CHAPTER 7: One More Chance

Beautiful Trio Book TWO: YoonA's Love Story

His heart took a high leap when YoonA smiled back to him. MinHo thought that he'll not see anymore the genuine smile from her. It's a good start. For him and for them.

"Are you on your way home?" He asked still looking at her.


"Can I invite you to have a snack?" 

"Uhm.. Well, sorry, I can't.."

He feels like his heart took a stop. And it seems like YoonA read what's on his mind.

"Well, I'm on my way to see JooHyun's recital with Dad and YuRi Unnie with her fiance." YoonA explained.

"Oh really? Is it okay if I tag along?" He then asked.

"Well.. " YoonA seems like thinking about his question and when she look at him, it seems she comes to decide on something. "Alright." 

When he heard her answer, it feels like heaven has already giving him hope. He definitely hope so. 

"Let's go?" He said and then in a natural way he took her hand. 



At the Seoul Music and Art Theater...


When they arrive at the said veneu, YoonA's family are all gathered in a corner and when they saw us, he can see their surprised expressions.


"Good evening." He greeted as they approach them. 

"Good evening too, young man." Mr. Kim said to him with a serious expression. Giving him a warning. 

He politely nod. He and YoonA's dad already had a serious talk yesterday without YoonA knowing. He wanted to be open especially to YoonA's family. He also wanted to show them that he's back for YoonA for good.



"You're little sister is really talented." He said as he and YoonA take a sip at their coffee. 

They're at a coffee shop. YoonA's family already went home after the celebratory dinner. 

"Yeah. She really loves music. It's one of her passion." YoonA said with a proud smile.

"Thanks." He simply said.

"For what?"

"For letting me tag along." 


Then silence. It's not an awkward silence. It's a comfortable one.

"I miss this." He said.


"I miss this. I miss being with you." 

YoonA took a deep sighed. "Yeah."

MinHo reached for YoonA's hand. Wanted to feel her hand with his hand. Seeing their hands holding unto each other. They're not saying anything to each other but it seems that there's an understanding that comes between them.

It's already past midnight when MinHo take YoonA home. And it seems like they don't want to end it. MinHo park his car in front of the gate. And there's silence again.

"Thank you." MinHo said.

"Yeah." YoonA simply said. Trying to avoid looking at him. "Uhm..I got to go.."

YoonA is on the act of opening the door when MinHo stopped her.


Without saying a single word, MinHo kissed her. At first YoonA was too shocked to respond. It took her a couple of seconds to kissed him back. All the feelings they have for each other seems like to explode like fireworks. All those years that they're yearning for each other. 


The feeling of YoonA's lips on him is... "Heaven" is an understatement.. He can't even put the right words to describe it.. He cupped her face and kiss her like a thirsty soldier that hasfinally found his oasis.




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Micielo #1
Chapter 10: A happy ending woohoo!! Please make the sequel and another leeminho yoona fics!
tiarashinyoora #2
Chapter 10: yippii...happy ending..
good story..>.<
Chapter 10: Yey! a happy engding! thanks for making this great and sweet fic
Chapter 2: Haha i'm wrong it's seungri, but next to him is lee min ho :)

what's that past???.........
Chapter 1: hope it's lee min ho.............
Just discovered this minyoon fic......hope it's good^.^
Just discovered this minyoon fic......hope it's good^.^
PahouaXiong #8
cool! I love this drama.... u should write more yoona and leeminho stories!
PahouaXiong #9
so cute!
PahouaXiong #10
the second chapter is starting to make me feel sad would it be if i read the whole story?
love you leeminho and yoona