Chapter 7

Childhood Rewind

I walk into the classroom with my bag and plop down in my seat next to Dongmei. Dongmei leans forward conspiratorially. "Hey, Jingyi." She whispers. "I heard we're getting a transfer student today." My eyes widen with curiosity. 

"Transfer student? Boy or girl?" I ask. Dongmei shrugs. Just then, one of my female classmates bursts into the room.

"Guys! We've got a transfer student! And it's a cute boy~" She squeals. All the girls immediately stand up and surround her, asking for more information. I roll my eyes. All this fuss over one boy. At that moment, the bell rings and everyone scrambles for their seats. We sit up expectantly when the teacher walks into the room, waiting for the announcement of the transfer student.

"Okay class! Listen up! Today, we have a new student joining us. He transferred from Beijing, so be nice to him." The teacher drones. I tune him out and twirl my pencils between my fingers. Yeah, yeah, just let him come in and introduce himself already. "Luhan, come on in!" So his name's Luhan. The door slides open, and I hear light footsteps. Looking up, my jaw drops in surprise and the pencil I'm twirling flies to the floor. That's a boy? No way. He's way too pretty to be one. All the girls are already squealing over his 'beauty'. I have to admit, I am too. After his introduction, which I completely don't notice, he passes my desk and bends down. Retrieving my pencil, he stands up, hands it to me with a brilliant smile, and my heart suddenly gives a thump. I lower my head a bit in thanks and watch him continue to the back of the room. This transfer student is a lot better than I thought he would be.


"Jingyi! Wake up--you have school!" My mother's voice shrills from outside the door. I lazily open one eye, then droop it closed. "Get up, young lady! Don't make me drag you out of bed!"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming!" I sleepily reply, pulling myself out from other the nice warm blankets. Suddenly, I remember the forehead kiss Luhan gave me last night and I'm immediately awake. With a natural blush as a bonus. I think back to my dream, where I first met Luhan. I bite back a smile as I recall the heart-stopping smile he gave me. Lady killer then, lady killer now. 

Fifteen minutes later, I'm walking into the classroom when a loud yell stops me.

"YAH! HE JINGYI! EXPLAIN YOURSELF!" I smile and turn towards the speaker.

"What's the problem, Channie?" I tease.

"YOU NEVER TOLD ME WHAT HAPPENED ON YOUR DATE!" He shrieks. I cringe as the other people in the classroom turn their eyes towars me.

"Jingyi-ah, you went on a date? Tell me everything!" One of my classmates, a girl named Ga-yun, squeals. I shoot a you're in for it glance at Gongchan and turn back to Ga-yun with a fake smile.I hate nosy people like her. 

"Ahaha,what are you talking about? I didn't go on a date! Look at me, who would go on a date with me?" I quickly cover. She narrows her eyes at me but accepts the fact that I'm undateable. She could have at least denied that I'm unattractive. Jeez. 

I sit in front of Channie's desk. "Yah! Channie! What's wrong with you? Why'd you scream it out for the whole world, huh?" I flick his forehead and he scowls at me.

"Well, maybe I would have been quieter, if you had just called me right after the date with the details like I told you to!" Channie snaps and flicks my forehead in return. I wince, then blush as I remember the previous night's events. Channie catches my blush and his eyes twinkle. He points at me accusingly. "Jingyi! Something big happened huh? Tell me everything! Did he kiss you? Or did you guys know?"

I choke. "Channie! What's wrong with you! No, we did not, omigod. Stop thinking dirty thoughts, you ahjussi! And we didn't kiss. He just..." I blush. "He just kissed me on the forehead, that's all." Gongchan's eyes popped. 

"The first date and he already kissed you on the forehead?! Who is this guy? I haven't even approved of him yet. As your best friend and unofficial brother, you must have this childhood friend meet me!" Gongchan demanded. I laugh. "Yah! I'm serious here you know! Anyone wants to date you, they go through me!" 

At that moment, the bell rings and the teacher walks in. The class immediately quiets down. Mr. Kim looked around the classroom. "Hello class, I'm pleased to announce that we have two new transfer students coming in today." My eyes widen. Two? That's a first. I look curiously as the two new students step into the classroom. Huh, they're both boys...that look eerily familiar. Suddenly I gasp.

"Luhan?! Lay?!" They're the transfer students?

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