'll be surrounded by ants!! Ugh!!" SooYoung answered while giving them her signature sarcastic expression.

They all end laughing. She and MinHo just look at each other's eyes. 

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Micielo #1
Chapter 10: A happy ending woohoo!! Please make the sequel and another leeminho yoona fics!
tiarashinyoora #2
Chapter 10: yippii...happy ending..
good story..>.<
Chapter 10: Yey! a happy engding! thanks for making this great and sweet fic
Chapter 2: Haha i'm wrong it's seungri, but next to him is lee min ho :)

what's that past???.........
Chapter 1: hope it's lee min ho.............
Just discovered this minyoon fic......hope it's good^.^
Just discovered this minyoon fic......hope it's good^.^
PahouaXiong #8
cool! I love this drama.... u should write more yoona and leeminho stories!
PahouaXiong #9
so cute!
PahouaXiong #10
the second chapter is starting to make me feel sad would it be if i read the whole story?
love you leeminho and yoona