Chapter 9

Childhood Rewind

I gazed at my desk while the rest of my classmates looked at me and whispered. Eunmi looked at me and smirked. It's her, isn't it? She did it. I was about to go slap her in the face when Lay suddenly pushed me behind him. As he passed by, I looked at his face and was startled. He was furious. 

"Who did this?" He asked calmly, yet ominously. The class' whispers stopped and they stared at him. Eunmi's smirk fell off her face, and she assumed a blank expression. Lay scanned the room and narrowed his eyes at her. "It was you, wasn't it?" She gulped a bit, and shook her head no. Liar. "Ah ah, it doesn't matter anyways. Moreover, I'd like to ask you this: what did Jingyi do to deserve this? Hmm?"

No reply. Lay scowled and continued.

"It seems like she didn't do anything...except be friends with Luhan and me. Well, for your information, we're old friends and have known each other for years. By doing anything to her, you're doing something to us. And we'll take action against you. Understand?"



Shocked, I stared at him. Lay...are you okay? You're scaring me. The class jumped at his shout.

"Yes." They muttered. Lay nodded and walked towards his desk, glaring at everyone in his way. I turned to Luhan.

"Is he usually like this?" I murmured. Luhan shook his head no, looking as confused as I felt. 

"No, never. He's usually the quiet one who ignores everyone else. This is the first time I've seen him so animated, besides when he dances." He replied. Dancing makes him animated? Hmm. I'd like to see that. Suddenly, Gongchan's head popped into view.

"Hey Jingyi, I know you might be a little shocked after that incident just now, but we need to clean your desk. I'm going to go get some paper towels and soap, so tell the teacher for me, 'kay?" I smiled at him and nodded my head. He grinned back, reached forward, and mussed up my hair. "Don't let it get to you, alright? Sis." I got it, bro


Lay's POV

Everything is a red haze around me. I'm angry, so angry I really would like to punch something. What's wrong with me? I'll tell you what's wrong. Jingyi's being bullied. Because of Luhan. Because of me

I look at Jingyi, who's simply staring at her desk, her neck tense. Some movement catches my eye and I realize she's slowly curled her hands into fists. The sight makes me want to explode, and before I know it, I'm moving forward.

"Who did this?" My voice is quiet, but it's loaded with anger. I can't seem to stop my anger from seeping out. As I examine all the faces in the shocked classroom, my eyes fall on one girl. She quickly drops her slight smirk and rearranges her face into a blank expression. She's the one who had to change her seat earlier. She did it. For sure. But the others...they were probably in on it. No way no one noticed her scrawling a big fat insult on someone's desk. 

"It was you, wasn't it?" I ask. She gulps, and I stare at her face. She's pretty, but not nearly as pretty as Jingyi. Her face, while elegant, doesn't match up to the beautiful face Jingyi has. Not that I noticed or anything. When this girl shakes her head, I scowl and turn to address the class. I dislike liars. 

"Ah ah, it doesn't matter anyways. Moreover, I'd like to ask you, what did Jingyi do to deserve this? Hmm?" I'm angry. Angry at the girl for insulting Jingyi. Angry at the class for not stepping up and confessing the culprit. Angry at myself for letting this happen. What is this feeling?  My mind conjures up Jingyi's face. As soon as it does, my urge to protect her grows even stronger. No. Oh no. This isn't happening. Not again. 

I am NOT in love with Jingyi. 

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