CHAPTER 4: Maybe This Time

Beautiful Trio Book TWO: YoonA's Love Story

"Something's bothering you." YuRi commented while looking at YoonA. Concern is all over her face for her dongsaeng. The three of them are having a snack at their favorite spot in their house. The little cabana that their father built for them since their high school days.

JooHyun also look at her YoonA Unnie. Trying to read what's bothering her.

"I'm fine, guys. This is nothing. Really." YoonA said. Trying to show a smile.

YuRi let out a sigh. "YoonA, I know that you're now an independent person. But you're still my little sister. Both you and JooHyun. And I can definitely feel when are you two happy or there's something is bothering you."

YoonA can't take it anymore. Keeping it all to herself seems like becomes too much for her.

"He's back." She simply said.

"Who?" YuRi asked. Then after looking at her face. "Minho?"


"When?" YuRi asked in a serious tone now.

"Yesterday, he went to my office. Asking for a second chance." She said.

"Would you?" JooHyun then asked.

She look at her two sisters. "I..I don't know. I really don't know anymore."

"You still love him, don't you?" YuRi asked.

"Yeah." She answered. There's no turning back now since she accepted that fact last night that she still and forever will be in love with him.

"Unnie, if you really still love him, you have to ask first yourself if it's worth to give both of you a second chance or it's not." JooHyun advised which surprised her and her YuRi Unnie. And when she realized what she said, she showed an embarrassed expression which amuse them.

"Wow, our maknae knows about love now huh?" YuRi Unnie commented. 

"I.. I just read it somewhere." JooHyun defended herself.

YuRi Unnie just give Maknae a smile. Then she look at her. "JooHyun is right, YoonA. If you think that it's worth to have a second chance of you together, go for it. Five years of seeing you just going with the flow. But it doesn't mean that I already forgive him for hurting you."

"He said that he have reasons for leaving five years ago."

"He said that? Well, he have a lot of explaining to do then." YuRi said.

YoonA let out a sighed. To be honest, she's scared. Scared of giving him a chance because she don't want to be hurt again or worst, if after giving him a chance and he'll hurt her again that she'll never will be the same again after. At the same time, she also wanted to hear what his reasons are for leaving her five years ago. She needed answers. Badly needed it. 



HyoYeon, SooYoung and her are busy getting all the needed preparations for the project they handled for a big company when her secretary told her that Minho is at the waiting area.

"Are you two back together?" SooYoung asked with concern and curiosity.

"No, we're not." She answered.

"Then what he's doing here?" HyoYeon asked with a serious expression.

She understands her best friends' reactions. They're the two people aside from her sisters who saw how much she was hurt five years ago. Who helped her get back to her feet again.

"I don't know. He's asking for a second chance." 

"Do you want to give him a second chance?" HyoYeon asked.

She look straight at her friends' eyes. Asking for support. "Yes." She simply said. "I badly needed answers." Maybe this time, their fairytale story will have a happy ending. She really hope so.

SooYoung then said. "Well, if that's what you think is right, we're here to support you. But if you get back together, he better be good this time or he'll be forever be leaving this planet!" 

That statement made her chuckle as well as touched. They are really her best friends! "Thank you. Thank you." She said then the three of them hug tight.

YoonA then went out to see him. She could hear her heart getting crazy anticipating of seeing him again. 

"Hi." She said to him.

"Hey. I...I just drop by to see you." Minho said when he stand up.

They're now face to face.  Looking at each other's eyes. Trying to read what their eyes are saying. 

"Oh I see. Okay." 

"Uhm.. Also...Also, can I invite you to lunch?" Minho asked. Then he seem to realized what he said. "If it's alright with you." He added.

She just look at his face. Memorizing every angle of it that she misses so badly for five years. When she realized that he's asking her for lunch. "Okay." She simply answered. Not giving him any hint that she like the idea.

Which made Minho gave out a utterly surprised expression. 

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Micielo #1
Chapter 10: A happy ending woohoo!! Please make the sequel and another leeminho yoona fics!
tiarashinyoora #2
Chapter 10: yippii...happy ending..
good story..>.<
Chapter 10: Yey! a happy engding! thanks for making this great and sweet fic
Chapter 2: Haha i'm wrong it's seungri, but next to him is lee min ho :)

what's that past???.........
Chapter 1: hope it's lee min ho.............
Just discovered this minyoon fic......hope it's good^.^
Just discovered this minyoon fic......hope it's good^.^
PahouaXiong #8
cool! I love this drama.... u should write more yoona and leeminho stories!
PahouaXiong #9
so cute!
PahouaXiong #10
the second chapter is starting to make me feel sad would it be if i read the whole story?
love you leeminho and yoona