CHAPTER 5: More Than You'll Ever Know

Beautiful Trio Book TWO: YoonA's Love Story

Minho can't take off his eyes to her. It's been ages since the last time he saw her. This close. To her, unknowingly, five years being apart for each other was also hard for him so sometimes he resorted to see her without her seeing him. He have to keep himself far away from her. That's why he choose to go to London. For him, not to be tempted to see her and made it more difficult.


He also remembered the time he decided to break things up with her.


"Minho, we badly needed your help. You are the only person I can trust." Mr. Kang said to him with a desperate expression.

Mr. Kang is not only his godfather but also his mentor. He is the one who help him and her mother when they're at the bottom of the pit when he's only in 6th Grade. If not for him, his mother will not live long for battling stomach cancer. His father on the other hand, passed away when he's only six years old. He knows that Mr. Kang doesn't  expect him to return what he'd given. But seeing this "mighty" man asking him for help desperately, how can he say no?

"Uncle, how can I help?" He asked.

"By marrying ChinSun. And also become the President of Kang Corporation." Mr. Kang answered.

"What?!" Shocked. That what he feels hearing what his uncle wanted him to do. Then YoonA's smile flashes in his mind. "Uncle.. You know, I can't. I'm sorry. I love ChinSun. But as a sister." Saying this is also hard for him.

"I know. I understand and I don't blame you for that. I know how much you love YoonA and already planning to propose to her. " His uncle said with understanding.

"Thank you, Uncle. But I still want to help." 

"I know you wanted to, Minho. But with the problems in the company and those parasites who wanted me to see go down. I don't know anymore, who am I to trust. Someone is betraying me. I know that. The only way I can think of is, making you the president. While I investigate behind the scenes. All I need is time."

"I can help you with that, Uncle."

"I know, but it'll be much easier to put you as a president without going into questions. If you'll be married to my daughter, there'll be no questions to be asked. I still own 52% of the shares."

Seeing how his uncle begged him for help.  He let out a big sigh. "Does ChunSin knows what you're planning?" 

"Yes. She also don't want to. She knows how much as you love YoonA. And she also likes her for you. "

"Uncle, it'll be difficult for you to do the investigation without the enemies knowing." He said. "Most of the people we know knows that I have a girlfriend. They 'll be suspicious if me and ChunSin will be married."

"I know. That's what I want." His uncle said. "They'll be always be going to look at behind them in each move they'll do. And when they'll keep themselves to be more cautious. The pressure is up. And mistakes will happen."

"Are you sure about this, Uncle?" 


And he did the hardest thing in his life. Marrying the girl he only see as a dongsaeng, and leaving the girl he only covets in his life.


"Are you okay? You're so quite." YoonA said.

Seeing her today, feels like he coming back home. Minho smiled at her. "Yes, I'm better. And thank you for coming with me." 

"We have to talk." YoonA simply said. 

His expression changed. "I know. I have so many questions to answer and to explain."

"Why did you leave me five years ago?"

He let out a sigh then he went to tell her every single detail of the reasons. And hopes that she'll understand and let him be a part of her life again.

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Micielo #1
Chapter 10: A happy ending woohoo!! Please make the sequel and another leeminho yoona fics!
tiarashinyoora #2
Chapter 10: yippii...happy ending..
good story..>.<
Chapter 10: Yey! a happy engding! thanks for making this great and sweet fic
Chapter 2: Haha i'm wrong it's seungri, but next to him is lee min ho :)

what's that past???.........
Chapter 1: hope it's lee min ho.............
Just discovered this minyoon fic......hope it's good^.^
Just discovered this minyoon fic......hope it's good^.^
PahouaXiong #8
cool! I love this drama.... u should write more yoona and leeminho stories!
PahouaXiong #9
so cute!
PahouaXiong #10
the second chapter is starting to make me feel sad would it be if i read the whole story?
love you leeminho and yoona