CHAPTER 3: Is It Worth For Second Chances?

Beautiful Trio Book TWO: YoonA's Love Story

He messed up. Big time!Minho thought as he's on his way out of the building where YoonA's office is located.

Deciding to show himself up to her is one of the stupidiest things he ever did in his life. He should've wait. He's so annoyed with himself. Showing himself to her just like that. Plain stupidity. Like nothing happen in the past. He let out a sighed.

He's on his way to where his car was parked when he saw something at the corner of his eye. Or someone.

"YoonA." His instinct told him to follow her. And so he did. She almost got inside the driver's seat of her car when he get a hold of her arm.

"What the.. Minho?!" YoonA said with a shocked expression.

"Are you crying?" He asked. Feeling like a fool because he can obviously see the tears on her face. Damn.

"No, I'm not." She denied.

"Oh, My YoonA. You're not a good liar and you know that.'" His heart went out for her. He wanted to hug her but she seems sensing what he wanted to do so she distance herself away from him. That stings.

"Don't. Please." He heard YoonA say it in a low voice.

He just look at her. He can't help it. He really missed her so much. After all these years, of being apart from her for a reason that both devastated them.

"YoonA..." He said. Attempted to hug her but she keeps her distance away from him.

What did he expect? A welcome embrace from her? From the woman who he hurts so much.

"Please. Get away from me." YoonA said while tears rolling down her cheeks.

"I can't." He said. "I couldn't. I need you, Yoong. And I missed you."

"Why? Why do you have to come back? Why?'" She said full of hurt that made his heart break into little pieces.

Then he hug her. Hug her so tight. Letting her know how much he missed her.

"Let's go." He said to her. Grabbing her by her hand and let her on the passenger seat of his car. And drive away.

"Where are we going?" YoonA asked.

Minho just keep his silence. Afraid that if he talks she might want to get out of the car. And he doesn't want that to happen.

It seems like YoonA sense that nothing will happen if she'll keep on asking him so she decided to keep also her silence.


After an hour...


"Why here?" YoonA asked. Breaking the silence inside the car.

"Why not here?" Minho said. "This is our getaway place." 

YoonA look at him then look at the place. It's a children's playground where they used to park back in the days. Those days where they're together. 

"Was. Not anymore." She said with bitterness.

"I'm sorry." 

"After all these years, after all the hurting, 'Sorry' is all you can say?" YoonA said with frustration. "Do you think that'll be enough?! No. It'll never be enough. And just hope that you'll never come back." YoonA let out a sighed. "Can you please let me go home?" She said in a tired voice.

"Can..I know I'm asking too much but.. Can you give me a second chance? To get you back?" 

"Why? You left me for her five years ago. Without even explaining why you left me? And now you're asking me for a second chance? Do I look like a fool?" YoonA said in an angry voice.

"I know. But I have my reasons. Five years ago, I don't know how to explain everything to you. It's also been so hard for me to let you go and seeing you hurting because of me. Please." Minho said looking staright at YoonA's eyes.

"I..I don't know.." YoonA said looking outside to avoid his eyes.


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Micielo #1
Chapter 10: A happy ending woohoo!! Please make the sequel and another leeminho yoona fics!
tiarashinyoora #2
Chapter 10: yippii...happy ending..
good story..>.<
Chapter 10: Yey! a happy engding! thanks for making this great and sweet fic
Chapter 2: Haha i'm wrong it's seungri, but next to him is lee min ho :)

what's that past???.........
Chapter 1: hope it's lee min ho.............
Just discovered this minyoon fic......hope it's good^.^
Just discovered this minyoon fic......hope it's good^.^
PahouaXiong #8
cool! I love this drama.... u should write more yoona and leeminho stories!
PahouaXiong #9
so cute!
PahouaXiong #10
the second chapter is starting to make me feel sad would it be if i read the whole story?
love you leeminho and yoona