Chapter 4

Childhood Rewind

"Hey, let's play hide-and-seek." My best friend, Dongmei, giggled.

"Sure." I reply, then turn to Yixing and his friend, Huiliang. "You guys want to play?" They look at each other, shrug, and nod their heads.

"Great. Who's it?" I ask. All of them point at me, and I scowl. Suddenly, I spot something in my peripheral vision and look up, giving a loud gasp. Shrieking, I stand up and run out of the room. The others follow me, confused. "MOSQUITO! There's a big mosquito in that room!" Dongmei squeals and Huiliang, acting quickly, slams the door closed so that the mosquito can't follow us into the hallway. I sigh, relieved, then scowl at Yixing, who looks like he's trying really hard not to laugh.

"Okay, now that the mosquito's out of the way, let's play. Jingyi, you're it!" I frown, but turn to the wall and start counting. 

"1...2...3...4..." I can hear the others whispering and scattering, searching for a hiding spot. "...100! Ready or not, here I come!" I call as I walk into one room and peer into the closet. Yixing's eyes blink at me from within. "Found you!" I crow gleefully. "You have to help me search now." He shrugs and follows me. Together, the two of us quickly find Huiliang crouching behind the curtains. After searching the whole house except for the mosquito room, I stare at the closed door and gulp. Yixing looks at me.

"Let's go in together." He suggests. I exhale in relief and look gratefully at him. Together, we creep up to the door and quietly creak it open. The room appears to be mosquito-free, and I hesitantly follow Yixing into the room. We look in the closet and see Dongmei sitting there and smiling.

"Found you." I say, then ask, amazed," Why did you hide in there?! Weren't you scared of the mosquito?" 

Dongmei beams and explains. "I figured this would be the last place you'd check. Besides, the mosquito's gone. So did I win?" I laugh and turn to Yixing, but he's already walking out of the room. 

"Hey! Where are you going? It's your turn to be it!" I yell. He turns and looks at me.

"I don't want to play anymore." I glare at him. 

"Fine! We'll have fun without you!" I yell. He shrugs and walks into the kitchen.


I open my eyes and look around my room. Daylight streams in through the window, and I recall the dream I had. It had been the summer before my family had moved away to Korea. Shaking my head, I yawn and get up. No use recalling memories of a place I'm never going back to. As I walk out of my room and head for the bathroom, I hear unfamiliar voices from downstairs. Frowning, I head for the kitchen.

"Mom? Do we have guests?" I poke my head into the room. She looks up from where she's sitting with a couple strangers at the table.

"Omo, Jingyi, you're awake! Look who came to visit you!" I take a closer look at the strangers, then stop on Lay. Well, what do you know. He gives me a polite smile, and I smile back in return. Turning my attention to the other two boys, I look curiously at them. One is short, with puffy cheeks and a bright smile. He looks like a baozi. A steamed baozi. The other one is taller, with piercing eyes and dark eye bags. Wow, who's he? I step into the kitchen, but my mother's gasp stops me. "Jingyi! You're still in your pajamas! Quick, go upstairs and get dressed. You need to look good for your outing!" Outing? What outing? I'm about to open my mouth to ask but something in my mom's glare stops me, and I quickly back out of the room and run upstairs. Whatever. I'll find out later. I pick out a big sweater and throw it on over a pair of leggings. 

"Mom, I'm back. What outing?" She rushes over to me.

"Yixing here has offered to take you out to a movie with his friends! Have fun!" She shoves some money into my hand then pushes me out the door, where Lay and his friends are waiting. 

"Mom? Wait, what? Mom!" She waves and slams the door closed. I roll my eyes and turn grumpily back to Lay. "Let's go." I sigh.


At the movie theater, I follow Lay and his friends, whose names I still don't know. "Uh, Lay. Aren't you going to introduce me?" I pointedly remind him.

"Oh, right. The one who looks like a baozi is Xiumin and the one with the dark eye bags is Zitao, or Tao. By the way, Xiumin's already in university. Xiumin, Tao, this is Jingyi, a childhood friend." I look at the baozi boy, surprised. He smiles at me, his eyes lighting up and I suppress a smile. He's so cute. Like a little boy. Is he really older? I open my mouth to ask Xiumin a question, but I'm interrupted when Lay suddenly raises a hand.

"Hey, Kris!" I look up and see a trio of boys standing in front of us. Lay seems to know them, as he's hi-fiving the boy named "Kris". I scan the group and stop on a familiar face. 

"Luhan!" He smiles at me. "What're you doing here?"

"Lay invited me to watch a movie. What are you doing here?" My mouth rounds in surprise and I turn towards Lay, who winks at me. Oh, right. He thinks I like Luhan. Well, I mean, I do. Or I used to. Do I still like him...? Whatever. I'm about to say something when a voice interrupts.

"Lay! Who's this?" My eyes snap to the speaker. His eyes are friendly and his lips naturally curve up at the corners. When he catches me looking at him, he smiles, and I can't help but smile back.

Lay glances at me. "Guys, this is Jingyi. Jingyi, the tall boy with blonde hair is Kris. He's also in university. Chen is the guy with smiling lips. And you've already met Luhan. We're all trainees under SM and we go by Exo-M. There's another group that we're friends with, and they're called Exo-K. Together, we're Exo." All six of them smile at me, Luhan especially. I blush and smile back.

"So what movie are we watching?" Kris's deep voice asks. Lay looks at me.

"Have you got a preference?" I shrug. 

"Anything's fine." He nods and, with the members, picks out an action movie. Just by looking at the poster, I can tell that there'll be a lot of gunfighting and, of course, speeding cars. We pay for our tickets and popcorn, then file into the theater. I end up sitting between Lay and Luhan, and I lean back in my seat and inwardly sigh as the movie starts. This'll be a long two hours. I should've known they'd pick an action movie.


Lay's POV

I'm staring at the screen, taking in the intense fighting scene between the main character and the gangsters. Besides me, Jingyi slumps down, then tips to the side, landing on my shoulder. I look at her. Fast asleep. I knew she'd fall asleep. Suddenly, I get an idea in my head. With a smirk, I shove her, and she lurches away from my shoulder and lands on Luhan's. Luhan looks at her, then at me, and I pretend to be engrossed in the movie. Shrugging, Luhan settles back into his seat and lets her head remain on his shoulder. My smirk gets wider. Oho. Does he like her too? She'll be grateful when she wakes up.


Jingyi's POV

Loud music playing wakes me up. Who's playing loud music in my room? Drowsily, I raise my head from my pillow. Wait a minute. This isn't my room. Then---My eyes widen in shock as I realize that I had been using Luhan's shoulder as a pillow. He's looking at me with a smile playing across his lips, and I'm thankful for the darkness of the theater so that he won't realize I'm blushing madly. "Sorry." I whisper. Luhan smiles.

"It's alright." He whispers back. Still blushing, I settle back in my seat and try to enjoy the rest of the movie when I hear a muffled laugh on my other side. Whipping my head around, I see Lay covering his mouth and trying not to laugh. Is the movie that funny? I look at the screen, which is showing a funeral scene. Why is he laughing at this? I look at him again, only to find him looking at me.

"Did you enjoy your little sleep?" He whispers. "Luhan's shoulder must be comfortable." I glare at him.

"Yeah, it was comfortable. What's it to you?" I snap back, annoyed. 

"You should thank me. I shoved your head to his shoulder when you fell asleep. Otherwise you'd be using me as a pillow." He whispers and his eyes glint mischieviously. I gasp and stare at him. He smirks and turns his head to watch the movie. With a glare, I turn back to the movie as well. Jerk. 

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