Chapter 2

Childhood Rewind

I scowled as I waited in front of the mall. Where is he? He's late! I don't even want to be here and he's late! It was the day of my date, and my mother had taken it upon herself to dress me up. I ended up wearing a maroon blouse with a black skirt and gray cardigan. I uncomfortably tugged at the ends of my skirt. Curse my mother. I thought back to after she had told me about the date and I had grudgingly accepted that there was no way I was getting out of it. 


I lay on my bed and waited for the person on the other end of the phone to pick up.

"Yoboseiyo?" A voice said.

"CHANNIE! YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED!" I wailed into the phone. Gong Chan, or Channie as I like to call him, is my best friend. I've known him since I first moved to Korea and we're as close as siblings. I think of him as my own brother.

"Jinyi, calm down! What happened?" 

"My mom, she...she...."

"Your mom, she...?"

"SHE SET ME UP ON A DATE!" I groaned. There was silence on the other line.

"Jinyi, that's a really bad joke."

"I'm not joking!"

"So your mom actually set you up on a date?" I could tell Gong Chan was shocked.


"Auntie did?! With who?!" Now Gong Chan was starting to yell.

"With this one guy who was a childhood friend! I haven't seen him in years and she wants me to just go on a date with him! Channie, why is my mom like this? I hate my life."

"Shh, it's okay. It's just a date anyways. You have to tell me what happens!" He comforted me. I smiled and nodded. Gong Chan always made me feel better.

--End of Flashback--

I tapped my feet impatiently and scowled again. That . Late. This day already . A voice interrupted my thoughts.

"E-excuse me? Jinyi? Is that you?" I raised my head and my eyes widened in shock.

"L-Luhan?!" I stared at the tall boy in front of me. Big brown deer eyes, small lips, it really was him! Luhan, my first love. We had been school classmates back in China, but I didn't remember him being so....tall. Or handsome. Had he always been that good looking?

"Jinyi! It really is you! You remember me, right? Luhan? Your classmate?" Luhan smiled. Wow, he's so cute. I realized he had asked me a question and quickly stuttered.

"Uh, uh, yeah! Of course I remember you! So, uh, what are you doing in Korea?" 

"I'm training to be a Kpop idol!" My eyes widened in surprise. Well, with those looks, he definitely could be one. But wait, where have I heard those words recently? At that moment, someone coughed, and the two of us looked up.

"Luhan, 'sup." 

"Lay! What are you doing here?" I frowned. Lay? Who's that?

"Yeah, um, this aunty, she kind of set me up on a date with her daughter."  My head snapped up in shock. Lay? But my date's name is...Zhang Yixing. It's not him right?

"Oh, what's her name?" Luhan asked.

"Jinyi. He Jingyi." I closed my eyes. It is him. 




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