Chapter 6

Childhood Rewind

I smiled as I walked, slowly and comfortably, with Luhan. It was starting to get dark, and the clouds in the sky were illuminated a pale, pretty pink as the sun sank. The atmosphere was calm, peaceful, and totally romantic. Our hands were still clasped, but I no longer paid it any attention. Talking with Luhan was soothing, and he made me laugh a lot. It vaguely reminded me of how Channie and I talked, but there was a little something more. I definitely didn't view him as a brother, unlike Channie. Finally, we reached the gate in front of my house.

"Today was fun," Luhan smiled. I beam in return and nodded my head.

"We should do it again sometime. We should hang out more often, oppa." I laugh. I want to see him again. 

"Yes, definitely. Hey, what's your number? I'll text you next time I have a day off or something." Luhan reaches into his pocket and pulls out a phone. Iphone 5s. Fancy. In turn, I take my iPhone 4s out of my bag. The two of us exchange phone numbers and I can't help but let a goofy grin sit on my face. He'll be like the first guy I've ever texted besides Channie. "Alright, I'll see you soon!" Luhan gives me a wink and begins to go with a small smile. Aww. Leaving already? "Oh! I almost forgot." Luhan abruptly turns back around and begins walking towards me. Startled, I stand there silently as he gets closer...and closer...and closer. We're standing with our faces almost 1 inch apart, and I can do nothing but freeze. Is he going to kiss me? W-wait, I'm not ready...I squeeze my eyes shut as Luhan bends down, slowly, tantalizingly. I could feel his breath coolly flowing over my forehead. Then, suddenly, something soft presses against my forehead. My eyes snap open. 

Too soon, he straightens up. When he sees my blush, he smirks a bit, but I can see that he's blushing too. "W-well, see you soon!" He stammers and quickly turns and walk away. Still stunned, I stand there and gaze at his retreating back, a huge smile on my face. Slowly, my hand reaches up to touch the exact spot his lips touched my skin. Another five minutes pass before I finally turn around and step inside. 


Luhan's POV

Omo. I did it. I really kissed her on the forehead! I wonder what she's thinking right now. I hope she doesn't hate me...My thoughts are swirling out of control as I walk back to the dorm. When I step inside, all the members greet me. 

"Yo, Luhan." Kris says, not looking up from his magazine.

"Yo, Duizhang."

"Hey Luhan! I saw you holding hands with Jingyi! You better not hurt her!" Chen yells, a smile lighting up his face. At the mention of Jingyi, I stiffen and my face flushes a deep red.

"Hey hey guys, did you see that? When Chen said Jingyi, Luhan turned pink! Wow, Luhan, what'd you do?" Xiumin grins. Lay fixes his steady eyes on me.

"I...kissed her..." I mutter.

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Tao chokes on his own saliva. "YOU DID WHAT TO JINGYI NOONA?" I don't answer him, because Lay has lasered me with a piercing glare. I suddenly feel the need to explain myself fully.

"Not on the lips!" I spit out. "I kissed her on the forehead! Honest!" To my relief, Lay's eyes have stopped shooting me, but they still seem pretty scary to me. If looks could kill...I shudder a bit and head for my room.

"You're not eating dinner?" Chen calls.

"Not hungry." I reply and duck inside my room. 

"Heh, he's full from kissing Jingyi." Xiumin smirks. Chen and Tao groan in disgust, while Kris just ignores everything as always. 

That's not true. I'm not hungry, but it's not because of Jingyi. It's because a strand of uneasiness has wormed itself into my belly. Lay...does he like Jingyi? What was up with that look just now? 

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