Heart Attack

Baby It's A Wild World


"I’m in the midst of going crazy in the fantasy that seems just like reality"



Kyungsoo starts by setting up his easel in his usual corner, meticulously he places the art supplies he bought near him and arranges them on what we would need the most. He figures he might try charcoal today and move on to oils if he’s feeling confident.

Kyungsoo would call himself a master artist or even any good really, but painting is relaxing and it takes his mind off the previous night’s events.

Kris is looking at him with an amused expression, mouth quirked ever so slightly hinting at a smirk. The shorter boy stares back feeling a little peeved.

“What is it?”

“Aren’t you missing something?”

Kyungsoo furrows his brows, what is Kris talking about? He glances at his supplies once again, everything he needs is there.

“What do you mean?”

Kris just lets out a huff of breath that resembles a chuckle and walks towards the middle of the classroom, extending his arms to his sides, eyeing Kyungsoo with slanted eyes.

“A model.”

The doe eyed boy blushes and realizes with embarrassment that Kris is right. He was so distracted with setting himself up that he never realized there wasn’t anything to draw.

“Don’t worry though” Kris interrupts before Kyungsoo can sulk “You can draw me.”

And with that the taller boys drags a stool towards himself and sits on it confidently, body and back bending forward so he can put his weight on his thighs, his elbows resting comfortably on his knees and one hand reaches up to support his face loosely.

Normally Kyungsoo would laugh at such a bold and outlandish request, but Kris’s long legs and lean arms look so good under the lighting that the younger is at a loss for words. Instead he begins to  swiftly carve black lines on the sheet of paper in front of him.

Kris seems a little shocked that Kyungsoo went with it and started to draw him but he quickly settles into the pose and observes the younger male idly.

Kyungsoo figures he might not get another free pass to stare at Kris so thoroughly so swallowing back his shyness his eyes trace the taller mans figure. He watches the shadows deepen in the depths of his cheekbones, and trails his eyes over the bridge of his nose down onto pink slightly parted lips.

He finds himself staring at Kris’ lips a little too much and only looks away when a pink tongue darts out from a corner and slickens the bottom lip. The smaller male can feel his face grow hot and can practically feel the strength of Kris’ gaze on him.

Letting out a weak cough he refocused on his art piece once again. The bold black lines growing softer until they began to resemble the shape of a human. There were no details, but the outline was set and that should be enough for now.

A few minutes turned into an hour and eventually the constant twitching and repositioning from Kris let the shorter boy that the taller male was reaching his modeling limits. Although lasting as long as he did is already impressive to the shorter male so he drops his brush and motions to Kris.

“Let’s take a break”

The relief on the taller males face is easily noticed as he swiftly gets up from the chair and begins to stretch his arms above his head, shirt riding up to reveal a milky patch of skin. Kyungsoo makes an attempt to not look but he does anyway.

“What do I owe you?” The shorter male asks playfully, feeling a bit more confident with the older after spending quite a bit of time with him.

Kris looks at him with a vaguely amused gaze before his eyes slit slightly and he takes on a more predatory look. With a few long steps he’s in front of Kyungsoo and reaches a hand up towards his face.

The shorter boy’s breathe hitches as he feels Kris’ approach and a long thumb swiping a dab of paint off his cheek.

“How about a meal.” The other offers, voice low and suspiciously seductive.

Whatever confidence Kyungsoo had leaves his body as he can only reply with a reddend face and a shaky ok.

Sidestepping out of the tallers way, he head towards the door. The sound of heavy footsteps tracking behind him and strange enough instead of sounding unnerving they sound almost comforting.

Naturally they begin to walk side by side as Kyungsoo leads them towards the Cafeteria area, the silence between them is calm and the shorter male appreciates a breath of fresh air.

Halfway through the hallway a firm grip on his forearm stops Kyungsoo and he looks up curiously at Kris the owner of the hand. The older male gives him a playful smirk and tugs lightly on his arm.

“Actually, I’m thinking of having something a little different today. Follow me.”

Instead of waiting for a reply the older starts walking in a different direction, Kyungsoo awkwardly pulled at first but then hand loosens and travels down towards his wrist, a few fingers grazing the center of his palm.

Kris leads them through a series of doors and hallways until finally they’re in a part of the school that the shorter male knows students aren’t allowed.  When he tries to voice his concerns however Kris just brings a finger to his lips and gives him a wink, as if saying trust me

Part of Kyungsoo feels like this is a really really bad idea but another part thinks Kris is extremely charming and ultimately somewhere along the lines he stops being pulled by Kris and his hand finds itself holding Kris’ loosely.

Eventually the taller leads them towards what looks like a storage space, it’s dusty and covered in various furniture with sheets pulled over them. They stop in front of something that’s as tall as him and Kris unceremoniously brings a free hand to rip off the sheet.

In front of Kyungsoo is a full body mirror, it looks like a vintage antique with golden colored plating. Kris wipes away at a cobweb in the front and clears some of the dust. It’s still a bit blurry but the shorter can make out two figures in its reflection, their height difference is so obvious in the mirror that Kyungsoo can’t help but let out an amused snort.

“Are you showing this to make fun of my height?” Kyungsoo jokes, looking up at Kris with smile that the elder returns.

“I don’t need a mirror to do that.” Kris replies and pats the shorter boy’s head, before reaching out to touch the glass on the mirror.

Instead of hitting something solid it’s as if Kris’ fingers morphed into the mirror, the spot where his hand entered sends ripples through the glass and suddenly their reflection disappears.

Kyungsoo lets out a gasp and almost takes a step back but the older squeezes his hand gently to reassure him. The shorter watches amazed as in front of him the reflection changes to a buzzing city. Feeling an arm wrap around him the shorter boy hears Kris whisper a small. “Come.”

Together they enter the mirror.

They’re in an alleyway at first, its empty beside for them and immediately Kyungsoo knows he’s nowhere near the school. He can hear the noises of a city with car honks and a buzz of people in the distance. Even the smell of brick and rain further assures his thoughts.

“Where are we?” The shorter boy asks as Kris guides them down the alleyway and into a sidewalk. The buildings are clearer now and people pass by them uninterestedly.

Kris aims him a knowing smirk and entwines their fingers together naturally.



Turns out when Kris said Paris he meant Paris, as in, capital of France because holy hell is the Eiffel tower majestic in person.

The older male leads him into a quaint little café with an exceptional view of the tower. Taking a seat on the outside tables Kris called for one of the waiters.

Kyungsoo looked at the menu and felt a headache coming on, of course everything is in French yet he oddly still expected at least some recognizable language. Maybe he should leave the ordering to Kris, who seemed much more in his comfort zone than the shorter male.

“Uhh, just order me anything with noodles” Kyungsoo voiced, head peeking to look around the other tables to see some examples of what they were eating. He figured pasta was his safest bet and it would hopefully reduce the chances of his plate having anything weird on it, like snails.

Kris lets out a chuckle and once the waiter has reached their table he sets out in a spitfire of English, normally the younger might be able to catch some words here and there but they’re speaking so fast and everything is a little overwhelming and paris? really kris really?

Finally the conversation ends and it’s just them two once more.

The silence is almost borderline awkward so Kyungsoo attempts to make small talk, sharing some experiences at school and he even mentions the rumor about the beast (without giving him any hints he was attacked however). Kris acknowledges him and replies back opinionatedly. For a few more minutes they chat idly about whatever comes to mind until the waiter is back with two plates

As expected she sets down two bowls of spaghetti in front of them and Kyungsoo quietly thanks her.

Apparently Spaghetti in front of the Eiffel tower with french music in the background is about 100 times better because he is seriously considering taking some of this to go. He’s also a bit suspicious about what’s in their drinks because he has no idea why he’s feeling so giddy. Going even as far as to feed a bite of his own meal to Kris which the other, while surprised, still accepts the treat happily.

Their date, if it can even be called that goes along smoothly. They eat comfortably and then take a little tour around the area, Kris holding his hand the entire time and Kyungsoo doesn’t really find it in him to complain about it.

It’s more than a little weird the whole experience, but with the existence of magic the shorter knows that there’s really nothing that’s impossible anymore. Mirrors that transport you to another country, dragons, they all seem so suddenly common that it’s almost like being in another planet entirely.

Speaking of dragons however.

“How are we getting back?” Kyungsoo asks on their second walk around the tower, he’s seen as much of the metal and framework at this point as possible and there’s really nothing else keeping him here. France is awesome and all, but its way too spontaneous for Kyungsoo to truly enjoy, plus the piles of homework he has sitting on his desk doesn’t help either.

“Are you just going to fly us home?” He jokes, forgetting momentarily that Kris has never told him what he was, therefore the shorter accidentally revealed that he knew.

The blonde male stops in his tracks and effectively brings Kyungsoo to a halt as well. Kris looks down at him with a quirked eyebrow looking vaguely unamused.

“And what? Have you ride on my back like Chihiro with Haku in spirited away?”

Kyungsoo can’t suppress his laugh and looks away with a flushed face, that mental image though. Kris starts to lead them away from the square and Kyungsoo looks back after his giggle fit passed, he wondered what Kris even looked like as a dragon. Maybe like the ones in dragon ball, that would be kind of cool he supposes.

In the midst of his thoughts he realizes the other has lead them towards a white marbled fountain, the place is strangely abandoned besides them. It’s a huge fountain, with a statued man in the middle, the water is shiny and reflective as Kyungsoo peeks his head over the edge.

Kris reaches into his pocket and takes out a small vile, he pops off the lid and dumps the contents liberally into the fountain while the shorter male watches curiously.

After a few seconds the water starts bubbling slightly before calming revealing their reflections once more. Kris reaches one of his long fingers into the water and like before the image changes to that of the school.

Kyungsoo lets out a small gasp. The taller male looks at him through the corner of his eye.

“Do you want to try?”

Kyungsoo nods.

“Ok, gently dip your hand into the water and picture a place in your head. It has to be somewhere you’ve been before. So in our case, picture anywhere in the school.”

Kyungsoo follows the instructions and visualizes the art room, he closes his eyes and tires to bring to mind as much details about the room as he can. When he opens in front of him is a clear picture of the room.

“Good job!” Kris exclaims, looking proud and clapping Kyungsoo on the back.

“Now what?” The shorter asks, looking deep into the image.

“Now…” Kris starts and then in a fluid movement the hand touching Kyungsoo’s back pushes him into the water, the taller male following soon after.

Kyungsoo lets out a small yelp and lands on his knees on a hard wooden floor. Next to him a blond giant ungracefully lands on his stomach. The shorter male snickers, that’s what he gets.

Looks like their finally back on school grounds and Kyungsoo sighs as he picks himself up off the ground. Lending Kris a hand to help him stand too.

From the corner of his eye he spots the unfinished canvas and then looks back at Kris who’s already sat down on the stool once more.

Briefly Kyungsoo checks his watch and realizes they hadn’t spent more than an hour away and he still has time to finish the painting. He lets out a laugh at how absurd the situation is, that no one but him and Kris would know that they ditched the school to go hang out in Paris. His life is crazy, Kris is crazy.

Kyungsoo aims a smile at the taller male, there’s never really a dull moment with him is there.



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Super Krisoo heavy chapter! But for all the kaisoo shippers i've been making wait, worry not! they'll have their moment soon enought hehe

Also, tons of thank you's for subscribing and upvoting. I read each and every comment even if i dont always reply to them <333 So thank you guys for them you're all darlings.



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Hey guys! I'm really sorry for the lack of updates! Just wanted to let you know this story is NOT abandoned, im working on it slowly but surely.


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staceygwen #1
Chapter 13: Is it just me but is Xuimin not told at all?? Did I miss it perhaps?? Either way great story Author-nim, wish we could have a Sequel.
BellaAriana #2
Chapter 13: I really enjoy this story. I hope you can make sequel.
Chapter 13: That is a really well written story, I really enjoyed reading it :) the ending felt a bit rushed though, but I hope to be able to read more of your stories in the future.
This is left me hanging but yet give me the best impression and such a super cool idea of u omg thank u so much for spending your precious time to write this author nim!
Xiomaraj13 #5
Chapter 13: Great story!! One of my favorites can't wait to see what you come up with in the future
inkanara #6
Chapter 13: Hi, author-nim. I'm new here. I really love this story. Can you make a sequel?? I want more Chansoo..
Chapter 13: are u going to do a sequel??? cause this story is so good!!!
sweetlovers #8
Chapter 13: Noooooooooooooooooo:'((